Lu Bu was vigilant before and did not enter the real ambush circle, so they could only run and surround them. Xiahou Dun bought them a lot of time.

The reason why Lu Bu gave up the best chance to break through was because of Liu Ke's instructions.

In the worst case, we will fight decisively, who is afraid of whom.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Faced with Lu Bu's counterattack, Cao Cao's army was not surprised.

The possibility of letting the Yangzhou army put down their weapons and catch them without a fight is too small.Dongyang Hou has only been on the stage of history for a few years, but he has already established his own honor.

The frightening thing is that Liu Ke distributed these honors to the corps under his seat and won their allegiance.

Regardless of the fact that the Yangzhou Army only has [-] people, if it becomes fierce, anyone's scalp will tingle.

Xiahoudun strictly defended himself, as long as the Yangzhou army was not allowed to break through from him and surrounded by armies from three sides, then Cao Cao's army would win.

Lu Bu also knew this, and fought more fiercely, beheading dozens of people in a row, all of whom were the elite of Cao Cao's army.

"Lu Fengxian, don't show off your power!" Xiahoudun shouted, he is not Lu Bu's opponent, but it is still possible to contain him in the battle.


After fighting all night, Xiahoudun suffered serious physical exhaustion, and suffered a big loss in the first fight. His body was twisted and he almost fell off his horse.

The saddle produced in Yangzhou is really a good thing, otherwise Xiahou Dun would be gone.

Lu Bu and Xiahou Dun continued to fight for more than a dozen rounds, and they didn't seem to panic at all, Xiahou Dun secretly became suspicious.

Didn't the Yangzhou Army break through?

Now that the siege has been completed, it is difficult for Lu Bu to fly.

"Lu Fengxian, don't make unnecessary resistance! You are already surrounded!" Xiahou Dun was exhausted physically and could only bluff by roaring.

"Hmph, it's not certain who surrounds who." Lu Bu sneered.

It seems to be verifying Lu Bu's words.

woo woo

Suddenly, a loud horn sounded.

Countless Yangzhou troops came out decisively and ferociously. Even in the dark, the uniform armor was very eye-catching.

"No, it's no wonder that Lv Bu is confident. It turns out that Dongyanghou's reinforcements are behind." Xia Houyuan was shocked. At this moment, he didn't have time to change his formation, and was caught off guard by being killed.

"Xiahou Miaocai, take your life!" Dian Wei ignored the soldiers around him and directly charged towards Xiahouyuan.

How many orders can be conveyed in this night?

The sound of fighting, all kinds of noisy human voices, the sound of weapons touching, and the strong smell of blood in the air...Xia Houyuan's various senses have been filled with killing.

Dian Wei and Xia Houyuan fought together.

For a moment, Cao Hong and Cao Ren didn't know what to do.They want to give orders, but they don't know what orders to give, so they simply go into battle and fight hard.

The scene was once chaotic.

Liu Ke is planning to directly provoke a decisive battle in the darkness of night.

And Cao Cao obviously didn't exert all his strength, because he was still thinking about how to fight back against the aggressive Dongyanghou.

At this moment, Cao Cao still has [-] new troops on hand, which is a decisive force.Once he presses all over, it will be a life-and-death situation.

"Everyone says Dongyang Hou is resourceful and resourceful, but now it seems that he is just a reckless man." Cao Cao laughed.

Using [-] people to attack [-] people, is this a decision that a rational person can make?

"This kind of thing depends on the result. If you lose, you are reckless, if you win, you are courageous." Xi Zhicai joked.

It's a little self-defeating, but that's the truth.

Originally, Cao Cao wanted to make a plan, at least fight Liu Ke evenly, and buy some time for Sun Ce.

Now it seems that this is already a luxury.

Who would have thought that a simple nighttime ambush would turn into what it is now.

Cao Cao was not ready, and neither was Liu Ke, but Liu Ke was determined to fight to the end, and Cao Cao was still hesitating.

Once Cao Cao chooses a decisive battle, the victory or defeat can only be handed over to the soldiers under his command, and no conspiracy or trick will work.

"Yangzhou's army is well-trained, and our army is still a little bit behind. However, our army has twice the number of Yangzhou, so the chances of winning are still very high." Xi Zhicai said.

The scouts kept reporting on the situation.

"Report! General Xia Houyuan and Dian Wei singled out and left the battlefield, lost contact!"

"Report! Generals Cao Ren and Cao Hong entered the enemy's formation and lost contact."

"Report! General Xiahou Dun was knocked off his horse by Lu Bu, mixed into the infantry phalanx, and lost contact!"


These news do not prove that Cao Cao's army is at a disadvantage, and the two sides are evenly matched.

But one thing has been confirmed, the chain of command is completely paralyzed.

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