-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Qingzhou was invaded by the Japanese, and the situation was corrupt.

As everyone expected, only Dongyang Hou Ken extended a helping hand.

The Yangzhou army has already marched towards Qingzhou, and they will soon defeat the Japanese and restore Qingzhou to a bright and peaceful world.

One after another, the news came like a flood.

In order to appease the people under his rule, Kong Rong released all the news.I can't wait to post announcements in all places, so I have to stick to the ears of the people and tell them that the Marquis of Dongyang is coming.

One of the weak scribes, with a sword hanging from his waist, was riding a thin yellow horse, walking slowly on the official road.

This person is Li Shang, also known as Li Ru, who has been missing for a long time.After stirring up the general trend of the world and using Liu Bei to gather allies, he left quietly.

If Liu Bei hadn't listened to the slander and wanted to expose his identity, I'm afraid he would have always supported Liu Bei.Because Liu Bei was so kind to him, even better than Dong Zhuo.

Talking loudly together, sleeping together on the same bed, I really miss the old days.

However, Li Ru knows his mission, he is an avenger walking in the dark.

Dongyang Hou sits in the land of three states, and he has only one person.Even if he was alone, Li Ru never gave up revenge.

The idea of ​​revenge supported him, and he came to Qingzhou.

Qingzhou is not a good place, very poor.After the Yellow Turban Rebellion, the population of Qingzhou was halved. Now the Japanese Rebellion has just begun, and the people have already begun to migrate.

Li Ru once thought about taking refuge in the cowardly Kong Rong and then seizing his power.He doesn't believe in the "lord" anymore, the only thing that matters is that he owns the power.

If it hadn't been for Liu Bei's repetition, he would not have been exiled here.

Nor would the Allies suffer a disastrous defeat.

An army of one million begins with Liu Bei and ends with Liu Bei.

Li Ru sighed unceasingly, now the princes of the world no longer have the guts to confront the Marquis of Dongyang.

And he considered Qingzhou as his habitat, but he didn't expect Dongyanghou to come too.

Really haunted.

With the Marquis of Dongyang here, there will never be peace in Qingzhou.

"For the present plan, the only option is to seek refuge with the Japanese." Li Ru said helplessly.

The Japanese are bloodthirsty, and it is absolutely impossible for Li Ru to take refuge in them unless it is absolutely necessary.

But now, besides the Japanese, who else can help him?

So, Li Ru walked slowly towards the Japanese-occupied area, and the horse under his feet was just a tool for transportation.

Every time he passed a county, he wanted to laugh.Because the Japanese do not know how to govern except for killing and robbing.

There is not even a concept of "governance", maybe they just want to rob and go back to their old home.

The inside of the county is like a ghost land, without anyone.

There are no common people and no Japanese.

Li Ru could only walk slowly behind, and this walk lasted for three days.

Finally, there was a shout of killing in the village ahead.The folk customs of Qingzhou are tough, and it is not uncommon to fight with the Japanese.

Holding the sword in his hand, Li Ru felt powerless. He couldn't help now, but could only wait for himself to have the right to speak among the Japanese.

Therefore, he ignored these small soldiers and went straight to the main battle of the Japanese.

The Japanese are besieging a county town and cannot attack for a long time. The situation is very bad.

Kong Rong's strengthening of the county's defense was not completely ineffective, and today is the best proof.

Li Ru appeared suddenly, but was finally discovered by the Japanese, who surrounded him murmuring.Li Ru shouted: "I want to see your general!"

Because of the extraordinary clothes, this sentence immediately frightened the Japanese soldiers.

The Japanese surrounded Li Ru, but did not attack, and reported the city cattle profit.

Urban Niu Li was puzzled when he heard this, and asked Fujiwara to investigate the situation.

During this period of time, the reason why the Japanese were able to capture so many counties was because there were more artisans among the captives.

Artisans can make ladders, and maybe they will do something else, but they only make ladders.

Even if it's just a ladder, the county town is still in jeopardy under the attack of the Japanese people who are not afraid of death.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?" Fujiwara asked.

"You can call me a military adviser. I'm here to tell you an important news." Li Ru said.

"What news?" Fujiwara asked suspiciously.

"The Marquis of Dongyang has led an army of [-] to Qingzhou, and your days are numbered." Li Ru laughed.

Fujiwara is baffled, who is Dongyanghou?

But the army of [-] is indeed terrifying.

"Dongyanghou is also Yangzhou Mu, the prince who owns a big ship." Li Ru further explained.

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