What's the point of living if you don't have the title of Dongyanghou student?

An apology and persistence will definitely move the teacher.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

It is said that after Yuan Shao returned to Jizhou, he encountered a big problem, that is, there was not enough food.

He originally had an army of more than [-], but he only lost [-] to [-] in the crusade against Dong Zhuo, and the rest had to be eaten.

Han Fu is also a good guy, who has been delivering food to Yuan Shao, and it was him that Little Sheep was talking about.

On this day, Yuan Shao was short of food again, and Han Fu hadn't delivered the food for a long time, so Yuan Shao said too much, it's really sad to have no food.

Feng Ji, his counselor, couldn't stand it anymore, and scolded: "My lord, how can a man wait for someone to deliver food to his mouth?"

A word awakened the dreamer, Yuan Shao immediately asked shamelessly, "Yuan Tu, what should I do?"

Feng Ji was not particularly angry with Yuan Shao, and immediately said: "Jizhou is a state with a very high grain output, and the lord is Jizhou Mu, why not take Jizhou justifiably?"

As soon as Yuan Shao heard it, he understood that he was going to kill Han Fu, the little fat sheep.

"Is there a good strategy?"

Feng Ji smiled and said: "This matter is easy, my lord can send someone to send a letter to Gongsun Zan, asking him to send troops to carve up Jizhou. Han Fu is a timid person, and I will definitely ask you to uphold justice. Then you can Take over his power."

Makes sense!

Therefore, Yuan Shao immediately wrote a nagging letter to Gongsun Zan, and the serious matter was mentioned at the end of the letter.

When Gongsun Zan saw it, someone gave him a pillow when he really dozed off!

At this moment, he was hesitating how to develop, so Yuan Shao sent a letter.

After all, Liu Yu in Youzhou has become a climate, and Gongsun Zan doesn't want to go to war with him unless it is absolutely necessary.

Little Sheep Han Fu is much easier to bully.

So he agreed to send troops.

When Han Fu heard that Gongsun Zan had sent troops to attack him, he was so frightened that his ass pissed, and immediately consulted with his adviser Xin Ping.

It's a pity that Xin Ping has been bought by Yuan Shao, and he dug a hole step by step: "Gongsun Zan has a white horse army, this army is comparable to Dong Zhuo's Flying Bear Army and Yangzhou Army, unstoppable, we are definitely not opponents, but there is a man in Jizhou who can deal with him !"

Han Fu quickly asked who this person was.

Xin Ping smiled mysteriously, and said: "Of course, Master Yuan Shao, the fourth generation and the third lord, Yuan Shao is very brave, has many fierce generals under his command, and is extremely capable in combat. Why don't you ask him for help? Besides, the lord often sends him food, and he has already formed a deep friendship. affection."

Han Fu was originally a person without his own opinions, and when he heard that what Xin Ping said made sense, he agreed directly.So he sent Guan Chun to invite Yuan Shao.

After Geng Wu heard about this, he hurried to Han Fu and said, "Yuan Shao is a hungry wolf, my lord did this to lure wolves into the house!"

How can you understand the character of the Four Generations and Three Lords?

Of course Han Fu didn't listen.

Geng Wu had no choice but to gather servants and some like-minded people to ambush Yuan Shao on the road he must pass, in an attempt to assassinate him.

But how could Yuan Shao be so easy to assassinate?

Yan Liangwen was ugly, one on the left and one on the right, killing Geng Wu so much that he lost his helmet and armor, and his life was lost in the end.

"Master Yuan Shao, you are finally here!" Han Fu said excitedly. He was not feeling well at all being threatened by Gongsun Zan these days, and could hardly sleep.

"You're welcome." Yuan Shao smiled secretly, and asked Han Fu to open the city gate.

Han Fu did as he did, and the ending was obvious.

Therefore, Yuan Shao seized Han Fu's territory without a single soldier.

Within a few days, Han Fu was dismissed.

Han Fu regretted that he didn't listen to Geng Wu's words carefully, and when he knew that Geng Wu was dead, he couldn't help crying.

He was worried that he would also be killed by Yuan Shao, so he abandoned his family and went to join Zhang Miao, the prefect of Chenliu.

Besides, Zhang Miao has a good relationship with Cao Cao, otherwise Cao Cao would not be allowed to recruit troops in Chenliu.

Later, after the battle against Dong Zhuo, he was completely convinced by Cao Cao.Therefore, Chenliu is now Cao Cao's territory.

However, Cao Cao and Yuan Shao are still good friends, so Yuan Shao sent an envoy to ask Cao Cao to hand over Han Fu.

Strangely enough, Han Fu saw Zhang Miao discussing with Yuan Shao's emissary.

Han Fu thought he was bound to die, so he committed suicide in the toilet.

When Cao Cao heard about it, he couldn't believe it. The allies who had fought against Dong Zhuo together committed suicide in the toilet!

Woah, it's really pathetic.

How did this courage become a prince?

Cao Cao was speechless, but this did not hinder his expansion.

Now he has obtained the dilapidated Luoyang and Chenliu Commanderies, and has become a man with land.

The next step, of course, is to conspire against Yanzhou.

To be honest, Cao Cao was not optimistic about this move, because Yanzhou Mu was Liu Dai.

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