The Liu family of Qianzhuang holds 5% of the shares, and the government owns 95%. No one is allowed to intervene.At first, it was only piloted in Yangzhou, and it was enough to set up one site in each county.

Liu is afraid that if he spreads too fast, without professional talents, he will be screwed up by them.So he intends to develop and grow while cultivating talents.

Lu Su also agreed. It is impossible to imagine what kind of scene it will be when the wealth of the entire Yangzhou is gathered together.

"Don't confuse the wealth of the bank with the government's finances. The government has to issue an IOU and pay back the money afterwards, and the bank also has to pay taxes." Liu Ke said.

Lu Su is still very keen on the economy, and immediately understood Liu Ke's words.

To sum it up, mint new coins and set up money houses, and use Dong Zhuo's wealth and money to make money.

As a result, the proportion of agricultural tax is getting lower and lower.

"My lord, we have to guard against it. We have to strengthen agriculture." Lu Su reminded.

No matter what kind of country, agriculture is fundamental.

Liu Ke said, "Of course I know the importance of agriculture, so I plan to exempt the agricultural tax in a few years."

The corner of Lu Su's mouth twitched. For thousands of years in Chinese history, agricultural tax has been the main fiscal revenue. Fortunately, you have directly exempted agricultural tax.

Liu doesn't think so. The exemption of agricultural tax is only exempting farmers from eating. When food becomes a commodity, don't they still have to pay taxes?

A few years later, the grain output in Yangzhou will definitely be able to supply a country, and the grain that has become a commodity will definitely be more than what I can keep for myself.

Half a day later, Lu Su's small notebook was full. Every time he talked with Liu Ke, he benefited a lot. Among them, Qianzhuang had the most records.

Lu Su left satisfied, and Liu Ke just sat at home and waited for the harvest of leeks, and the wealth will continue to overwhelm him.

At the time of YY, a messenger came into Liu's mansion and handed Jia Xu's letter to Liu Ke.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Although Jiaozhou is adjacent to Yangzhou, the distance between Jiaozhi and Dongyang is the same as the distance between Jiangsu and Vietnam.

If it weren't for Yangzhou's developed shipping, Liu Ke's control over Jiaozhou would be much weaker.

Now, Yangzhou is continuously transporting grain to Jiaozhou and encouraging immigrants, and its rule over Jiaozhou is already very stable.

Jia Xu's letter mainly summarized the development of Jiaozhou.

Under the threat of Gan Ning's army, Shi Yi surrendered.His surrender represented the demise of Jiaozhou's largest resistance force.

Jia Xu used threats and temptations to stabilize many tribes in Jiaozhou.Coercion is very simple, all those who disobey the rule will be wiped out, and temptation is to promise the tribal leader to be an official.

However, to select new officials from Jiaozhou students and assist them in governing their subordinates, the most important thing is the establishment of the academy.

Let Jiaozhi unconditionally learn the Central Plains culture and promote Confucianism.

However, what is definitely different from Yangzhou is that Jia Xu adopts a self-sufficient approach to Jiaozhou's business and restricts its development.

He even suggested that Liu Ke should "suspend for three years" the business in Jiaozhou.

Since the southern part of Jingzhou was occupied by Sun Ce, this trade route has been cut off.Jia Xu took advantage of the opportunity to increase the tax rate on Yizhou's trade.

This will undoubtedly increase Jiaozhou's dependence on Yangzhou and let them better understand the strength of Yangzhou.

Moreover, during Liu Ke's expedition, Jia Xu and Lu Su also engaged in a joint operation, that is, Jiaozhou sent a tribal mission to Dongyang to study for half a month.

Thousands of missionaries traveled from south to north, and they witnessed the prosperity of the Central Plains.Especially the magnificence of Dongyang City left a deep impression on them.

After these people returned to Jiaozhou, they became honest.I no longer contradict Jia Xu's policies.

Jia Xu's consideration is very thoughtful, and Liu Ke's decision to keep him in Jiaozhou is undoubtedly the right move.

Originally, Liu Ke thought that he would kill Jiaozhou to death. After the situation stabilized, Liu Ke replaced him with a relatively gentle chief officer.

Unexpectedly, Jia Xu even took care of Huairou's work for Liu Ke, and now the early birds can't find her.

As for the restrictions on commercial development, Liu Ke also agreed, but the official road still needs to be repaired.

At present, the official road in Yangzhou is basically completed, and now it is mainly repairing a road that runs through Jiaozhou.After repairing, the prisoner's labor period should also be up.

However, the development of agriculture in Jiaozhou cannot be left behind. Liu Ke thinks that Jia Xu is not doing well enough.

Where is Cochin?Rice can be harvested three times a year.

How can you give up this natural advantage?

And there is no need to mention fruits and the like, which are already abundant in the south.

And sugar cane.

Liu Ke told his attendant Liu Xian about these, and Liu Xian recorded them one by one, and finally compiled them into documents and sent them to Jia Xu.

This is the advantage of having a secretary.

Later, the development model of Jiaozhou focusing on agriculture and Yangzhou focusing on commerce was formed.

The territory of Jiaozhou is too large, and Liu Ke plans to divide and conquer it.In the future, Jiaozhou will refer to Jiaozhi, that is, the Vietnam region; in the Guangdong and Guangxi regions, Liu Ke decided to follow the example of the later Soochow and establish Guangzhou; Hainan Island directly established Haizhou.

In this way, unrest can be largely avoided.

Liu Xian also recorded this idea, and will discuss it with Lu Su, Guo Jia, Xun You and others at that time.

Jia Xu urged Liu Ke to improve the official selection system as soon as possible, because the gap in officials is still too large.

The imperial examination has been in preparation for several years, and Liu Ke felt that it should be carried out.

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