Sun Ce hurried forward to meet him, Zhao Yun and Lu Bu chased not far away, and finally stopped when they saw the reinforcements from the other side arriving.

Lu Bu laughed proudly: "Hahahaha! Jingzhou rats, your majesty's plan! If you dare to leave the city again, I will kill you all!"

After speaking, he led the army away, leaving only Sun Ce standing in the rain with a livid face.

It was not until a while before Zhou Yu stepped forward and quietly reminded: "Your Majesty, do you think you still have to march?"

Hearing Zhou Yu's words, Sun Ce blushed instantly, and immediately remembered the other party's previous reminder.

Therefore, Sun Ce had no choice but to hide his face and said in shame: "I regret not listening to Gong Jin's words, only to have this defeat, so that I have no face to face all the soldiers!"

Zhou Yu had no choice but to comfort him in a soft voice: "Your Majesty, don't blame yourself, even though it didn't work this time, it also tested the opponent's details.

Since Liu Ke wants to spend it here, then we just have to accompany him.

In Jingzhou, are you afraid that they will fail? "

After Zhou Yu's enlightenment, Sun Ce's face finally changed.

He couldn't help being arrogant and said: "Gong Jin's words are just in line with Gu's intention! Then Gu will make Nanyang the place where Liu Ke will be buried!"

Since then, the transfer of Liu Ke's army has never been disturbed by Sun Ce.

They finally moved away from the Feishui in batches to avoid the flood after the flood of the Feishui.

And this time defeating Sun Ce's sneak attack plot in one fell swoop was also due to Liu Ke's ingenious calculations, so the soldiers admired him even more.

Liu Ke waved his hands reservedly, attributing all the credit to the bravery of the soldiers, and he was never greedy for credit.

On the contrary, this behavior made everyone admire him even more, and wished they could repay their kindness in a heart-to-heart manner.

During the process of the army's migration, Liu Ke's mind flashed a flash of light, as if he had thought of something, but it was not clear yet.

He immediately summoned his counselors to discuss.

"My dear friends, I see the water is rising, and I have thought of a plan, but I am still immature, so I would like to invite you to discuss it!"

The counselors in front of him are all resourceful and resourceful. They were limited by the original routine before, and they may not have thought of it.

But when Liu Ke suddenly pointed it out, the eyes of the people under the tent instantly lit up.

Zhuge Liang was the first to speak.

"Your Majesty, do you want to use the power of the clear water to break through the city?"

And Jia Xu clapped his palms and said with a smile: "Hahahaha, your majesty's words really clear the clouds and see the fog!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

All the counselors were quick-minded, and they all understood Liu Ke's thoughts at this moment.

Jia Xu smiled and continued: "Your Majesty, as far as I can see, we only need to build a dam upstream of Wancheng.

If the river is intercepted, with the current torrential rain, water more than ten feet high can be stored upstream within three to five days.

When the time comes, the dikes will be dug open, and the flood will pour down instantly, turning dozens of miles around into a swamp country.

Wancheng will immediately flood Jinshan. No matter how strong its city wall is, it will inevitably become decayed after a period of soaking.

At that time, if our army suddenly launches an attack, the enemy army will be defeated, and Sun Ce will surely become a fish in your majesty's net. "

In fact, Liu Ke didn't think of the idea of ​​flooding at first, until Zhang Liao, who was originally stationed there, had to move when he saw the water rising.

Only then did he finally infer other things from one instance, and came up with the idea of ​​using the power of water to destroy the city wall.

After he proposed this idea, all the counselors under his command were awakened, and immediately offered advice with your words and mine.

After a while, a plan to flood Wancheng took shape.

However, it is not so simple to implement the strategy of water attack.

First of all, the most critical point is to determine the surrounding highlands, otherwise it is very likely to suffer.

Secondly, it is necessary to choose the location of the embankment to build the embankment, in case the water has not been accumulated, the flood will overflow the embankment, which will only increase the consumption.

The most important point is that Liu Ke must make sufficient preparations in advance.

If the strategy of attacking by water is [-]%, the country will be formed within a radius of several tens of miles. At that time, marching will not be as convenient as before, and you must rely on boats.

Therefore, after the counselors continued to supplement and perfect this plan, Liu Ke finally started to arrange it.

This time, he decided to go to the site to check the terrain himself.

Together with Liu Ke, there are Zhao Yun, Zhuge Liang, Jia Xu and others.

Everyone braved the rain and made a circle around Wancheng, and rushed upstream.

The movement here was immediately spotted by the defenders above Wancheng.

However, with the lessons learned from last time, Sun Ce never dared to fight lightly, and could only watch the opponent go far away.

Liu Ke and others set off from Zheshan in the south of Wancheng, and rushed to a hill ten miles north of Wancheng without stopping.

This mountain is called Dushan, as the name suggests, because there is only this lonely mountain in the surrounding environment of flat land.

However, its height is more than [-] meters, and the terrain is obviously higher than the surrounding area, just enough to accommodate Liu Ke's army to avoid the flood here.

Liu Ke was quite satisfied with this location, and then came to the bank of the Weishui River in the east of Dushan Mountain.

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