"It's very possible, isn't it?" Liu Ke said.

Indeed, Xiahou Yuan and Xiahou Dun are both tiger generals, and it is impossible for them to admit defeat when they meet Lu Bu and retreat again and again.

You know, this time Cao Cao's army dispatched [-] to [-] troops, while Lu Bu only brought [-] troops.With such a disparity in troop strength, it is unbelievable that Lu Bu has been chasing Cao Cao's army.

Of course, in order to maintain the number of troops, Cao Cao recruited new soldiers, resulting in a decline in overall combat effectiveness, but this is not the point.

Liu Ke is also thinking about whether it is too hasty to start a decisive battle directly. Liu Ke has no idea how many people will survive in Yangzhou's [-] army.

"Report, the right wing found Yuan Shujun!" Scout Hui reported.

"Who will be the general?" Liu Ke asked, and at the same time, he was also thinking about how to use Yuan Shujun. Free thugs are not for nothing.

"Ji Ling." The scout said.

"Let him come and see me." Liu Ke said.

Ji Ling hurried over soon, and was startled when he saw the marching army.He didn't have any formal scouts, so he didn't find the main force in Yangzhou.

"Greetings, Marquis of Dongyang!" Ji Ling cupped his hands.

"I called you here to ask you to help with something," Liu Ke said.

"Don't hesitate to order the Marquis of Dongyang, he will go through fire and water." Ji Ling said.

It's better for you to say this to Yuan Shu...

Liu Ke murmured in his heart, and then ordered: "You go to attack Cao Cao's camp, dare to do it?"

Ji Ling wondered for a moment, what's the difference between this and death?

Now he has only [-] horses, while there are hundreds of thousands in Cao Cao's barracks.

"I have distracted Cao Cao's army. You only need to be responsible for lighting the fire. The lights must be brightly lit to create a spectacular scene of [-] people attacking the camp." Liu Ke said.

It turned out that it was just a feint attack, which frightened me.

Ji Ling finally felt relieved and said, "Leave it to me!"

After finishing speaking, he left in a hurry.

"Zi Yang, I'm worried, you can follow along." Liu Ke said.

Liu Ye received the order and rode his horse to Yuan Shujun.

Regardless of whether Cao Cao had ambushes or not, since Liu Ke dispatched an army of one hundred thousand, he must make him fly like a dog.

On the other side, Lu Bu chased after him, but suddenly found that the terrain had changed.

"Stop! Scouts look around!"


Suddenly shouts and killings shook the sky.

Well, no need to investigate now.

Xiahou Dun also led the army to turn around and fight back, but Xiahouyuan did not know when he appeared behind him.

In the originally pitch-black area, all the flames lit up, giving people a sense of déjà vu.

"Lu Fengxian, did you enjoy chasing him?" Xiahou Dun laughed loudly.

"Of course I'm happy. I can't help being proud when I see the lost dog running around," Lu Bu said.

Xiahou Dun's smile froze, what is a lost dog?

"I have an army of [-] here, so I have to kill [-] to [-] to be enough." Lu Bu said in a very loud tone.

"Hmph, our people are everywhere, you still have to be brave!" Xiahou Dun snorted coldly.

"Brothers, are you afraid of death?" Lu Bu suddenly shouted.

"Death is a bastard, I have never been afraid of a bastard!"

"My broadsword is already thirsty!"

Even if the soldiers in Yangzhou were surrounded, they could still talk and laugh happily, as if they were dead.

In order to defend Yangzhou, they can risk their lives.No matter how many enemies there are, what does it matter?

Seeing this, Xiahou Dun couldn't help but feel admiration.Once upon a time, they fought side by side, but now their positions are different.

"According to Dongyanghou's rules, lay down your weapons and surrender without killing!" Xiahou Dun said.

"This bastard is stalling for time, don't be cowardly, let's go together, do the talking first, don't worry about the rest!" Lu Bu ordered, and rushed over immediately.

mmp, persuasion with good intentions, all thoughts are in vain!

Xiahou Dun was furious, and fought Lu Bu with a gun.

The reason why Lu Bu rushed forward was that Xiahou Dun led the remnants of the defeated generals, and their morale was relatively low. Second, the enemy behind him must be more prepared for such an encirclement.


The two armies intertwined in an instant and fought into a regiment.

Cao Ren and Cao Hong on the left and right flanks also surrounded and formed a lore.

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