Dongyang Hou's one-armed sweep was powerful enough, so he had to be especially careful.

As for Dongyang Hou's arrogance, it couldn't be more normal.

He regards me as an opponent, not a junior, Sun Ce thought so.

The two fought for more than a dozen rounds as if premeditated, and the flashes of light and flint flashed, which made people see it so.

"it is good!"

"Your Majesty Sun Ce, please do your best!"

A traitor appeared in the Yangzhou army... Gathered everyone's attention.

"Why? Do you have an opinion? The lord will definitely win. Only Sun Ce will work harder to present a more exciting duel!"

"Yeah, if you can last more than a dozen rounds under the attack of the lord, you are already a hero!"

Sun Ce is not reconciled!

Because I have been pressed and beaten all the time, I feel uncomfortable pressure all over my body.

Dongyang Hou's moves are very simple, but he uses his power with great proficiency.

And that war horse that is even better than Chitu...

And the five tiger soul-breaking spear, which is sharper and heavier than ordinary spears...

Where are your odds?

Sun Ce didn't know, but he gritted his teeth and looked for opportunities to counterattack in defense.

"It's not okay to be distracted during the battle!" Liu Ke reprimanded, the spear stabbed out, and the shadow of the spear continued.

Sun Ce was tired of coping, but he still kept his thoughts empty, because he could never win Dongyang Hou with physical coping alone.

Dongyanghou is too strong, like a mountain!

What makes people even more desperate is that he possesses an incomparably astonishing fighting wisdom.

He dominates the entire battlefield.

Liu Ke simply waved his gun and attacked with the sound of piercing through the air.

Sun Ce blocked with his spear horizontally, relying on the strength of his two hands, he could barely block the blow.

Under the continuous attack, Sun Ce's palm was split open, and the pain was unbearable.

He knew that he was defeated, and he persisted until now entirely by virtue of his recklessness.

Thirty rounds!

After another stagger, Sun Ce took the opportunity to distance himself and said, "I'm defeated!"

Liu Ke did not continue to be aggressive, and said: "I am nearly ten years older than you, and I was nothing more than that when you were your age. I have been waiting for you for a few years."

Sun Ce retracted his gun and cupped his fists, and returned to the army formation, only to find that Zhou Yu was no longer there!

This is even more frightening than losing a single challenge!

"Report to the Major General that the Lord's battle is tight, and Master Zhou Yu led [-] troops to support him." A close aide reported.

Father's [-] horses, even the [-] navy in Yangzhou, can't resist it?

If Dongyanghou hadn't been dragged down due to the one-on-one fight, I'm afraid it would be the same situation here.

Zhou Yu is really a cunning guy!

Sun Ce had to admit.

However, he had to clean up the rest of the mess himself.

How to rely on more than [-] people to resist the attack of Dongyang Marquis cavalry?

"Warriors! Defeat the Marquis of Dongyang, right now, sacrifice your lives!" Sun Ce shouted with all his strength.

The soldiers were awe-inspiring, infected by the domineering aura exuded by Sun Ce, and raised their spears recklessly.

Cavalry, charge!

Liu Ke rushed to the front as always, and then overcame the thorns and thorns, and countless figures fell behind him, but he stood still on his horse, leaving a distance of [-] meters from the army.

Seeing this, the Yangzhou cavalry turned red-eyed, the lord is in front of them!

They are mud legs born for fighting, the lord is so high above...

Another perfect penetration.

Sun Ce closed his eyes in pain, the terrifying Yangzhou cavalry.

Father, how long can we last?

Sun Jianjun has shown his defeat!

Zhou Yu's support greatly boosted the morale of Sun Jian's army. However, this short-lived morale was instantly shattered by Gan Ning's crazy navy.

That is a group of desperate lunatics!

Rigorously trained lunatics!

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