Now the Japanese are looking for trouble for him?

Last time it was just a small fight, just a few thousand Japanese, and now the number has reached [-].

This so-called Yamatai country has gone so far.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Have you read the Qingzhou battle report?" Liu Ke said calmly.

Everyone nodded quickly.

"My lord, are you going to send troops?" Guo Jia asked.

"It's fine if the feudal lords are fighting for hegemony. I don't want to worry about it too much, but the Japanese must not be tolerated." Liu Ke said firmly.

All of a sudden, the tone of the troops was set.

This time, everyone rarely objected, but instead expressed their support.

However, Lu Su resolutely opposed Liu Ke's personal conquest, saying: "Master, now that you are invincible and invincible, why don't you take the credit of the generals?"

"Zijing, this statement is wrong. How could I take everyone's credit? I can't be promoted." Liu Ke said innocently.

For Liu Ke's sophistry, Lu Su didn't know how to refute for a while.

"My lord, the country is the most important thing." Lu Su said.

"Jiangshan Sheji is the emperor's business, I'm just a little Situ." Liu Ke said.

"..." Guo Jia was speechless.

"Okay, Zijing don't struggle anymore." Liu Ke said, "Gongda, Zizhong, how many troops is appropriate for this expedition?"

Xun You is in charge of the Ministry of War, and he is in charge of logistics.And Mi Zhu is in charge of the finances, and how much money the war will cost must pass through his hands.

The two calculated, and Xun You said, "My lord, [-] to [-] is the most appropriate."

This time the strength of the Japanese was around [-]. It stands to reason that [-] troops from Yangzhou would be enough.

However, this time Liu Ke's goal is not to defeat the enemy, but to wipe it out.If you want to wipe out the Japanese, you must prevent them from running around, so you need more troops.

But with too many troops, it is simply burning money.

"Then send [-] troops." Liu Ke said firmly, this time he will take care of the Japanese.

Cao Cao has rewarded the Japanese, but they are still not satisfied and want to make trouble.

Well, it's best to save your life.

Thinking of this, Liu Ke had an idea. Could it be that the Japanese's anomaly had something to do with Cao Cao?

Sooner or later there will be a reckoning!

It is definitely not that simple to dispatch a large army. All aspects must be prepared. Even with Yangzhou's powerful efficiency, it will take three days to dispatch a [-] army.

Liu Ke took advantage of this time to take a walk in Xuzhou to learn about the situation.

In order to prevent Japanese sneak attacks, Hua Xiong, the governor of Xuzhou, set up countless sentry posts and a line of defense on the border of Qingzhou.

"Well done." Liu Ke praised.

"It's all cultivated by the lord, following the lord's side. The brain has become brighter." Hua Xiong said.

How come I didn't realize that Hua Xiong was so glib?

Officialdom is indeed a grinding place.

Along the way, Liu Ke saw many fleeing civilians, ragged and hungry.

Liu Ke hadn't seen such a scene for a long time. The prosperity of Yangzhou made him a little accustomed to it.

"How do these people settle down?" Liu Ke asked.

"Master Zhang is responsible for these tasks." Hua Xiong said.

He thought this matter would be exposed, but Hua Xiong still underestimated Liu Ke's concern for the common people.

"Ask Zhang Hong to come see me," Liu Ke said.

After that, Zhang Hong had to put down his work and came to see Liu Ke.

"The people have always been the focus of our development, so we must guide the people well." Liu Ke urged.

Zhang Hong nodded in agreement.

The reason why Liu Ke was able to attract some aristocratic families was because these aristocratic families saw Liu Ke's sincere attitude towards the common people.

It is more important than anything else that the people live and work in peace and contentment.

Aristocratic families can also develop, but exist in another form.

"Tell me, how many people who escaped from Qingzhou have been accepted?" Liu Ke asked.

"Already nearly [-] people." Zhang Hong said.

This data is not small.

As the saying goes, the homeland is hard to leave, unless life is threatened, the people will not give up the place where they were born and raised.

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