"But, this is my request! I hope to marry you!" Liu Keqing said sincerely, "Why do you think I'm persecuting you? Am I just so unbearable?"

"No, that's not the case..." Cai Yan panicked for a moment.

"Am I not good enough?" Liu Ke asked again.

Now it's Cai Yan's turn to reflect, yes, why don't I marry?Is this the so-called reverse psychology?

"give me some more time."

Liu Ke nodded, let go of Cai Yan, and looked at her leaving back, feeling a little discouraged.

He patted his cheek and returned home.

These two days, Liu Ke really didn't bother Cai Yan. After the third day, she sent someone to send a note.

She agreed, but asked the marriage to be kept simple and even concealed for a period of time.

Liu Ke told Zhao Yu about this, Zhao Yu just smiled and said nothing, it seems that she already knew it in her heart.

"Husband, are you happy?" Zhao Yu asked.

"Of course, I won't treat you badly, even if I'm old." Liu Ke hugged Zhao Yu and said.

According to Cai Yan's request, Liu Ke ordered the matter to be kept quiet. After instructing Steward Liu, he arranged the mansion under the pretext of celebrating the New Year.

Liu Ke has been running to Cai's mansion these days, but Cai Yan refuses to see each other, and only communicates through notes.

In the final analysis, it is still sticking to the customs.

Although Cai Yong was a little disappointed, he still agreed to get married in a low-key manner. Fortunately, Liu Ke's etiquette was considered and thoughtful, and he did not mean to neglect in the slightest.

On the day of the wedding, Liu Youyi was rare to be dressed up, and together with Cai Yong, he accepted the newcomer's kneeling ceremony.

He is very satisfied with Zhao Yu, but he can't forget Cai Yan.A scholarly family, can it improve its bloodline?

In the past, he was just an ordinary businessman, and he naturally hoped that his descendants would study more and blaze a new path.

Even now, he didn't underestimate the scholars. He immediately agreed to Liu Ke's request to propose marriage again, and he came to communicate with Cai Yong many times.

After decades of ups and downs, this thing finally happened!Forget about one of his worries.

After paying homage, Liu Ke didn't ask Cai Yan to wait in the new house, but let her do what she wanted to do. As a result, Mi Yue directly dragged her to play mahjong...

In this regard, Liu Ke was helpless.

Since they are getting married, the banquet is naturally indispensable.

Especially big drinkers like Guo Jia and Dian Wei, they are like wine barrels when they get the chance, they can't drink enough.

"Congratulations, my lord!" Guo Jia laughed.

You can be happy when you have a drink, the current celebrities are really easy to raise.

Liu Ke and Guo Jia drank a cup and said, "Thank you for following!"

"Vulgar! The lord punishes himself with a cup!" Guo Jia said bitterly.

Then Liu Ke was forced to drink for various reasons. Fortunately, he was a good drinker. He beat Lu Bu, Zhang Liao and others in a row, and Dian Wei was nowhere to be found.

It stands to reason that he is one of the most active people at this time.

It turned out that he was catching Hua Xiong to drink, good fellow, he has already drank three jars.

Liu Ke sat next to the two of them and drank a pot with them.

Suddenly, Hua Xiong burst into tears.

"What? Are you still crying?" Liu Ke asked puzzled.

"My lord doesn't know something. Xiao Xiongxiong is very lucky. Several of his children were saved by Situ Wangyun!" Dian Wei laughed.

Hua Xiong laughed through his tears and said, "Thank you, my lord!"

Situ Wangyun, this guy is good at business.

After Liu Ke got half drunk, he got away from the banquet, and at this point Zhao Yu should have fallen asleep, and Cai Yan hadn't come back yet...

Was put pigeons.

It is not easy to be tested on the first day of marriage.

Early the next morning, Liu Ke woke up and found that there was a lovely person curled up on him, it was Cai Yan.

She is really beautiful at this moment, quiet and elegant.

However, Liu Ke started to move his hands and feet, and Cai Yan just woke up, staring at Liu Ke with wide eyes, but did not refuse.

Fortunately, Cai Yan asked for leave and did not go to the academy, and it took a day to recover.

After staying at home for a few days, Liu Ke knew that he couldn't go on idling anymore, and started clocking in for work.

Taking advantage of this time, Liu Ke took Zhou Buyi with him and taught him the basics of martial arts and Tai Chi.

The most important thing is to hone his patience and give him a little lesson by the way.

"If you can't even hold on to Zamabu, then I can only reluctantly part with you and abolish you as a student." Liu Ke threatened.

Zhou Buyi was sweating profusely, and begged for mercy: "Teacher, I was wrong! Don't dare to speak big again!"

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