"Tomorrow I must make fun of Liu Taiwei, he has today!" Yuan Shu was already looking forward to it.

I'm so excited, I'm afraid I won't be able to sleep tonight!

"No! Could it be that the queen general also wants to eat sweet potatoes?" Wang Kuang said to Yuan Shu.

Yuan Shu looked at Wang Kuang with contempt, very disdainful, with the background of four generations and three princes, are you still worried about eating sweet potatoes?

Good wine and good meat are all available!

Whenever sweet potatoes were mentioned, Yuan Shao felt disgusted, but he was also afraid that Liu Dingfang would be defeated and run back to Yangzhou in despair.

Could it be that he had this idea?

Yuan Shao seemed to have opened up a new world, and immediately made his speculation public.

Yuan Shu was the first to express his approval, saying: "Liu Taiwei is extremely cunning, the possibility is very high!"

Seeing that the two Yuans agreed, Han Fu couldn't believe it, and said, "Could it be that Taiwei Liu dares to risk the displeasure of the world?"

"The food for an army of [-] is not a small amount..." Yuan Shao fell into deep thought. Whether Liu Dingfang's defeat was profitable to him was the most important point.

"This kind of escape plan is really ingenious, we have to guard against it!" Wang Kuang said.

This point awakened Yuan Shao, he immediately sent someone to watch every plant and tree in Liu Ke's barracks, and reported to him any disturbance.

"Do you have a good strategy?" Yuan Shao asked.

"The easiest way is to prevent Liu Taiwei from being defeated!" Han Fu suggested.

Then, everyone's eyes turned to Han Fu.

Seeing this, Han Fu looked confused, and said, "Did I say something wrong?"

"It's not wrong, it's just that tomorrow's attack can't be decadent, so Master Han will do it, how about it?" Yuan Shao said.

How could Han Fu not understand?But it is impossible for him to suffer a dark loss!

"It's reasonable to say that Mr. Han will be grateful to you for protecting Liu Taiwei from the disaster. Anyway, sooner or later you have to fight, so what's the matter if it's earlier or later?" Wang Kuang persuaded.

When Han Fu thought about it, it seemed to work... I am in Jizhou, I am alone, and if I have Liu Taiwei's support, I can still fight Yuan Shao.

"How about it? In tomorrow's battle, Master Han and Taiwei Liu will be in charge of attacking together, how about it?" Yuan Shao took a step back.

This kind of condition is already very generous, besides, Liu Taiwei is newly defeated, just when he needs help, wouldn't it be wonderful to send charcoal in a timely manner?

Thinking of this, Han Fu agreed.

Just when everyone expressed their satisfaction, suddenly, a scout hurriedly came to report: "Lieutenant Liu ordered all the soldiers and horses, and went to take revenge!"

When Yuan Shao heard this, he shook his head again and again, this Liu Dingfang has never suffered a disadvantage!It's all right now, sooner or later I'll be bloody.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Hua Xiong opened the gate of the pass as promised, and the ambushed Yangzhou army poured into Sishui Pass like a tide.

The orderly footsteps on the spacious but dark street were undulating, mixed with the clinking of armor.

This battle-baptized pass has withstood the attack of the Allied army of [-] troops.

Unfortunately, after all, it was internal chaos.

"It's not good, it's not good, the enemy has entered the city!"

Hu Zhen was shocked when he heard the sound, and hurriedly organized an army to resist, shouting:

"Don't mess! Come to me!"

He stepped on the corpses of his comrades, searching for the living.

What greeted us was Hua Xiong's dazzling sword light.

"Master Governor...you are not dead?!" Hu Zhen's eyes widened, he couldn't believe it, but after thinking about it carefully, since when did he think Hua Xiong was dead?

It turns out that everything is Dongyang Hou's conspiracy, and Hua Xiong has completely rebelled!

This is a turbulent era, and the people are struggling in dire straits.

There is no right or wrong, only blood and killing, power and profit.

"Lord Governor, although I am not as good as you, I am willing to learn from you, your brilliant move!" Hu Zhen said in a deep voice.

"Are you willing to surrender?" Hua Xiong asked.

Hu Zhen shook his head, and in an instant, he slashed at Hua Xiong's head. When he dodged, Hua Xiong disappeared from sight.

The next moment, blood spurted out.

Hua Xiong carried the sword and left with the ruthlessness of victory.

Fierce hand-to-hand combat can be seen everywhere on the streets, and the unyielding Xiliang army is desperately fighting for the final glory.

Their chances are very slim.

Liu Ke, Dian Wei, and Lu Bu formed a formation, and no one survived their path, just like mowing grass.

Under their leadership, the siege troops continued to advance.

Zhao Cen, who had reacted, led the troops to fight, and shouted: "All soldiers, follow me to defeat the enemy!"

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