"Do you have any information about the Japanese?" Liu Ke said.

"People in Qingzhou described the Japanese as vicious devils, and there is no specific information. Before the Japanese came, these people had already fled to Xuzhou." Zhang Hong said.

Now that Liu Ke's rule has become a holy place, the people are of course willing to move here, especially the surrounding people.

At the beginning, Qingzhou was obstructed by the government, but when the Japanese made trouble, everyone was too busy to take care of themselves, and they definitely couldn't control it.

Of course, there are also some opportunistic officials who let the people flee in order to buy the people's land cheaply.

Hello everyone, hello me.

In order to maintain the force of Yangzhou, Liu Ke no longer accepts refugees, and arranges them all in Xuzhou.Even if the refugees want to enter Yangzhou to work, the arrangements are for Xuzhou household registration.

Since Zhang Hong managed Xuzhou, the number of people in Yanzhou and Qingzhou has reached one million.

If it weren't for Yangzhou's financial support, Xuzhou would have collapsed long ago.

Now Qingzhou is in chaos, and more people are going south.

Although Zhang Hong had already arranged personnel to help the refugees, they could not quench their thirst far away.

"Hua Xiong, open the military rations directly, and arrange porridge stations everywhere." Liu Ke said.

"The last general takes orders." Hua Xiong said.

"There is also medical treatment to keep up with. The plague must not happen." Liu Ke said.

Now the laying of the Xuzhou Medical Hall has been completed.

Yangzhou has been working hard to train medical personnel, but the number is still not enough.

"Yes! My lord!" Zhang Hong said.

After the task was arranged, Liu Ke patrolled the border and waited for news by the way.

Kong Rong gathered the remnants of the defeated generals, and dispatched the frontier troops, gathering [-] troops.However, these [-] horses were quickly dispersed to various counties to take charge of defense.

Kong Rong was already panicking, because almost no grass grew anywhere the Japanese people went, and as long as they were valuable things, they would be robbed.

He even regards human life as worthless.

The people were panicked, so Kong Rong had to disperse his troops to protect the densely populated city.

Because of this, he was helpless against the Japanese attack.

The Japanese don't have a fixed goal at all. They fight here and touch there, just like the foreigners in the grassland.

Pure robbery and killing.

Youzhou has long been plagued by alien races, and has long formed a confrontation system.Qingzhou was different, panicked in an instant.

Therefore, Kong Rong could only wait for the arrival of reinforcements.

In desperation, Yuan Shao and Cao Cao refused to send reinforcements, and only Dongyang Hou agreed to send reinforcements.However, dispatching a large army is not such a simple matter. After experiencing the defeat of the army, Kong Rong also understood this truth.

Similarly, there is another news that the people of Qingzhou migrated to Xuzhou because they were afraid of the Japanese.

For this, Kong Rong felt very uncomfortable. After all, he also loved the people like a son and was very generous to the people under his rule.

However, the only difference is that he has no way to provide life protection.

In troubled times, life is the most precious thing.

Kong Rong fell into self-frustration, perhaps Dongyang Hou is more suitable for the Qingzhou matter than himself.

For this reason, Kong Rong went to the imperial court and recommended Liu Ke as the governor of Qingzhou.

"Zifa, you won't blame me, will you?" Kong Rong said, after all, everyone followed him not only for a future, but also for Kong Rong's charisma.In the midst of the war, there are not many officials who care about the people.

Now that Kong Rong has made this decision, everyone must be very sad.

Wang Zifa was very magnanimous, and said: "The lord is still very talented, but he was born at an untimely time, and in times of peace and prosperity, he must be a man of the hour."

is it really like this?Kong Rong was thoughtful.

Kong Rong's memorial was sent up soon, and now Cao Cao was dumbfounded.

The reason why Cao Cao agreed to lure the Japanese to attack was to weaken Liu Ke's strength. Now that it's all right, the goal has not been achieved, but instead Liu Ke has an extra state?

If Kong Rong gave up Qingzhou, then the Marquis of Dongyang would have the land of four states.

How do you play this Nima game?

The Japanese will definitely lose, Cao Cao firmly believes in this.In this way, wouldn't Qingzhou fall into the hands of the Marquis of Dongyang?

Cao Cao suddenly had a feeling that stealing chickens could not lose money, and even Kong Rong hated him.

Kong Wenju, will you know how to behave?This is Qingzhou, a big state, if you say give it away, don't you think about it for yourself?

Moreover, Xiahou Dun reported an even worse news, that is, the morale of Cao Cao's army was unstable.

Why do you say that.

At the beginning, millions of Qingzhou Yellow Turbans entered Yanzhou and beheaded Yanzhou Mu Liu Dai, which gave Cao Cao an opportunity. Later, Cao Cao subdued this Yellow Turban and compiled it into Qingzhou Soldiers.

In other words, there are many people in Cao Cao's army, who were born in Qingzhou, and now their hometown is being bullied by the Japanese, and they are suddenly restless.

Cao Cao has a headache!

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