"Generally, this kind of situation is resolved by oneself. As long as there is no major dispute, no one cares about it." Zhuge Liang said.

Is it possible to set up the post of traffic management personnel?

Liu Ke couldn't help sighing. When Dongyang City was newly built, the issue of development had been taken into consideration. Four carriageway lanes were paved, and there were sidewalks beside them.

That's it, can it still be blocked?

Liu Ke raised his own question, and Zhuge Liang answered, "It's just that the city gate is sad. As for the goods, we need to check carefully."

Liu Ke thought about it and thought it was right, as if he knew about this rule.The exchange of goods must be checked clearly.

But with so many goods, when will we find out?

"It's already been calculated, the guard has dispatched everyone." Zhuge Liang said.

When something like this happens, you can only count yourself as unlucky.

After a while, the shopkeeper of the Qiao family became impatient and ordered the servant to push the cart by force.

"Let's let one let, let one let!"

It's crowded enough here, why don't you push the cart inside?

Liu Ke was speechless, and couldn't help but said, "Queue well, what are you pushing?"

The shopkeeper of Qiao's family scolded: "Hehe, if I read correctly, you were the one who squeezed in just now!"

Watching the fun, got caught?

Liu Ke retreated and said, "Do you dare to retreat?"

The shopkeeper didn't answer Liu Ke's words, instead he whipped a commoner and said, "Don't you hurry up and give way?"

The old man moved to the side with a bad look.

The whip was not whipped hard, but Liu Ke could see the class antagonism from it.

If things go on like this, the contradiction will become bigger and bigger.

"You still dare to stare, you don't want your eyeballs?" The shopkeeper threatened.

Liu Ke finally couldn't stand it any longer, grabbed the whip, and said, "What are you shouting about, is there any law?"

The shopkeeper took a look at Liu Ke. He was a young nobleman in a luxurious suit. He had ignored him before, but he just didn't want to continue entanglement.

But people, it seems that they are unwilling to give up?

"Come here, take him down and report to the officials. In broad daylight, take my whip!" The shopkeeper said.

More than a dozen servants surrounded them fiercely, and the crowd automatically gave way to an open space.

How could Xu Chu and Dian Wei let them get close to Liu Ke?

The two of them strode forward one by one, and took care of more than a dozen servants.

Only then did the shopkeeper realize that he seemed to have hit a steel plate.

Seeing the turmoil, the city guards rushed over immediately and said, "Who is making trouble? Do you still want to pass through the city gate?"

Dian Wei directly threw a sign over it, and the city guard saw that it was a general.

Immediately alerted the city gate guard.

"This problem can't be solved, what are you doing for food?" Dian Wei scolded.

The guards at the city gate were obedient and listened to the reprimand.

The shopkeeper finally came to his senses, as if he had offended a big shot?

Liu Ke didn't care about him anymore, so he guarded the city gate: "From now on, vehicles and pedestrians will pass separately, followed by goods."

The city gate guard quickly said yes.

It took Liu Ke a while to enter the city.

"The current Dongyang City is becoming more and more impetuous, not only students, but also businessmen." Liu Ke sighed, and the modest society he created is still far away.

When Gu Yong heard Liu Ke complaining about the businessman, he took the opportunity to suggest: "The Marquis of Dongyang doesn't know something. It's the businessman's pursuit of wealth that makes people's hearts go bad."

The "ancient" you mentioned probably refers to the era of savages who didn't have enough to eat and didn't wear warm clothes.

It's okay to listen to the ancients bragging, the times are always improving.

"There's nothing wrong with chasing wealth." Liu Ke said.

Gu Yong was restless, and was about to promote his ideas when he was mercilessly interrupted by Liu Ke.

"What's wrong is that education hasn't kept up," Liu Ke added.

"What does it mean that education has not kept up?" Zhuge Liang asked in surprise.

"It is often said that businessmen seek profits and businessmen are immoral because of the failure of education. If the development of education can keep up with the growth of wealth, then none of this is a problem. Teach businessmen to be kind to others, teach businessmen to be humble...education There is a long way to go." Liu Ke said.

Zhuge Liang was thoughtful.

Gu Yong was even more speechless, and now it has become their responsibility?

But after thinking about it carefully, Gu Yong understood.

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