The leader was about to issue an order to charge, but when he saw the opposite flag, his expression changed instantly, and he hurriedly ordered to stop on the spot.

Then the man rushed over single-handedly, and when he was a hundred paces away from Liu Ke, he suddenly got off his horse and came on foot.

At this moment, all the soldiers finally saw the man's appearance clearly, so they relaxed and took the initiative to get out of the way.

The man came to Liu Ke and immediately knelt down on the ground: "Your Majesty, the last general, Dian Weite, came to plead guilty!"

It turned out that this person was Dian Wei who came here after chasing Zhang Fei's soldiers all the way to break through.

Zhang Fei purposely bypassed Le Township and headed south because someone was coming to meet him, but Dian Wei was different. After crossing the river, he heard fierce shouts of killing coming from the direction of Le Township.

I thought the other party had arrived here, so I rushed to support.

But it was not the enemy army that greeted him, but the emperor Liu Ke who hadn't seen him for a long time.

That's why he hurriedly pleaded guilty and told Liu Ke what happened in Jiangling.

As soon as Liu Ke heard this, the doubts on his face gradually disappeared, replaced by a more dignified look.But in the end, it turned into a look of relief.

It wasn't until this moment that he finally understood that the reason why Liu Bei guarded Le Township alone was to wait to join Zhang Fei.

It was only at the end when I couldn't hold on anymore that I reluctantly gave up Lexiang and fled south.

Thinking of this, Liu Ke's expression changed again.

"No, Gao Shun is in danger!"

Since Liu Bei had planned for a long time, Zhang Fei naturally knew where Liu Bei was going, so the direction he was going had to go through Tianxing Mountain.

Liu Ke knew in his heart that with Gao Shun's trapped camp and favorable terrain to intercept Liu Bei's troops, he could still hold on.

But if Zhang Fei suddenly led his troops to kill him, he would be caught off guard, and the opponent might break through the line of defense.

Therefore, Liu Ke hurriedly ordered: "Come on, since this matter happened under your hands, now I will give you a chance to make up for your mistakes. Are you willing to accept it?"

Dian Wei was already prepared to be punished, but when he heard that there was still a chance to make up for his mistakes, he was naturally overjoyed.

He hurriedly said excitedly: "The general is willing, even if I go up the mountain of swords or down into the sea of ​​fire, I won't blink!"

Liu Ke said with a smile: "I won't let you go to Daoshan Mountain, and now I order you to quickly lead the troops to Tianxing Mountain.

Gao Shun has already intercepted Liu Bei there, and Zhang Fei will definitely rush there, so go to support quickly, so as not to be escaped by the enemy! "

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, the final general will block the enemy army in the mountains!" Dian Wei agreed, and led his troops to set off without hesitation.

But Liu Ke took the opportunity to reorganize his troops and rebuild the city wall to prevent Sun Quan's army from suddenly killing him.

At the same time, Liu Bei was still waiting in the mountains.

Zhang Fei and Wei Yan had been rushing forward with their troops for a long time, only hearing the sound of killing over there, but still no news came.

Liu Bei expected that the battle at the exit must be very fierce. He intends to send troops up to support, but he is also worried about the attack of Rolling Stone and Wood.

So he could only wait there in fear.

However, as time went by, the good news did not wait, but the bad news arrived first.

Since Zhang Fei defeated the enemy at the entrance, Liu Bei's soldiers and horses have completely controlled it.

At the same time, some people were sent to guard around to prevent Liu Ke from chasing troops.

They were condescending and saw a group of soldiers and horses approaching Tianxing Mountain from a distance, so they hurriedly reported to Liu Bei.

Liu Bei heard the sound, and said solemnly: "It seems that the enemy's pursuers have arrived after all!

Uncle Zhi, Ziyuan, quickly lead your troops to intercept, and you must stick to Yide to open the way out! "

Wu Yi and Chen Dao said solemnly, "Your Majesty, don't worry, I will risk my life to keep the enemy from the mountain and cover my Majesty to break through!"

As soon as Dian Wei arrived at the foot of the mountain, Wu Yi and Chen Dao had already led their troops to meet him.

Since they wanted to delay the pursuit this time, the two also discussed the countermeasures on the road.

So as soon as Dianwei won, he saw Chen Dao coming to the front of the battle alone, pointed at him and said unceremoniously: "The thief general, Chen Dao is here, if you have the courage to come up and fight this general for a hundred rounds, if you win I'll let you pass!"

Dian Wei accidentally let Zhang Fei go, and his anger was already accumulated in his heart.

At this moment, seeing Chen Dao blocked in front of the road taking the initiative to provoke again, he couldn't control it anymore.

He sneered and said, "Hmph! You, an unknown guy, dare to provoke this general?

That being the case, I will attack you first, and then go after Liu Bei and Zhang Fei! "

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The proud Chen Dao was once again belittled by the other party, and the anger in his heart rushed straight to his forehead.

He yelled angrily, and rushed forward. Chen Dao held a spear, and stabbed at Dianwei with a stance of "wolf chopping heart".

Seeing this, Dian Wei couldn't help but sneered and said, "Humph, it's not worth laughing at!"

While talking, the two of them had already come close, and Dian Wei swept the battle ax in his hand, disintegrating Chen Dao's attack.

Afterwards, Dian Wei said proudly: "Haha, you little boy is very angry, but your strength is really not enough.

It's better to disarm and return to the fields as soon as possible, and go home to hold the baby! "

These words completely enraged Chen Dao, he was infected by anger, and finally used the most powerful killing move without any scruples.

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