Ordinary soldiers might not recognize anyone else, but Zhao Zilong in white clothes and armor is one of the most famous generals.

His name is very familiar to even the lowest soldier, especially Zhao Yun's record is very familiar.

So when he heard that it was Zhao Zilong, the ever victorious general, the soldiers who were on the verge of despair instantly regained their confidence and their morale increased greatly.

On the other hand, when they heard that the reinforcements from the enemy in the formation had arrived, they panicked instantly.

Upon seeing this, Chen Dao immediately yelled: "Don't panic, the other side has just landed and there are not many soldiers.

Hurry up and wipe out Zhang Liao's bandits before the enemy army arrives! "

Although Chen Dao said so, his subordinates were not as determined as him.

Especially the Chen-style army closest to the river, they are the closest to Zhao Yun, and naturally they are under the greatest pressure at this moment.

He saw that the enemy army coming from the river was full of white clothes and white horses, rushing towards him like a divine soldier from heaven.

Such a strong momentum and breathtaking murderous aura caused Chen Shi's army to be thrown into chaos in an instant, and their morale fluctuated.

Seeing this, Chen Shi hurriedly shouted: "Don't panic, keep your position!"

However, it was already too late at this moment, and the enemy army was seen far away just now, but now it was already in sight.

Zhao Yun also saw the enemy army standing between him and Zhang Liao at a glance. The general was commanding in front of the formation.

So he rushed directly at the person dressed as the leader.

This person is naturally Chen Shi, he only felt a murderous aura coming from his side, his whole body was shocked instantly, and the hairs on his body stood on end.

"Look at the gun!"

Hearing a stern shout, Chen Shi was instantly frightened and turned around to resist.

He had a lot of experience in resisting Zhang Liao's attack just now, but now it doesn't work.

Because Zhang Liao uses the sword mainly to slash with wide open and close, so the movements are relatively large and the momentum is amazing. On the contrary, it is easy to prepare in advance.

And Zhao Yun used a gentian silver spear, mainly for stabbing, and his pursuit was faster, more accurate, and more ruthless.

Such attacks are often like lightning, fleeting, and the winner is already determined in an instant.

Therefore, when Chen Shi noticed Zhao Yun's attack, it was too late to dodge.

He was in a panic and had nowhere to hide. He was so frightened that he rolled off his horse and finally escaped Zhao Yun's fatal blow.

Chen Shi had just escaped and was about to rejoice, but saw that his subordinates could no longer bear the enemy's suppression and scattered and fled in all directions.

In fact, the defenders were originally outnumbered, so they could hold on for a while.

However, Chen Shi was shot off by Zhao Yun, which frightened his subordinates instantly.

Except for the guards in front, those soldiers who were farther away thought that the main general was beheaded by the enemy with one blow.

If the main general is like this, how could these small soldiers be able to withstand it, so it eventually led to a rout across the board.

When Chen Shi was helped up by his subordinates and mounted his horse again, it was already too late.

He wanted to cry out loudly and regroup the soldiers and horses, but Zhao Yun stared at him as soon as he opened his mouth.

The attack just now failed to end Chen Shi. Although the opponent was a little embarrassed, it was his own attack that failed.

So Zhao Yun is determined to wipe it out this time.

Chen Shi was organizing soldiers and horses, but suddenly felt the deadly feeling just now hit his whole body again.

After learning the lesson from last time, he was so frightened that he didn't even think about resisting or dodging, but just leaped away.

In the end, he finally recovered his life after his personal guards separated him with his life.

But Chen Shi's entire army was completely disintegrated, and it was difficult to recover.

With this line of defense destroyed, Chen Dao could only face Zhao Yun's army directly.

But he is still besieging Zhang Liao with Huo Jun and Wu Yi, and he is about to wipe out Zhang Liao.

At the critical moment, Chen Dao had no choice but to abandon Zhang Liao and turn around to face Zhao Yun himself.

Without him participating in the battle, with only Huo Jun and Wu Yi left, Zhang Liao's pressure suddenly eased, and he began to gain the upper hand.

At the same time, Chen Dao also fought with Zhao Yun.

Both Chen Dao and Zhao Yun are good spearmen, but Zhao Yun's marksmanship has already become famous all over the world.

However, Chen Dao kept using the unknown, which also made him brood over it, and always thought that it was not his poor marksmanship.

It was because Zhao Yun was by Liu Ke's side that he had the opportunity to win so many victories, thus earning his fame.

Therefore, after seeing Zhao Yun today, the fighting spirit in Chen Dao's heart instantly rose to the highest point.

I saw Chen Dao fixed his eyes on Zhao Yun and said: "Zhao Yun, people say that your marksmanship is like a god, unparalleled in the world, but I, Chen Dao, refuse to accept it.

I happened to meet you today, so please advise me! "

Zhao Yun saw that Chen Dao used the spear technique of Siping spear in one move, and understood that the opponent wanted to use the spear technique against himself.

He looked sideways at Zhang Liao first, and saw that he was fighting one against two, but he still had the upper hand, and the soldiers under him also rekindled their morale and fought back and forth with the enemy.

In this way, Zhao Yun was finally relieved, so he said with a smile: "Hehe, since you want to fight with guns, then this general will fulfill you! Let's make a move!"

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