It's all like this, Luoyang still can't beat it!

"Could this Cao Mengde be my second nemesis?" Dong Zhuo couldn't help but ask.

The first nemesis is of course Liu Ke, there is no doubt about this.

Cao Cao was one of the original founders of the anti-Dong alliance. Later, Dong Zhuo gave up Luoyang. It was he who insisted on pursuing, Liu Kecai joined, and together they defeated Xiliang's [-] troops.

Not to mention now, being stuck in Luoyang for [-] days prevented the Xiliang iron cavalry from advancing an inch.

"My lord, why worry? You can go to Luoyang in three days!" Li Ru vowed.

"Oh? What's Wenyou's opinion?" Dong Zhuo asked.

"Cao Mengde cherishes his wings, but also his reputation. As long as we have enough people in our hands, are we afraid that he will not submit?" Li Ru laughed.

"Haha, Wen You's words are right." Dong Zhuo laughed loudly.

Since using this method, the efficiency of siege has more than doubled.

Hearing the words, Li Jue and Guo Si acted quickly, arresting refugees everywhere, and Hongnong County suddenly became a ghost town.

But they also have a little ability, and they arrested [-] people at once.

Dong Zhuo was overjoyed and rewarded the two men.

The next day, the siege continued, and bloody battles continued.

Cao Cao couldn't help frowning as he watched the people swarming from the city.

After finally gaining fame by accepting Emperor Xian, he didn't want to be ruined like this.

But what about siege warfare?

Unexpectedly, I, Cao Mengde, would also hesitate.

Cao Cao smiled wryly, while ordering the soldiers to shout "walk along the city wall" to the people, and on the other hand, prepare for hand-to-hand combat on the city wall.

After a bloody battle, Cao Cao's army lost another two to three thousand troops.

"My lord, we have suffered heavy losses, why not retreat!" Cao Hong said.

This sentence reached Cao Cao's heart, but he still said firmly: "A battle to the death will never retreat."

The battle of Luoyang is related to the future development of Cao Jun, so he has to bite the bullet and continue.

Cao Cao needs to prove that he has the ability to protect Emperor Xian!

Another point, that is, as long as he defeated Dong Zhuo, there would be one less enemy.Besides Yuan Shao, who else can curb his development?

Except Dongyang Hou!

This is why Cao Cao persisted.

"Those people settle down, don't let them run around," Cao Cao said.

Those expelled people all entered the city through another city gate.

"The last general takes orders!" Xia Houyuan said.

It's not easy for him, he has to fight for days, and he has to appease the people.

That night, there was a sudden loud shouting and killing. Cao Cao fell asleep and thought he was dreaming until Yu Jin came to visit.

"Report, my lord, there are spies in the city, and the city gate was taken by Dong Zhuojun!"

Cao Cao's face turned pale with fright, and he started up suddenly. It took only a few seconds for him to stabilize. Now he must calm down.

It's those people!

Even thought of the problem, but unfortunately it was too late.

The only thing Cao Cao can do is to stop the loss.

"My lord, you should die!" Xia Houyuan also thought of the cause and effect of the matter.

"It's my fault. Miaocai was exhausted. I didn't see any abnormalities. It's understandable." Cao Cao said.

But now it's not a question of who will take the blame, Xia Houyuan has proved his loyalty with his actions.

"My lord, let's go first, I'll take care of the queen!" Xia Houyuan led his troops and rushed directly to the street.

Cao Cao hesitated to speak, he could only sigh and organize a retreat.

They quickly withdrew from the city, and Cao Cao consolidated his troops, still [-] to [-] people.

He didn't have the guts to fight Dong Zhuojun in the street, so it's better to preserve his strength now.

Xia Houyuan hasn't come out yet, should we wait for him to come out?

Thinking of this, Cao Cao decided to ambush his troops on the road.

In the end Xia Houyuan escaped with hundreds of riders, and tears filled his eyes when he saw Cao Cao.

"My lord, go quickly, Dong Zhuojun is chasing you!" Xia Houyuan said.

Sure enough, Niu Fu led the army in hot pursuit, and his figure was faintly visible in the night.

Cao Cao couldn't help but be moved when he saw Xia Houyuan was drenched in blood and still loyal.

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