The soldiers on alert in Xiangyang City instantly noticed their movements and immediately blew their horns.

Jiang Qin, the general of the navy who was in charge of guarding the waters here, got the news and immediately led five thousand sailors to meet him.

"Who is coming? Sign up to come!"

Seeing the person at the bow of the opposite boat, Zhang Yun couldn't help laughing and said: "Hehe, Gong Yi, don't you even know me?"

Of course Jiang Qin recognized Zhang Yun, but he didn't want to recognize him.At this moment, when the other party took the initiative to mention it, it was unavoidable to sternly shout: "Zhang Yun, are you still willing to come?

Your Majesty took you well, but you turned your back on the Lord and surrendered to the enemy, and now you are still driven by Liu Ke as a striker, do you know your shame? "

But Zhang Yun replied unceremoniously: "Hmph! Then Sun Ce only knows how to drive us to work hard, and when rewarding, he orders and thinks about you.

What is there to miss about such a protagonist?

On the contrary, it is Your Majesty, I have not achieved an inch of merit, and I have been named General of Rebellion and Marquis of Deng Ting.

Comparing the two, do you still think that Sun Ce treats me well? "

Jiang Qin was jealous of evil, the more he saw Zhang Yun being so complacent, the more resentful he felt.

He said angrily: "Is there any reason to betray the Lord and seek glory? Now you and I are each our masters, and we are already enemies. I will never forgive you today!"

With that said, Jiang Qin stopped talking with Zhang Yun, and rushed up directly by boat.

As a general of the navy, Zhang Yun was naturally not afraid of Jiang Qin on the water, and besides, he had more troops than the opponent.

There is no reason to back down.

Therefore, Zhang Yun also rushed up, and instantly fought with Jiang Qin.

The two sides refused to give in to each other, and the fighting was very tragic.

However, Jiang Qin's troops were relatively small, so he couldn't hold on after holding on for a while.

So he had no choice but to turn around and run away.

Zhang Yun became more and more courageous as he fought, and was about to capture Jiang Qin alive so that he could go back to show off and shut up the mouths of others.

At this moment, seeing that Jiang Qin was invincible and wanted to flee, how could he let him go.

So Zhang Yun immediately led his troops to chase after him.

"Jiang Qin, where are you running?"

Jiang Qin saw that the opponent was chasing him closely, so he had to dodge left and right on the water.

Zhang Yun didn't know why, so he followed Jiang Qin to continue chasing, unexpectedly, the boat he was riding on suddenly vibrated violently, and then he listened to it.

"What's going on? Why stop the ship?"

Seeing that he was about to catch up with Jiang Qin, Zhang Yun was very anxious and ordered him to continue.

Unexpectedly, a small school suddenly ran up: "General, general, the ship seems to have hit a rock!"

When Zhang Yun heard this, he immediately frowned and said, "This is the middle of the Han River, how could it hit the rocks? Hurry up and sail!"

However, before Zhang Yun's words fell, the boats around him stopped on the river after vibrating one after another.

This time, Zhang Yun couldn't help but not believe it.

He hurriedly sent people into the water to investigate, and finally found out the reason after a while.

It turned out that there were many iron cones below the water surface, which could not be seen from the surface of the water, but as soon as the draft of the ship got deeper, they collided with them immediately.

At this moment, Zhang Yun's boat was directly inserted into the hull by a thick iron cone, making it difficult to move forward.

On the contrary, Jiang Qin's boat was small, with a shallow draft, and the bottom of the boat was just above the iron cone, so it was not affected at all.

Therefore, Jiang Qin seemed to be invincible and fled just now, but in fact he was trying to lure them here.

Now Zhang Yun's water army was all restrained in place by the iron cone, and Jiang Qin turned his head back immediately.

"Hahahaha! Zhang Yunpiff, it's been tricked!"

Zhang Yun scolded the other party angrily, and then quickly ordered the navy to retreat.

However, the iron cone has barbs on it, which is easy to insert into the hull, but difficult to get out.

If it was forced, a large piece of the bottom plate of the ship would be taken off in an instant, and the river water would rush into the cabin in an instant.

Zhang Yun hurriedly ordered someone to repair the loophole, but before it was blocked, Jiang Qin rushed straight up.

It was seen that he took the lead, chopped down all the enemy troops standing in front of him, and then jumped directly onto Zhang Yun's warship.

When Zhang Yun heard the news, he hurriedly ran up from the cabin to drive Jiang Qin away.

Unexpectedly, in this short period of time, Jiang Qin had already wiped out all the enemy troops on the deck.

He was guarding the exit of the cabin, waiting for the enemy troops inside to emerge.

Zhang Yun was unprepared, as soon as he poked his head out, he saw Jiang Qin standing proudly holding a knife at a glance, and fell down instantly in fright.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Seeing that the deck was full of enemy troops, Zhang Yun fell into the cabin and dared not come out.

However, Jiang Qin was not in a hurry, because the cabin had leaked a long time ago, and the water rushed in, filling it up in a short while.

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