"My lord wants to follow the kingly way. We really don't have any good excuses to take Runan. Besides, Runan is not very good, so it's not worth fighting." Guo Jia said.

Liu Keshen took it for granted, he was just afraid that there would be gossip in the army, after all Runan was right in front of him, why didn't he seize it?

Guo Jia believes that maintaining the current reputation is more beneficial than seizing Runan, which is probably what it means.

Poor Yuan Shu was completely ignored by Guo Jia, let alone Liu Ke.

"Then we don't do anything?" Liu Ke said.

"It's enough to pay close attention, and Jingzhou Mu is not a fuel-efficient lamp." Guo Jia said.

"To be honest, although there are [-] people in Jingzhou, I really don't like them." Liu Ke held an objection.

"My lord means..." Guo Jia didn't understand all of a sudden.

"First, Jingzhou has no generals, and Huang Zu and Cai Mao's disciples are far inferior to Sun Jian. Second, Jingzhou has never fought a big battle, and all of them are bandits. Even if it is a battle with Sun Jian's [-] people, it depends on the number of people. There are many people. Now, Sun Jian has [-] people, and he is a fierce tiger." Liu Ke analyzed.

Jingzhou has [-] standing soldiers, and they can temporarily pull up tens of thousands of troops to defend the city, and then liberate [-] troops to meet the enemy.

These sparse troops were far inferior to Yuan Shu's elite army.

"Will Liu Biao lose?" Guo Jia wondered.

"Very likely." Liu Ke said.

Considering that Liu Biao will lose, it is impossible for Yangzhou to stay out of it.

"So order the navy to be ready to go upstream at any time and attack Sun Jian's ass." Liu Kedao felt that this was not enough, and added, "Send someone to tell Liu Biao that war is coming."

Guo Jia nodded, and quickly sent the letter to Liu Biao's desk.

When Kuai Liang handled the copywriting for Liu Biao, he saw Yangzhou's letter immediately, and he has always attached great importance to this aspect.

As soon as it was disassembled, it was terrible. Sun Jian led an army of [-] to attack Jingzhou?

Kuai Liang hurriedly found Liu Biao and explained the matter.

Liu Biao was surprised, Yangzhou had already got the news, why didn't he know anything about it?

Immediately summoned Cai Mao and asked what was going on.

"Degui, what do you want to say?" Liu Biao asked angrily.

Cai Mao took out a book and said, "I just got the news too!"

Kuai Liang took it, and was given a meaningful look by Cai Mao.

His hands trembled slightly, and after reading the content, he told Liu Biao that the content was roughly the same.


The date of the letter was changed. Cai Mao should have received the information two days ago, and then he didn't care about it, and he didn't know where he left it.

Or didn't watch it at all.

Cai Mao was afraid of being blamed, so he changed the date to today.

But Cai Mao was Liu Biao's confidant and relative, and Kuai Liang didn't want to offend him because of such a trivial matter, so he pretended not to see it.

"Degui, I blamed you!" Liu Biao said, both of them are his confidantes, there is nothing to doubt.

Cai Mao cupped his hands, expressing that he didn't mind, and his low profile, and then gave Kuai Liang a grateful look.

Since the two reports said that Sun Jian was going to attack Jingzhou, Liu Biao had to face it squarely.

"This Sun Jian is so arrogant in keeping the jade seal privately, we can't let him go easily!" Cai Mao said sternly.

When it comes to Liu Biao's heart.

"However, the Marquis of Dongyang said in his letter that Yuan Shu supported Sun Jian's [-] troops, which should not be underestimated."

Therefore, Liu Biao held a meeting to discuss how to deal with the crisis.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Sun Jian led the army to revenge.

"What's the point of worrying about your defeated general?" Huang Zu shouted.

Huang Zu is a member of the Huang clan in Anlu, Jiangxia, and is currently the prefect of Jiangxia.He is very good at fighting, but his temper is very impatient.

"This time is different. Sun Wentai knelt and licked Yuan Gonglu and borrowed a hundred thousand troops." Liu Biao said.

"What's the difference? My lord, give me [-] troops, no, [-] is enough, let's see how I can defeat Sun Wentai!" Huang Zu said.

Liu Biao was very happy to hear that Huang Zu asked for a battle. Jingzhou did not lose its courage and vigor, which is very good.

It's just that you only bring [-] horses, isn't it too big?

So Liu Biao asked, "Will the plan be released?"

Huang Zu was not a pure reckless man, he said: "Sun Jian came across the river, half hit him!"

Liu Biao stroked his beard and said, "That's a good idea."

Kuai Liang also stood up and said: "You can make Master Huang Zu the vanguard, and my lord will lead the Jingzhou army to support."

Liu Biao agreed to this proposal.

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