In fact, according to the original direction of the water, it should be directly downward, and you will reach Wancheng.

It's just that there is a sudden turn at this position, which is in the shape of a few characters, and it just goes around from the east of Wancheng.

Although the direction of the river is affected by the terrain, it's just that the rainstorm is continuous now, and the water surface is not far from the ground.

Therefore, Zhuge Liang asserted that as long as the dam is built at the corner, an opening will be dug from the west of the dam at that time.

The flood will surely rush straight to Wancheng, and the plan to flood Wancheng will immediately succeed.

Hearing such words, Liu Ke was overjoyed, and he began to give orders on the spot.

"Kong Ming, you will implement this plan yourself, and I will mobilize three thousand warriors, and you will direct the construction of the embankment.

Wenhe, don't be idle, I order you to supervise the construction of ships and prepare for the follow-up attack.

Zilong, you immediately return to the camp with my letter, and transfer all the garrisons to Dushan.

In addition, inform Xingba and Gongji to lead all the naval forces to go up the Fei River and come here to join me! "

Liu Ke has always been decisive in doing things, as long as the decision is made, it is natural to do it.

Therefore, with a few words, all the things to be arranged were finished.

However, this is also due to Liu Ke's advisers, who have supplemented and perfected all the details to be considered long before the plan was implemented.

The mobilization of the army was naturally huge, and the defenders on the top of the city rushed to report.

When Sun Ce heard this, his face became more serious.

"Is Liu Ke planning to attack the city in heavy rain?"

Therefore, he hurried to the top of the city in person, mobilized the defenders to be on guard, and responded to Liu Ke's attack at any time.

However, what happened next made Sun Ce even more confused.

I saw troops passing by outside the city one after another, but none of them came within three miles of the city.

As if in their eyes, this majestic Wancheng didn't seem to exist, they all passed by and headed north.

Such a scene is really suspicious.

Let alone Sun Ce, even Zhou Yu couldn't help frowning.

"Is Liu Ke really going to withdraw his troops and go north?"

No wonder Zhou Yu thought so. After all, he went north from Wancheng, passed Bowang, passed Duyang, and then went northeast to Yingchuan County controlled by Liu Ke.

If Liu Ke retreated through this route, it would make sense.

In this case, the previous transfer of troops can also be explained.

They just wanted to attract Sun Ce first, and then give him a head-on blow so that he wouldn't dare to move out again, so they could retreat safely.

However, Zhou Yu still couldn't believe that this was all Liu Ke's plan.

In his heart, Liu Ke is proud and arrogant, and he will definitely not return home easily.

Therefore, Zhou Yu was not as relaxed as others, but said solemnly: "Your Majesty, Liu Ke must have a conspiracy to go north in the rain.

In Yichen's opinion, it's better not to relax yet, it's best to send someone to follow him all the way to detect his movements.

At least until Liu Ke's army arrived at Bowang, fifty miles away, to be sure that he had retired.

As long as Liu Ke is not like this, it must mean that the other party is planning some kind of conspiracy that is not good for our army! "

After the lesson from last time, Sun Ce also figured it out.

Zhou Yu is far inferior to himself in terms of killing the enemy on the field, but in terms of strategizing, how far behind him is he?

Therefore, he listened to Zhou Yu's opinion very modestly.

"What Gong Jin said is true! Now, Zilie, I order you to choose ten clever scouts to follow Liu Ke's army all the way.

Investigate its movements along the way, if there is any abnormality, be sure to report it as soon as possible! "

Chen Wu heard the order, and immediately went down the city wall to arrange the matter.

After a while, more than ten Qingqi left the city, including Chen Wu himself.

He had suffered several losses in Liu Ke's hands, so he did not hesitate to take risks and went to investigate in person.

From Zheshan, bypassing Wancheng and rushing to Dushan, there is a distance of thirty li.

The army set off early in the morning, but due to heavy rain and mud, they finally arrived in the evening.

Immediately afterward, camps were set up on higher ground.

Chen Wu was not surprised when he saw this, after all, it was getting late and it was not safe to continue marching.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Seeing Liu Ke's army camped on Dushan, Chen Wu also found a secret place to rest for the night.

In the early morning of the next day, the torrential rain that had rained all night finally showed signs of abating.

But at the hour of Chen, Liu Ke's army still showed no signs of rising.

This made Chen Wu puzzled.

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