Sure enough, the two teams of cavalry collided with each other with a "boom", splashing bloody sparks.

Sun Ce fought bloody, desperately killing more than a dozen cavalrymen, and directly penetrated the cavalry formation.

When he turned his head again, there were only two hundred cavalry around him.

However, the Yangzhou iron cavalry continued to attack and charged straight into the infantry phalanx.

Sun Ce estimated that the Yangzhou cavalry only lost three or four hundred people.

What a terrible army is this?

At this moment, Sun Ce was a little shaken.

However, in the next second, violent shouts broke out in the infantry phalanx.


It's Gongjin!He is still working on it!

Sun Ce suddenly turned around and chased after Yangzhou cavalry.

The infantry phalanx was undoubtedly pierced, and the Yangzhou iron cavalry left dozens of corpses and walked away.

Zhou Yu quickly blocked the omission of the defense, for fear that the Yangzhou iron cavalry would charge again.

At this moment Sun Ce also came, looking at Gu Gao Yiqi who was waving a long spear, he felt mixed emotions.

Marquis of Dongyang!It was he who led the cavalry to charge into battle!

In just an instant, his two thousand cavalry were destroyed...

Sun Ce put away his spear and cupped his fists at his idol.

Then his momentum changed, and he said, "I am Sun Bofu, the son of Marquis Wucheng! Here, I challenge Marquis Dongyang!"

As if he had made a break, his aura continued to rise, and Sun Ce was possessed like the overlord Xiang Yu at this moment.

Liu Ke was a little shocked when he heard the name, and he was a step late in replying.

Isn't this the little overlord Sun Ce?

"Do you want to fight alone, or do you go together?" Liu Ke said lightly.

A smile appeared on Sun Ce's face, what an arrogant Marquis of Dongyang!More arrogant than me!

"I'm going to smash your handsome face!"

Liu Ke was shocked, mmp, it is unforgivable that someone misses his face.

"Bringing a child should be like Sun Bofu!"

Is this an endorsement?Sun Ce's face brightened.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Sun Ce was so excited that he was recognized by the Marquis of Dongyang?

That is the world-famous Marquis of Dongyang!

Zhou Yu smiled and teased: "Bo Fu, don't be fooled, Dongyang Hou said you are his son!"

"Hmph! The Marquis of Dongyang is the same generation as my father, so what's the point?" Sun Ce said disapprovingly, still flattered in his heart, "Aren't you jealous?"

Silly boy!Inexplicably, I was twice as short as others, and even counted money for others!

Zhou Yu muttered, but in fact he was quite envious.

This is life, getting the approval of your idol.

What could be more proud of this?

In life, it is enough to have a few blessings!

"Dongyanghou, this is a life-and-death battle, please advise!" Sun Celang said, the word "life and death" is a reminder to himself.

He began to concentrate and hold his breath, restoring his aura to its peak.

Thinking of those cavalrymen who died in battle, he couldn't help trembling, and what followed was endless strength brought about by anger.

and longing.

He is eager to fight!

He's a young lion, and now he's going to show off.

A young man raised the word "life and death" to himself, and it has to be said that Liu Ke was stimulated no less than Sun Ce.

"Come on, let's fight to the end!"

The two of them rode their horses at the same time, and the Wuhu Soul-breaking Spear seemed to sweep away with great force.


The first time the impact hit, Sun Ce suffered a big loss, his body was almost unstable, and he swayed a few times on the horse's back.

"How?" Liu Ke said proudly.

Sun Ce curled his lips, on the surface he didn't think so, but he was full of energy in his heart.

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