After all, Liu is a general, while Ma Dai and Kong Rong are lieutenants.

Although the imperial court has no executive power, its ability to bluff is still top-notch.

"The last general, Ma Dai, pay homage to the Marquis of Dongyang!" Ma Dai cupped his hands, with a very humble and sincere attitude.

"There's no need to be too polite." Liu Ke nodded, approving the lieutenant general.

Liu Ke didn't have much contact with Ma Teng, one east and one west, separated by half of the Central Plains, and they didn't even exchange letters.

However, Liu Ke's reputation had already spread to Xiliang, so after meeting Liu Ke himself, Ma Dai was very happy.

Dongyang Hou is the number one commander in the world. He has gone through hundreds of battles without losing a single one.

It just looks "thin", is it really as brave as the legend?

Ma Dai couldn't help suspecting that Dongyang Hou was too handsome, he didn't look like someone with superior military power.

However, the two big men beside Dongyang Hou really gave people a breathtaking feeling.

These two people are Xu Chu and Dian Wei.

Ma Dai looked around like a curious baby.

"Ma Dai, what did your uncle think? Why did he suddenly become an official?" Liu Ke said bluntly, as if asking a junior, which flattered Ma Dai.

"Uncle didn't tell me about this." Ma Dai sighed.

"Cao Mengde has been coveting Xiliang for a long time, but your uncle gave it to Cao Cao." Liu Ke said.

It is indeed unwise for Ma Teng to become an official in Chang'an in the eyes of everyone in Yangzhou.

Facing Liu Ke's question, Ma Dai instantly blushed, and said, "The Marquis of Dongyang is worrying too much. Liangzhou has my brother Ma Chao, so nothing will go wrong."

Ma Chao has indeed made a name for himself in Xiliang, but for Liu Ke, it is still not enough.

However, Liu Ke didn't bother with this matter anymore. After all, Ma Dai didn't know what to ask, and even if he knew, he wouldn't answer. It was a confidential matter, and the relationship between Liu Ke and Ma Teng was not that good.

"Marquis Dongyang, what should our army do to cooperate with you?" Ma Dai said with a very humble attitude.

To be honest, the presence or absence of these [-] troops has no effect on the battle situation.

"Go to Beihai and help Kong Rong defend the city." Liu Ke said.

"The last general takes orders!" Ma Dai agreed immediately without showing his bloody side.

When Ma Dai came out this time, he didn't seek meritorious service, but he wanted to be innocent. The task of defending the city was the best.

No matter how cruel the Japanese are, they will always be a younger brother in siege battles.

So Ma Dai is already invincible. As for the soldiers under his command who are ready to move, Ma Dai has no condolences. Whether he can command is another matter.

"Cao Cao's move is beautiful." Guo Jia praised.

"Ma Dai is also mature and steady, and everyone is a good person, but what does it have to do with us? It is the business to deal with the Japanese." Liu Ke said.

Liu Ke keeps receiving battle reports, and now the number of Japanese people in various places is getting smaller and smaller.Liu Ke guessed that the Japanese had already gathered quietly, but they didn't know where.

"My lord, are you going to start collecting the net?" Guo Jia said.

"I would like to, but the Japanese are haunted, where should I collect the net?" Liu Ke smiled wryly.

"Now our army is constantly encircling and suppressing the Japanese, and they will surface soon." Guo Jia said.

"There are many scouts along the coast, and if you run away, you have to find out where the Japanese are." Liu Ke said.

This is the power of leadership.

To be honest, for this battle, Liu Ke was very dissatisfied with the performance of the scouts.The originally invincible scout, in this battle.did not play a significant role.

Many of Liu Ke's judgments were made based on the news from the scouts.Once there is no news from the scouts, Liu Ke will also become blind.

This is the importance of ancient scouts.

Not long after, Gan Ning also sent news from the sea that they destroyed a place where the ships were hidden. According to Gan Ning's speculation, it should be about one-third of the total number of ships.

Perhaps, to put it simply, this is just a ship that the Japanese let the Yangzhou navy destroy on the bright side.

Liu Ke suddenly felt the difference. The Japanese were just a group of villains who burned, killed and looted at the beginning, how did they become smart all of a sudden?

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

As the saying goes, he beat his master to death with random punches, and Li Ru took advantage of this blind spot.

Li Ru didn't compete with Liu Ke, because he clearly realized that the Japanese were just a group of murderous people, and they couldn't make a difference.

Even worse than the Yellow Turban Thief.

So Li Ru gave up a long time ago, but before that, he always had to use the Japanese to cause Dongyang Hou a little trouble.

The breakthrough point is Kong Rong.

Li Ru's method is very simple, which is to break up the Japanese people into pieces, make trouble everywhere, and disturb their thoughts.Then they suddenly assembled and attacked a city.

The plan has been half successful, and the other half was destroyed by the Japanese themselves.

Considering that the Japanese are not familiar with the terrain of Qingzhou, Li Ru specially asked each thousand-man team to capture a few guides.

It was clearly explained at the beginning, and the Japanese kept "hey, hey, hey". As a result, only [-] people were finally assembled.

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