Zhao Yun just held the gun with one hand, the tip of the gun was hanging on the ground, and looked at Chen Dao with a calm face.

When Chen Dao saw that he was so arrogant, he felt that he had been greatly insulted, so he roared angrily, and stabbed directly with a poisonous snake spit letter.

Seeing this, Zhao Yun snorted coldly, but greeted him with the same move.

Although the moves are the same, but Zhao Yun's attack is to hit the opponent's vitals one step faster.

Chen Dao was shocked when he saw the situation, and hurriedly changed his moves to block Zhao Yun's attack.

But Zhao Yun said with a smile: "Hehe, your marksmanship is considered average, but your moves are too slow and your mentality is mixed.

First, he wanted to attack my heart, but when he saw that there was a gap between my eyebrows, he wanted to attack again.

This is naturally not decisive enough, and it is also destined to be broken by Ben with the same move. "

When Zhao Yun was talking, his hands were not idle, and the opponent changed his moves repeatedly, but he resolved them one by one in a leisurely manner.

Finally, at the end of the sentence, he stabbed Chen Dao's throat with a gun, making him flustered, but Zhao Yun suddenly swung it and hit his wrist.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After a long night of unbearable cold, the sun gradually rose over the broad waters of the Yangtze River.

It's just that the humidity in the south is heavy, especially on the river bank, so the sun has risen to three poles, and the air is still filled with clouds and mist.

"Why is the weather so weird? Yesterday was sunny, but today the fog is covering your eyes, and you can't see anything clearly!"

The guards on the city were talking to you and me, and the cool wind blowing on the city all night couldn't sleep at this moment.

I thought it would be dawn and the temperature would be higher, but I finally couldn't help complaining about such weather.

"You recruits, what is there to complain about in this weather?

Isn't that good?Maybe the enemy army won't attack today because of the heavy fog and can't see the reality above the city?

Then wouldn't you recruits save your life and live an extra day or two? "

However, the few recruits who spoke just now were also a little unconvinced and said: "Cut, don't pretend to be a veteran here!

Didn't we have never fought against Liu Ke's army, and the other party didn't have superpowers?

Now that our entire army is stationed at the top of the city, it might happen to defeat Liu Ke in one fell swoop! "

After hearing this, the veteran shook his head. He wanted to remind them a few more words, but seeing how confident they were, he didn't say anything in the end.

This batch of recruits was recruited again after Liu Bei retreated from Hanzhong.

Although they fought against Liu Kejun after coming to Jingzhou, they were usually small-scale battles.

So even though they fought and retreated all the way until they retreated to Le Township, they have not yet experienced a big battle and seen the strength of the enemy army.

Therefore, no matter what the veterans said at this time, they would never listen to the young and energetic.

The few recruits saw that the other party was finally speechless after listening to their own words, and immediately put on a victorious posture, and were about to express a few more bold words.

At this moment, as the sun gradually rises, the temperature gradually rises, and with the wind blowing from the river, the fog finally becomes thinner, and the view of the city gradually widens.

The recruit, who was full of bold words and was about to express his words, inadvertently glanced outside the city, and his whole face changed instantly.

The mouth grew big, and in the end, he didn't say the words he had thought about for a long time.

It turned out that it was not until the fog dissipated that the view of the defenders on the city was no longer restricted, and they finally saw Liu Ke's army.

From a location five miles outside the city, all the way to where the eyes can see are Liu Ke's camps.

As the saying goes: When there are a thousand people, the ground reaches the sky; if there are ten thousand people, there is no limit.

After the number of people exceeds [-], the scene will become very spectacular, not to mention the camps all over the sky.

Liu Ke's army numbered [-], and now they came across the river and stationed outside the small city of Le Township.

The magnitude of this scene instantly stunned all the defenders on the city.

Especially the recruits who were bragging just now, who had never seen such a scene, faltered and couldn't speak anymore.

It wasn't until this moment that the veteran finally said in a solemn tone: "My child, don't be afraid, just be smarter in a while!"

The recruit nodded numbly, and finally lost his previous air.

At this moment, General Wei Yan, who was in charge of guarding the east gate, finally received a report from his subordinates and rushed up.

As soon as he saw the scene in front of him, his face became solemn for an instant, but then he shouted loudly and ordered all the soldiers and battalions to garrison according to the area arranged yesterday.

The defenders on the top of the city were finally awakened by the main general, and hurried into action.

At the same time, Liu Ke finally took action.

He was ready to attack a long time ago, but because of the fog just now, he couldn't see the reality around him clearly, and he was worried that the enemy army was ambushing outside the city, so he postponed his action.

At this moment, the fog finally dissipated, and Liu Ke could no longer be impatient, so he gave an order, and hundreds of thousands of troops moved together and came to Le Township.

In fact, as Fazheng analyzed to Liu Bei yesterday, for a small city like Lexiang, there are only a few walls that can be used for fighting.

Even if Liu Ke holds an army of hundreds of thousands, it is impossible to fully deploy it, so mobilizing at most [-] to [-] people for each attack is enough.

Naturally, the defenders in the city could barely cope with such an attacking number.That's why he was so confident yesterday.

But Liu Ke did the opposite. Liu Ke personally formulated today's battle strategy, which is to use all the soldiers and horses under his command.

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