"Don't be in a hurry, follow me to kill the enemy!" Cao Cao shouted.

The ambushes came out everywhere, killing Niu Fu in shock.

Especially Cao Chun's tiger and leopard cavalry, pushing all the way.

Niu Fu left thousands of troops behind and fled frantically.

Cao Cao's army won the victory, saved some face, and retreated to Hulaoguan in despair.

The entire Luoyang City has been occupied by Dong Zhuo's army. At this moment, Dong Zhuo laughed loudly and said, "Wen You, good job!"

Li Ru smiled slightly, it was his handwriting to mix spies among the common people.It turned out that he was just a surprise soldier and didn't have much hope.

I didn't expect to make a success in one fell swoop.

Dong Zhuo was not happy at all when he returned to Luoyang, where he had not seen for a long time.

There are too many memories of him in this city. At that time, he was even more majestic than now.

It's a pity that such days are gone forever.

"Burn it!" Dong Zhuo said lightly.

The corner of Li Ru's mouth twitched, is it still burning?

Luoyang is like this, please let it go!

However, Li Jue and Guo Si resolutely carried out Dong Zhuo's order, and they kindly expelled the people.

Luoyang soared into the sky and the fire broke out again.

The common people wept bitterly, their newly built home was just gone.

At the beginning, it was better to go directly to Yangzhou with Dongyang Hou, but now it is fine, there is nothing left.

They didn't dare to resist, they knew enough about Dong Zhuo.

At this moment they hated Cao Cao, it was because of his incompetence that led to the current situation.

When Cao Cao saw this scene, his heart was about to burst.Dong Zhuo is adding salt to his wounds and humiliating him!

However, he could only endure such humiliation in silence.

Xia Houyuan also watched the fire in Luoyang silently, feeling very ironic.I worked so hard to build it for so long, and it was all gone in a fire.

And the people in Luoyang, it should be even more difficult at this moment.

"Miao Cai, am I not good enough?" Cao Cao asked suddenly.

"No, my lord is a master, so this level is nothing!" Xia Houyuan said firmly.

"Miaocai is right, we are only leaving temporarily, Luoyang will always be ours!" Cao Hong said.

"That's right, my lord, a failure means nothing, Yanzhou is our foundation!" Yu Jin also said.

Cao Cao finally regained his confidence.

Luoyang, wait for me, I will definitely come back again!

Soon, Liu Ke received an urgent report.

After holding on for more than [-] days, Luoyang is still lost!

Moreover, Dong Zhuo burned Luoyang again.

This prodigal, rough guy will only use this method to frighten the enemy.

Liu didn't care about this, he just lamented how difficult the people of Luoyang were.

"My lord, if you rush over now, you may still be able to see the situation where Luoyang is on fire." Chen Gong said.

What a coincidence!

Liu Ke was at the scene of the two fires.

"What's there to see? If I, Yangzhou, don't work hard to develop, this is our end!" Liu Ke said.

This means that the weak will be beaten.

Chen Gong thinks so, it turns out that this is the driving force behind the lord's efforts to develop Yangzhou.

"Get ready to meet Cao Mengde!" Liu Ke said.

Chen Gong nodded, Cao Cao was his former lord, and he was very sympathetic to what happened to him.

Cao Cao is ruthless, but he is a hundred times better than Dong Zhuo!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Cao Cao's army entered Hulao Pass like a bereaved dog.

As a defeated man, Cao Cao upholds the greatest pride, which is to be the last to enter the city.

By the time he entered the city, it was already daylight.

"Brother Meng Dexian, long time no see!" Liu Ke greeted.

Can you stop calling me good brother?I am very old!

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