All kinds of shipwrecks are avoidable or sudden.

Only disorientation is the most painful torment.

"The Chishui Army has two missions." Liu Ke raised two fingers, and everyone listened attentively.

Liu Ke continued: "One is to bring the nearby islands into Yangzhou's rule, and the other is to explore wealth."

This seems to be a bit broad, and everyone can't help being a little disappointed...

The nearby islands are all barren, so what is there to rule?

Moreover, exploring wealth is not so simple, as mentioned earlier, the sea is vast and boundless.

Liu Ke clapped his hands, Dian Wei led two soldiers up, and hung the curtain between the two high platforms.

Everyone looked at the picture on the curtain in a daze, but couldn't figure out what it was.

"This is the world map, and our Han Dynasty is located here." Liu Ke pointed to a map and said.

Everyone looked at such a small place, and couldn't help saying: "Impossible, the Han Dynasty has a huge land and abundant resources, how could it be so small!"

Liu Ke didn't refute this naive question, and continued, "Zhang Qian started from here and opened up the Western Regions. The Silk Road continued until he reached the Army and Horse Empire. This sea area is the inland sea of ​​the Roman Empire."

Next, Liu Ke introduced one story after another, and the soldiers were fascinated by it.

Most people already believe that this is the world.

"Come back to business, how to explore wealth? It's very simple. Here I will give a very simple example. Do you know where the sweet potatoes are produced?" Liu Ke said.

Everyone held their breath and concentrated, for fear of missing a word.

Of course, everyone is familiar with sweet potatoes, which have fed many people and solved the famine problem in most areas.

"The origin of sweet potatoes is here." Liu Ke pointed to the American continent.

Everyone was stunned. How did they get to such a far place?

"Navigation is boring and tedious. When you get on a ship, you need to fight against the sky, and when you get off the ship, you have to fight with people." Liu Ke said, "I have been supporting the Chishui Army because I think your abilities are not enough! "

Everyone in the Chishui Army lowered their heads, and Gan Ning had nothing to say about this.How could he have the patience to sail for months, being a quick-tempered man?

"Zhang Qian opened up the Silk Road and was able to become a marquis. If you can open up important routes, will I treat you badly?" Liu Ke said.

"This is the value of the existence of the Chishui Army. After opening the route, there are still more things to do, that is, to open up trade routes and prepare for sea trade. Will the Chishui Army be busy by then?" Liu Ke said.

Under the series of questions, everyone was already at a loss.

"My lord, those natives are so poor, what is there to trade?" Dian Wei asked in surprise.

"It's easy to cheat when the natives are poor. A sweet potato can be exchanged for a pearl, or a tael of gold..." Liu Ke described.

Everyone couldn't help swallowing their saliva, they didn't even know that the wealth was right under their feet.

"Moreover, Southeast Asia is rich in spices, which are almost equal to the price of gold. However, these golds grow on the ground and are everywhere, like weeds." Liu Kedao.

The Chishui army was boiling all of a sudden, and the gold, silver and treasure seemed to be beckoning to them.

They joined the Chishui Army, not afraid of death, but afraid of no way out.

Now, Liu Ke has found a way out for the Chishui army.

"It turns out that the Chishui Army has such a bright future, thanks to having a wise lord."

"My lord's wisdom, can it be understood by mortals?"

"I would like to die for the Lord!"

People in this era understand very well, as long as you give them food, you are a father.What's more, Liu Ke not only gave them food, but also gave them a future and respect.

Of course, there is still a long way to go before all people can sail.

The situation of maritime merchants is a hundred times more complicated than that of the Yangzhou Chamber of Commerce. A Yangzhou Chamber of Commerce is enough to cause headaches.

However, the Chishui Army, as a pioneer in exploring the world, will definitely continue.

Liu Ke will not let them explore blindly, and will only choose the best of them.

This time out to sea, the goal of encircling and suppressing the Japanese was achieved, and the plan to increase the loyalty of the Chishui Army was also successful.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

On the way back, there were no accidents.

If it wasn't for Lu Su's urgent urging, Liu Ke still planned to take a stroll in Wu County.

Unfortunately it backfired.

Along the way, the horse speeded up, changing horses and boats, and finally returned to Guangling.

"Congratulations, lord!"

"My lord has returned in triumph, congratulations!"

Guo Jia and Lu Su took everyone out of the city twenty miles to meet each other, which made Liu Ke flattered.

This formation, could it be that the teacher asked the crime?

"My lord, how does it feel to go out to sea this time without your feet touching the ground?" Guo Jia asked.

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