It's just that he has returned to Liu Ke, so he can't be punished temporarily, but Cai Mao lives in Xiangyang for a long time, and his tree has deep roots.

It is necessary to investigate carefully and wipe out all his accomplices, so as to prevent us from suddenly falling into turmoil in the rear when we are fighting Liu Ke at the front! "

When Sun Quan heard this, his heart moved, and he immediately ordered Zhang Fen to carry it out.

However, at the critical moment, Zhou Yu finally stopped him.

"Wait a minute, Mr. Ming. It is true that Cai Mao and Zhang Yun joined the enemy. However, the Cai family has run Jingzhou for many years, and their forces are deeply rooted.

Pull one hair and move the whole body, if you are a little careless, you will burn yourself instead.

Moreover, the Cai family had intermarried with the Ma, Huang, Kuai, Pang and other big families for generations, and their relationship was very close. If they were moved, other families would inevitably die.

Maybe it will attract a strong backlash from the Jingzhou faction, and if that happens, we will be defeated without a fight!

In my opinion, this matter should be dealt with in a low-key manner.This is also good to appease other people's hearts. "

After Sun Quan heard Zhou Yu's explanation, he had no choice but to change his mind and not pursue it anymore.

After that, regardless of easing up, Zhang Fenping was pushed back, and he directly dragged Zhou Yu to discuss the matter of his Hanshui defense line.

Although Xiangyang and Fancheng face each other across the water, the Han River is actually five miles wide, which is not a short distance.

The original plan was for the two cities to fight against Liu Ke's army.

But once Fancheng was lost, only Xiangyang was left with a lone tree, so they could only deploy defenses along the Han River.

Therefore, after discussing with Zhou Yu, Sun Quan piled up all the troops in his hands along the Han River.

A defense line with a length of forty miles was set up to make the defense of the south bank of the Han River impenetrable.

Sun Quan was still worried about this, and he ordered craftsmen to rush to make the iron chain overnight, and the iron cone sank in the Han River.

Under the obstruction of ferrite and iron cones, it will be difficult for enemy ships to pass through.

Even if it is to be forced to pass, these obstacles can only be cleared first.

But when the opponent cleans up, he can attack directly.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Sun Quan's speed was very fast, and within a few days he managed the defense line on the other side to be airtight.

At this moment, Liu Ke has just collected all the soldiers and horses of Cai Mao who surrendered.

Hearing that Sun Quan had done so well, he finally couldn't bear it anymore.

Liu Ke sat in the town hall and shouted: "Sun Quan's son is trying to fight against the heavenly army in vain! It seems that if I don't teach him a lesson, he doesn't know my strength.

Which of the generals would dare to go with me to teach each other a lesson? "

Before Liu Ke finished speaking, Zhang Yun came out more and more.

"Your Majesty, Zhang Yun is willing to go!"

Zhang Yun volunteered, instantly making Liu Ke nod very satisfied.

On the contrary, Cai Mao couldn't help frowning when he saw this, he didn't expect the other party to be so proactive.

In fact, it was also because after Zhang Yun returned to obedience, he was envious of Cai Zhong's treatment.

Cai Zhong first confessed the arrangement of the army, and then went to Fancheng single-handedly to persuade him to surrender, and made a lot of contributions.

Therefore, his status has also risen rapidly. Now his military rank is at the same level as Zhang Yun's, but his title is even higher than Zhang Yun's.

You know, in Zhang Yun's eyes, Cai Zhong was originally just a nepotism.

At this moment, it actually climbed onto his own head, how could he bear it.

So as soon as he saw an opportunity, he immediately took the initiative to seize it, hoping to take the opportunity to be valued by Liu Ke.

Liu can see that Zhang Yun took the initiative to invite Ying, so he was naturally very happy.

He immediately said: "As soon as General Zhang Yun returned, he took the initiative to ask for a fight. His loyalty is evident, and I admire him!

Zhang Yun took the order, and I named you the General of Rebellion, Deng Tinghou, and led the army to attack Xiangyang.

You don't need to ask to take it down, you just need to teach the other party a lesson and let them see my mighty power! "

Hearing this, Zhang Yun immediately took the order and left excitedly.

Others looked at him with envy, even jealousy.

After all, he had already been conferred a title of nobleman before he set off on the expedition. Even Liu Ke's old department did not have such treatment.

Naturally, Cai Hao regretted it even more, thinking why he was one step too late and was preempted by Zhang Yun?

Moreover, this task is really too simple, as long as you patrol around the outside of Xiangyang City and shoot a few symbolic arrows, you will be considered as completing the task.

Such an opportunity, if he didn't seize it, Cai Mao couldn't help hanging his feet down.

Zhang Yun felt everyone's envious eyes, and he was afraid that someone would come out to share the credit with him at this moment.

Immediately knelt down and bowed to Liu Ke, then turned around and left without giving others a chance to stand out.

Among the [-] troops that surrendered this time, [-] sailors were Zhang Yun's direct troops, and this time he only brought these sailors.

Zhang Yun crossed the Han River in a boat, and he reached the middle of the water in a short time.

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