It's not easy!

"Father, let the child go with you this time!" Sun Ce knelt on one knee.

"Okay! Okay! Let us father and son kill the enemy!" Sun Jian said excitedly.

Sun Quan on the side also wanted to fight. Sun Jian looked at his thin body that could be blown away with a single slap, and couldn't help but said, "Zhongmou, wait until you grow up!"

Sun Ce lifted Sun Quan up easily, and scolded, "Study hard, why fight? Our family is all martial arts, so we only hope that you will succeed in your studies."

Young Sun Quan nodded, but he was really envious of his father and elder brother's chic looks.

Hit whoever is upset.

The army is ready, which is hard for Huang Gai, because he is in charge of the navy.With so many people, crossing the river is a big problem.

He ordered people to make a lot of bamboo rafts, and gathered a lot of fishing boats, but unfortunately it was still not enough.

"My lord, give me another seven days, and I must be ready!" Huang Gai said.

Just seven days, why not give it to you?

Sun Jian was full of confidence.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Whether it was the mobilization of Yuan Shu's [-] troops or the preparation of Sun Jian's boats to cross the river, they were not hidden from Xun You's eyes.

Now Xun You is gradually taking charge of intelligence collection. Considering the seriousness of the problem, he soon begged Liu Ke to see him.

And Liu Ke is staying at home comfortably, with the child.

"My lord, there is something I need to report to you." Xun You cupped his hands.

Liu Ke reluctantly put down the child and asked Zhao Yu to take it out.

Under normal circumstances, they do not need to avoid.But Liu Ke asked himself to distinguish between public and private, and it was impossible to mix private matters while handling public affairs.

At the very least, Xun You must be given some respect.

No, after everyone retreated, Xun You's face turned serious, and he reported the situation in detail.

"I guess, Yuan Gonglu's goal is Jingzhou, and Sun Wentai is just a pawn." Xun You concluded.

He didn't put his guess in the written report because he was afraid of affecting Liu Ke's judgment.

This is also what Liu Ke requested. The information only records the transfer of the army, and the remarks of the soldiers are all the facts of the guest officials.

"They don't have the courage to plan Yangzhou." Liu Ke said, Yuan Shu was bitten by a snake once, and he was afraid of well ropes for ten years.

"My Yangzhou is strong and prosperous, so even if they come, I won't be afraid of them." Xun You said.

"How is Yuan Shu's defensive strength on the border of Jiujiang?" Liu Ke asked. Yuan Shu has mobilized [-] troops, and Runan County must be very empty.

"This... this subordinate should die, the investigators haven't come back yet." Xun You said.

Not long after he got the information, he came to report the situation at the border and just sent personnel to investigate.

"Gan Ning is the governor of Jiujiang, let him pay attention to the movement in Runan." Liu Ke said.

He didn't blame Xun You, after all, he controlled the entire intelligence network from afar and didn't go to the front line.

There are omissions in the information given by the frontline personnel, and he can't solve it in a day or two if he wants to make up.

Fortunately, Gan Ning came back from Jiaozhou and increased Jiujiang's defense capabilities, which did not worry Liu Ke too much.

Three days later, Xun You sent the second intelligence. Sun Jian's army had already started to move, and the border of Jiujiang was peaceful.

"How many people did Yuan Shu station at the Jiujiang border?" Liu Ke asked.

"It's still the original [-] people." Xun You did his homework this time.

Yuan Shu's guts are too fat, really Liu won't take his Runan?

Liu Ke smiled, the current Runan is really not worth his shot, there is no benefit.

In a sense, Yuan Shu is guarding the door for Liu Ke.

Now Yangzhou has no enemies who can threaten him, and it is a period of rapid development.

"Let Feng Xiao come over and see what he thinks." Liu Ke said.

Xun You cupped his hands and said again: "Master, I'm going to Jiujiang."

It seems that Xun You also discovered the problem of remote control, and now he has to go to the front line to make up for it.

With Xun You watching Yuan Shu and Sun Jian at the front line, Liu Ke felt at ease, so he agreed to Xun You's request.

After Xun You went out, he sent someone to invite Guo Jia, and he went straight to Jiujiang County.

It never stops.

After Guo Jia came, he greeted: "I have seen the Lord!"

Liu Ke nodded, and cut to the chase: "What does Feng Xiao think about Yuan Shu?"

"Yuan Shu is a man of great ambition and talent. If the master doesn't do anything, he will play himself to death." Guo Jia commented.

"Feng Xiao wants me to stand still?" Liu Ke said, he heard Guo Jia's meaning and fell into deep thought.

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