Finally, Zhang Fei came with another sharp attack, and one of the shield bearers finally couldn't hold on due to the frontal impact.

The man fell to his knees directly, spewing out a mouthful of blood, and finally couldn't hold on after enduring so many attacks.

As soon as he was injured, there was a gap in the shield that was originally tightly defended, and Zhang Fei took the opportunity to stab again with his spear.

This time, because there was too much space and he was not prepared in time, another person was hit and fell to the ground.

The originally well-coordinated team finally couldn't continue to operate because two people withdrew in a row.

Seeing this, Gao Shun's face changed suddenly. He thought that a team like his own would be able to deal with Zhang Fei's attack.

Unexpectedly, he only insisted on more than a dozen moves before he declared a failure.

As a result, he can only gather his hands again and step forward to deal with it together.

But with Zhang Fei rushing up, there were also his soldiers.

Although these people are not as powerful as Zhang Fei, they have perfectly inherited Zhang Fei's advantages of daring to fight.

Therefore, these soldiers were on par with Gao Shun's trapped camp under the fierce rush.

Seeing the development of the battle, Wei Yan finally showed a smile on his face, and couldn't help admiring Zhang Fei's strength in his heart.

So he also led other soldiers forward to attack, wanting to avenge his previous defeats several times in a row.

As more and more Yizhou troops rushed up the hillside, Gaoshun's original strength advantage was gradually lost.

When Wei Yan's army rushed up, the balance of forces between the two sides reversed instantly, and the Yizhou soldiers finally gained the upper hand.

Originally trapped in the camp, under the attack of Zhang Fei's team, it became more and more difficult to deal with it.

Under the absolute superiority of troops, the situation became more critical. Seeing this, Gao Shun was very anxious.

Originally, this time he boasted in front of Liu Ke, vowing to block Liu Bei's army here.

Seeing that he couldn't hold on anymore, Gao Shun knew that it would be difficult to explain when he went back, so he had to tear down the east wall to make up for the west wall.

"Come on, hurry up and gather all the defenders on the mountain here!"

"General, wouldn't the mountain be empty in this way, wouldn't the enemy army be able to arrive without hindrance?"

The lieutenant said with a worried face that after all, the defenders on the mountain defended with rolling stones could block most of the Yizhou soldiers and horses behind.

But Gao Shun can't take care of so much at the moment, his only purpose now is to prevent Yizhou soldiers from breaking through.

As long as they are still blocked in the valley, when Liu Ke's pursuers arrive, they will still be unable to escape the fate of destruction.

So now we can only take this way of drinking poison to quench thirst.

Hearing the words, the deputy general could only sigh, and quickly issued orders to the mountain to gather them here.

After a while, a group of people who fell into the camp rushed to Gao Shun's place in a hurry.

Gao Shun took a closer look, but his face became even uglier.

Because he discovered that those who came here were not the defenders on the mountain, but the group of soldiers who were originally responsible for blocking the entrance.

He hurriedly asked: "Isn't the general going to defend the mountain? Why did you leave your post without authorization?"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

This team was responsible for blocking the entrance of Yizhou soldiers and horses before they fell into the camp, but they were defeated by Zhang Fei who suddenly appeared.

It was only now that he finally fled here from the mountain in a hurry, and was questioned by Gao Shun as soon as he came.

The general had no choice but to tell the situation he encountered, and in an instant he saw Zhang Fei who was rushing to kill in the crowd.

He even said with a terrified expression: "General, just, it was this person who led the troops and suddenly rushed out from behind, and then killed us back..."

"Okay, I know this. Now that I'm here, I'll just make up for my mistakes. If I can stop the Yizhou army, I can forget the mistakes I made before, otherwise, hmph!"

Seeing Gao Shun lose his temper, the general trembled with fright, and hurriedly gritted his teeth and led his troops to the front line.

Not long after that, the defenders on the mountain finally arrived.

Their joining finally re-stabilized the defense line that was about to collapse, and Gao Shun finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this.

However, he knew in his heart that this method was tantamount to drinking poison to quench thirst, and it would not last long.

As long as the remaining soldiers and horses trapped in the valley realize that the original rolling stone threat no longer exists, they will inevitably rush up together and completely break down the defense line.

The only thing that can be solved is the supplement of follow-up soldiers and horses, so Gao Shun is constantly praying in his heart that the pursuers will come quickly.

However, when Liu Ke took advantage of Gao Shun to drag Liu Bei's remaining soldiers and horses, the army occupied all of Le Township, and took the opportunity to wipe out all the recalcitrant forces scattered around.

At this moment, he was sitting under the city, and was about to arrange for several generals to send troops to Tianxing Mountain to pursue Liu Bei's remnants.

Suddenly a soldier rushed over anxiously, reporting that an army had come by the river and was rushing here with a murderous look.

When Liu Ke heard this, his expression became serious instantly. He thought it was the remnants of Zhou Yu and Guan Yu who fled eastward before, and wanted to take the opportunity to support them.

So he immediately arranged Zhao Yun, Zhang Liao, Xu Huang and several other troops to rush to the riverside on their own initiative.

They hadn't been walking for a long time, when there was smoke and dust billowing in front of them, and a rush of horseshoes rushed from the opposite side.

Seeing this, all the soldiers rushed up to protect Liu Ke, preventing him from being harmed by the enemy.

The soldier on the opposite side also noticed the existence of Liu Ke's army, but they still didn't slow down, and they were about to charge up.

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