"Zifa, don't disturb the morale of the army!" Kong Rong shouted. Although the officers and soldiers were at a disadvantage, Kong Rong firmly believed that he would be able to turn defeat into victory.

After an hour of fighting, the battle finally came to an end.

Thirty thousand officers and soldiers fought to the death without retreating, and now there are only more than ten thousand people scattered and fled in all directions.

They are all good, and they have been able to persist until now because of their tenacious willpower.

Seeing this, Kong Rong still shouted, "Soldiers, don't run away, follow me to kill the enemy!"

Wang Zifa had no choice but to pull Kong Rong back, and the Japanese chased after him.

"My lord, after I'm here, you run quickly." Wang Zifa said.

Kong Rong finally came to his senses and said, "Zifa, you run too, leave me alone!"

The Japanese rushed over quickly and drowned Wang Zifa. Kong Rong galloped his horse with tears in his eyes.

Fortunately, at this time, Wang Xiu led troops to protect Kong Rong.

"Go and save Zifa," Kong Rong said.

"My lord, you retreat first, I'll save Zifa, and I'll be right back." Wang Xiu said.

Wang Xiu was already used to this kind of situation. After all, he had experienced this kind of defeat no less than ten times.

Every time the army is defeated, he always finds the right time to rescue Kong Rong.

The Japanese lacked war horses, and the few dozen they had were captured.

So Kong Rong escaped without any danger. Later, Wang Xiu also came back with the injured Wang Zifa. Fortunately, there was no serious injury, only a superficial injury.

"It was I who harmed everyone!" Kong Rong cried.

"My lord is eager to avenge the common people, so there is no need to blame yourself." The prince said legally.

Wang Xiu also said a few words of relief, finally calming down Kong Rong's mood.

"For the current plan, we should notify the counties to stand firm so that the Japanese do not have an opportunity to take advantage of it, and then wait for the army to gather." Wang Xiudao.

"However, in this way, the Japanese will be overwhelmed." Kong Rong sighed.

Kong Rong has no way of knowing how many people will die when the Japanese become a disaster.

After Qingzhou experienced the Yellow Turban Rebellion, it no longer has a sense of existence. Now that the Japanese are raging again, can the people still survive?

The people of Qingzhou, what a disaster!

Kong Rong was full of emotions, but with his ability, it was not enough to stabilize the situation.

"My lord, let's ask for help." Wang Xiu said.

These words won Kong Rong's heart deeply, and he said: "I will leave this matter to you. As long as I can expel the Japanese as soon as possible, I am willing to do anything."

So, Wang Xiu sent documents to all three neighbors in the name of Kong Rong.

Among them, the closest one was of course Yuan Shao. After Yuan Shao got the news, he was silent for three seconds and immediately refused.

Nonsense, now that Gongsun Zan has occupied Youzhou, with such great power, it is already enough to deal with him, so how can he have the energy to deal with the Japanese?

Now Yuan Shao is under a lot of pressure.

The second neighbor is Yanzhou, and the current governor of Yanzhou is Xun Yu.

After Xun Yu received Kong Rong's letter, he expressed condolences to the envoy and expressed his deepest sympathy for the people of Qingzhou.

But when asked whether he would send troops, Xun Yu said: "I will definitely report this matter to the lord, ask the lord to make a decision, and reply to the messenger as soon as possible."

However, after Cao Cao received the news, he directly sealed the document.Now the focus of his development is in Sizhou, and Yanzhou doesn't have many troops at all.

The historical reason is of course the fear of Dongyanghou, so Yanzhou's troops cannot be moved, and it is best not to do anything.

After Sima Lang got the news, he was stunned for a moment, because this matter was different from what was planned, the Japanese did not invade Yangzhou, but went to Qingzhou.

The destructive power caused by it is greatly reduced.

For this reason, Sima Lang also pleaded guilty to Cao Cao.

"Boda doesn't need to blame himself, we have nothing to lose anyway." Cao Cao said, "What's more, the Marquis of Dongyang has always been nosy, and will definitely rescue Qingzhou. As long as the Marquis of Dongyang and the Japanese match up, our goal will be achieved. "

"My lord can see clearly." Sima Lang said, but he still felt a little guilty. After all, in order to lure the Japanese to attack, he emphasized that the Yangzhou army is weak, and the big ships are powerful.

If the Japanese were cleaned up all of a sudden, wouldn't they have to stop cooking?

Thinking of this, Sima Lang felt restless, so he suggested to Cao Cao: "My lord, should we send counselors to the Japanese?"

Cao Cao couldn't help giving Sima Lang a blank look, and said, "We are Han people, how can we do things for the Japanese people? Moreover, the Japanese people are cruel and slaughtered the people. If this matter is known to others, won't my famous name, Cao Mengde I, be ruined at once? "

Sima Lang was terrified, he himself was caught in a plot and was already lost.

"My lord is wise!"

Cao Cao enjoys the compliments from his subordinates very much. Don't these people who think they are smart want to prostrate at his feet?

Isn't the Marquis of Dongyang meddling in his own business? You should take care of Qingzhou's affairs, right?

After Liu Ke received Kong Rong's request for help, to be honest, he was taken aback.

In the past year, he has lived a peaceful life, the surrounding princes are very honest, and there is nothing worth worrying about.

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