"What do you think of the imperial examination system?" Liu Ke asked.

Liu Xian used to be a student of Taixue, and he was still very unfamiliar with imperial examinations, let alone others, so he told Liu Ke what he was thinking, saying:

"My lord, in fact, we should hold the imperial examination as soon as possible, and make up for the loopholes. If we wait any longer, the students will complain."

Liu Ke has always paid attention to perfection in his work. He is afraid that the various imperial examination systems will be imperfect, which will make people cheat for personal gain.Because he still has to go through this to defeat the aristocratic family, so he has to be cautious.

However, it has been a year since the Taixue Selecting Scholars and the Nine-Rank Zhongzheng System have been implemented, and they were acceptable at the beginning.Some aristocratic families even stood up and asked Liu Ke to make the Nine Ranks Zhongzheng the only official selection system.

Liu Ke sniffed at this.

"Let the counties arrange county exams. Only those who pass the exam will be able to take the exam next year." Liu Ke said.

Liu Xian also recorded that this is a big deal and cannot be sloppy.

"Mr. Shui Jing's private school directly gives 20 places for the exam, and 50 places for the Taixue, so you don't need to take the county exam." Liu Ke said.

This can be regarded as opening the back door to a prestigious academy, and Cai Yong must be very happy when he finds out.

Taixue can not only practice the road, but also participate in the imperial examination.

"Tell the talents selected by the Jiupin Zhongzheng System that if they can win the imperial examination, their starting point will be different. If they fail the ranking, the nomination quota will be cancelled." Liu Ke said with a slight smile.

Liu Xian was rather speechless, but now the lord's every word can decide the fate of others.Too bad it's too playful.

The second half of Jia Xu's letter introduces the current situation in Jingzhou.

After Sun Ce took over Jingnan, he worked hard to govern, and soon won the support of the local people.

Sun Jian already had a good reputation in Changsha, but Sun Ce was even more ruthless, directly attacking the powerful, and the people applauded.

Sun Ce, who had no military expenses, did not seek the support of the aristocratic family at all.But the foundation of his people is very stable, and the family's counterattack hardly caused any damage.

Now, with four counties in his hands, he has [-] troops, plus [-] local troops, making a total of [-] troops.

The crazy military expansion has brought many problems, such as Liu Biao's anxiety.

Sun Ce has always blamed Liu Biao for his father's death.Whether it's for revenge or justifiable expansion, he will not show mercy to Liu Biao.

However, Liu Biao gained the support of the aristocratic family, and his strength also increased greatly.They were afraid that after Sun Ce became the master of Jingzhou, they would end badly.

Facts have proved that Sun Ce is not friendly to the aristocratic family, and his methods are very rough.

The aristocratic family had to go bankrupt to help Liu Biao, and Liu Biao's army strength was restored to [-].

The small Jingzhou has raised [-] troops, and the war is imminent.

During this period, Liu Biao also had a connection with Yuan Shu.

Yuan Shu sent an envoy to question Sun Ce, whether he should return the [-] troops or cede half of Jingzhou's territory.Otherwise he would have killed the hostage Sun Quan and teamed up with Liu Biao.

Sun Ce was frightened at first, but Zhou Yu resolved the crisis without any risk.

First, he pretended to cater to Yuan Shu to confirm Sun Quan's safety, and then sent dead soldiers to rescue Sun Quan.

Yuan Shu was furious, and Zhou Yu sent someone to negotiate with him, promising that as long as Yuan Shu helped defeat Liu Biao, half of Jingzhou's territory would belong to him.

Yuan Shu is a fencer, unable to make a decision for a while, and only waits for Sun Ce and Liu Biao to fight to the death before making a move.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Sun Ce has become Liu Biao's confidant.

Liu Biao thought he could use Yuan Shu's power to suppress him, but he didn't expect it to be useless.

Moreover, he also lost his most powerful ally, Dongyanghou.

Now Liu Biao regrets it very much.

Not to mention Liu Biao, even Cai Mao and Kuai Liang regretted it.

At the beginning, the two of them were most opposed to begging for mercy from the Marquis of Dongyang, but now Sun Ce made them sleepless, and it was about to reach a critical point.

Maybe one day I will go crazy.

"My lord, why don't we relax our relationship with the Marquis of Dongyang?" Kuai Liang suggested.

These words won Liu Biao's heart.But Jingzhou is very poor now, and all his possessions are used to expand the army.

What else can impress Dongyanghou?

"Isn't there still the Zongzheng position?" Cai Mao said with a big mouth, "My lord will give up the Zongzheng position to Liu Dingfang. Anyway, this position has a big name, and there is no benefit."

Liu Biao thought about it for a while, and felt that the idea was not bad.

So he sent envoys to Yangzhou, expressing his willingness to recommend Liu Ke as the new Zongzheng.

Liu Biao's sect is authentic, and his origin is not correct. It was sealed by Dong Zhuo.

Now that Dong Zhuo has died in the hands of Liu Ke, how could he care about this position.

But it's not good to refuse directly, so I said to the messenger: "I'm still young, Zongzheng needs a respected elder to take over."

Guo Jia and others agreed with this. How could Liu Biao give up the Zongzheng position?

It was too child's play, but it became a burden.

If it is spread that the Zongzheng position was handed over by Liu Biao, it would be ridiculous.

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