"Chishui Army, assemble!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Ding! Congratulations on completing the task of defeating the Japanese!"

"Congratulations on obtaining an accurate world map!"

"Congratulations on getting the globe!"

The task this time is very simple, and the rewards are also very simple.

But the meaning is vast and boundless.

This is a world map!

Countless navigators have spent their entire lives, but it is impossible to accomplish such a feat.

The world map cannot be completed without thousands of years of accumulation.

Although it is a topographic map, the country is not marked on it, but it is already very scary.

"Soldiers of the Chishui Army! Congratulations on completing the mission and protecting the people of the Great Han!" Liu Ke shouted.

Countless people cheered.

This is indeed a gratifying thing. The Japanese had five or six thousand troops, and the Chishui Army only lost a few hundred people and achieved huge results.

For the Chishui Army, which has not participated in the war for a long time, it has undoubtedly increased its cohesion.

An army cannot cultivate a military spirit by training alone.Similarly, it is impossible to convince soldiers if only shouting slogans without action.

Liu Ke's method of conquering the morale of the army is very simple, that is to share weal and woe and fight together.

During the encirclement and suppression of the Japanese, Liu Ke was on the front line. A total of [-] Japanese died in his hands, and even more were injured.

Such a record may not be a big deal, but it proves that Liu Ke can also become a life-and-death partner of the Chishui Army.

"I know that sometimes you will be very confused, thinking that the Chishui Army has nothing to do, and the existence or non-existence of the troop's designation has no effect on Yangzhou. Some people even look down on the Chishui Army and hope to be transferred to other main battle regiments.

Because compared with other main battle corps, the Chishui Army has too few opportunities to make contributions. After all, the Japanese invade not every moment, and the Yangtze River Basin has always been stable.

When attacking Xuzhou, General Gan even asked for the Chishui Army to join the battle as a general army.It was originally planned that the [-] main combat corps would attack, but the Chishui Army had no chance to participate due to its special nature.

You have resentment in your heart. " Liu Ke said.

Everyone was silent, and so was Gan Ning.He also wanted to refute that the Chishui Army had no grievances, but isn't this too contrived?

Gan Ning likes to be straightforward, which is very similar to Liu Ke's personality.

"Why did my lord say such things at this time?" Ding Feng muttered.

After winning the battle, everyone is so friendly, why do you want to point this out?

It made the relationship stiff.

"If you have grievances, it means that I haven't done well enough." Liu Ke said.

This sentence caused an uproar in an instant.

"My lord, you have done a good job."

"You are the best master in the world!"

"Without you, there would be no us!"

Chishui Army disregarded etiquette and refuted Liu Ke in public.

The Chishui Army has the treatment that the main battle corps should have, and its annual budget is more than that of the cavalry.

This led to the fact that Gan Ning's ballista was not dared to install it, and the maintenance cost was almost fatal.

"That's right, the Chishui Army was established by me alone! When I was just starting out, I established the Chishui Camp." Liu Ke paused, and continued, "I have always attached great importance to the development of the navy, you know why?"

Everyone was silent for a while. In the past few years, they had various guesses, but none of them were very realistic.

Is there really a ruler who raises an army he doesn't need?

how can that be.

Now that they were finally about to get in touch with the truth, each of them held their breath.

"Before that, who can answer me, how big is the world?" Liu Ke said.

Truth be told, no one has given much thought to this question.After all, in the era of inconvenient transportation, people don't go out of their county.

If you walk out of the county seat, you are already a remarkable person.

"To the north is Liaodong, to the west is the Western Regions, and to the northwest is the endless grassland. I heard that Yizhou is to the south, and there is a land of Nanman..." Zhao Yun said.

"There are countless barbaric tribes around Jiaozhi," Gan Ning added.

"Is this the world in your eyes?" Liu Ke smiled slightly and said, "What about the other side of the sea?"

No one can answer this question, after all, even Taiwan has not been explored yet.

"On the other side of the sea, there is a country, which is in a state of ruthlessness and blood drinking." Liu Ke said, "Of course, we will not be able to explore it all in our entire lives."

Everyone couldn't help but be disappointed. What is the most afraid of going to sea?is disorienting.

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