However, the Yangzhou army's formation was running crazily, and countless enemies who approached had been smashed to pieces.

Zhao Cen finally realized that this was not an army he could fight against.They are very disciplined and kill like hemp.

Marquis of Dongyang?Yangzhou Army?

Words sounded in Zhao Cen's mind one after another, and he knew it was over this time.

To advance is death, and to retreat is also death.

He lost Sishui Pass, how could the lord let him go?

Think about Master Hua Xiong, what a brilliant record he has made, scaring hundreds of thousands of allied troops from going out to fight.

It's just that a little mistake happened later, and the whole family was killed.

That was just an ordinary defeat, but now we lost Sishui Pass, which is the gateway to Luoyang.

Thinking of this, Zhao Cen said: "I am waiting for my family members. If we don't fight to the death, we will definitely not be able to save them. Everyone, are you ready?"

After the order was issued, the whole army was in awe.

Pairs of scarlet eyes looked towards the Yangzhou Army, where their enemies were.

Shout out to the sky!

The two armies were intertwined immediately, and the victory and defeat were determined to determine life and death.

Liu Ke didn't expect that this battle would be so difficult, they have already attacked the Sishui Pass, why are they still fighting to the death?

Fortunately, everyone moved quickly and occupied many important places, so they can use it now.

And Huang Zhong led the Shesheng Battalion to seize the roof, wearing all convenient clothes, shooting with a bow, and shooting with precision, the enemies fell to the ground one by one to die.

Zhang Liao even led the cavalry in a quick circle, circled behind the enemy, and rushed out from behind unexpectedly.

The sound of horseshoes shook, and the defenders immediately collapsed.

Although Zhao Cen boosted morale, the gap between equipment and personnel cannot be made up in a short time.He had no choice but to lead the remnant soldiers to flee. Fortunately, at the critical moment, Li Su led the troops to join them.

"Where are the enemies, I'll meet them for a while!" Li Su said impassionedly.

"It's the Marquis of Dongyang! We are not opponents! Let's run away!" Zhao Cen said in horror.

When Li Su heard this, his rhetoric stopped abruptly.

It happened that the sound of horseshoes came from behind, Zhao Cen knew that the Yangzhou army had already chased him, and he knew that it was not suitable to stay here for a long time.

Li Su and Zhao Cen looked at each other, and after leaving some troops behind, they retreated quickly.

Facing the menacing Yangzhou army, the remaining troops lied together, dumbfounded and helpless.

Zhang Liao defeated them with one attack, and chased after the fleeing enemy.

Before Dong Zhuojun had time to rejoice, Tai Shici led his army again to clean up these small shrimps.

So far, Sishuiguan fell into the hands of the Yangzhou army.

The heads of the ministries gathered together to discuss the next matters.

"How's the situation?" Liu Ke asked.

"Currently there is no resistance force in the city, but we strictly abide by the Lord's order and did not enter the houses to search." Tai Shici reported.

Liu Ke nodded. This lightning operation was very successful, and of course Hua Xiong was the hero.

"Xiao Xiongxiong, you have done a great job this time!" Dian Wei laughed.

The generals also expressed goodwill to Hua Xiong and helped him integrate into the group as soon as possible.

Hua Xiong was very moved, but still couldn't help being sad.

After dawn, Tai Shici carefully searched the enemy troops as usual, and posted notices everywhere to give preferential treatment to the surrendered troops.

And Zhang Liao also came back. Since the pursuit was late at night, he did not achieve much results. Only a few thousand enemy corpses were left behind, and more than [-] people fled to Luoyang.

Luoyang was Dong Zhuo's stronghold, and Zhang Liao was afraid of an ambush, so he withdrew.

Early in the morning, Yuan Shao got up, and scouts immediately reported that the Yangzhou barracks were empty.

Yuan Shao was in shock, did Liu Dingfang really run away?

When it was time to siege the city, everyone gathered together again.

"Liu Taiwei received the military order but didn't attack, what's the matter?" Bao Xin, Minister of Jinbei, said unhappily.

If the big forces can renege on their debts, how can these small forces survive?

"Last night, the Marquis of Dongyang attacked Sishui Pass, which is considered an attack." Yuan Shu laughed.


Not knowing why, everyone asked Yuan Shu for advice.

What a prophetic feeling!

Yuan Shu enjoyed the feeling of being surrounded by stars, until someone asked, "How did it turn out?"

"As we all know, the Marquis of Dongyang is good at fighting, and he has never lost a single defeat. This night attack..." Yuan Shu paused, and after whetting everyone's appetite, he continued, "Of course it was a failure."

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