"Businessmen should also study more, and we will promote this concept in Yangzhou in the future." Liu Ke said.

"It sounds weird, but it sounds good too." Zhuge Liang said.

"In the future, Taixue will study this topic more." Liu Ke said to Gu Yong.

Gu Yongzheng thought about it and found it very interesting. If it can really succeed, it will be a great thing for Confucianism.

For a long time, in their view, businessmen are not good things.What about a businessman who has read poetry and books?It might be different.

"Marquis Dongyang, aren't you afraid of the stubbornness of merchants?" Zhuge Liang said with a smile.

"How were the businessmen in the past? How are the businessmen now? Don't you see it clearly? We can make businessmen abide by the law, but now it's just to make businessmen have another idea. Can't you?" Liu Ke said.

Taixue represents the highest education in Yangzhou, how could Gu Yong say no.

Gu Yong only saw the spread of ideas, but Zhuge Liang thought more about it. Is this Dongyang Hou's strategy for governing the people?

Since ancient times, the ancients have practiced the strategy of "fooling the people", which is to make the people stupid, which they call simple.

Dongyang Hou did the opposite, letting go of knowledge and only guiding and controlling from the ideological point of view.

It's hard to say which one is better.

No, it seems that Yangzhou is developing very rapidly...

It only took a few years to build such a prosperous Yangzhou. After decades of development, what kind of fairyland on earth will it become?

Zhuge Liang suddenly looked forward to it.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

If there is a problem, it must be solved.

At the gate of the city, Liu Ke met a domineering businessman, but he didn't liquidate it on the spot because he wanted to know more about the situation.

He is tolerant of businessmen, but it is definitely not conniving.Now, under Liu Ke's stick education, businessmen know to respect the law.

The establishment of commercial law is to put shackles on businessmen like tigers and wolves.Liu Ke will not let them expand and maintain the momentum of development, but they cannot surpass Yangzhou.

Businessmen have always been the targets of the rich and powerful. Liu Ke gave them basic protection, so they should abide by the rules set by Liu Ke.

Now, businessmen are accustomed to the constraints of the law, but they are still somewhat crippled in terms of morality.

Liu Ke convened a cabinet meeting on this matter.

Xun You didn't agree with the vigorous development of commerce at the beginning, but now commerce has developed like a prehistoric beast.

According to Liu Ke's theory, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.The reason why Yangzhou is far ahead in all aspects is that it is rich.

With money, 99% of the puzzles can be solved.

Xun You also enjoyed such convenience, so he gradually recognized the business, and strongly supported Liu Ke's standardization of business ethics.

"My lord, we can revise the commercial law and suppress this trend with thunder." Xun You said.

"Strict laws are not good for the people. What if the persecution is too severe and the merchants move their families to other states?" Lu Su said.

"Except for Yangzhou, where is the soil for businessmen to survive?" Xun You argued with reason.

"Maybe they won't object, but moving assets is also a troublesome thing." Lu Su said.

"If they are found out, they will be severely punished, ranging from confiscation of property to confiscation of family property, or imprisonment of the whole family." Xun You said.

If this sentence was uttered by Jia Xu or Cheng Yu, it must be full of murderous intent.As for Xun You, it really doesn't fit Liu Ke's image.

However, from Xun You's words, there is still a problem exposed, that is, the aristocratic family despises businessmen from the root.

Even with the rapid development of business, this class contradiction has not been resolved.

Of course, Liu Ke didn't intend to solve it completely.

Xun You couldn't help looking at Jia Xu, hoping to get his approval.

But Jia Xu eloquently said: "The development of commerce can be carried out by the government, or businessmen representing the government. There is no need for the chamber of commerce to intervene."

Liu Ke is already doing this, such as selling salt and iron.As for letting government and businessmen dominate the market, don't even think about it. Without competition, there will be no development.

Officials and businessmen can elevate Yangzhou to a higher level, but it is absolutely impossible to top Kyushu.

Liu Ke has the advanced ideas of later generations, how could he slowly develop the government and business, and then slowly develop the chamber of commerce.Both go hand in hand, is the best choice.

"...Restrict the development of the chamber of commerce. If you don't listen, replace a group of obedient ones." Jia Xu concluded.

But the last sentence was very serious.

"It's just managing businessmen. Is it necessary to kill them?" Guo Jia said what Liu Ke was thinking.

"Before, my lord supported some students to do business and established a business school, all of which have achieved good results." Xu Shu said, he said this to make everyone reconsider.

In this day and age, business school students are very unpopular.Among them, there are white households, shopkeepers, and big bosses, but no amount of money can change this fact.

Originally, Liu Ke suggested that businessmen should start from the lower levels to change people's views, such as building roads and bridges.

They spent the money, but they still looked down on ordinary people in their hearts.The behavior of the shopkeeper at the gate of the city is very thought-provoking.

Seeing that everyone has different opinions, Liu Ke directly expressed his opinion, saying: "From today on, we will build high-quality merchants and rate the qualifications of merchants every year. For some hopeless and blindly arrogant, we will reduce the support. As long as they don’t violate the law, let them fend for themselves. Some people who work hard and serve the country and the people will give some help in terms of policies, such as relaxing loans from banks.”

Everyone's eyes brightened. The merchant's rating can be regarded as setting a moral benchmark for the merchant.

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