Of the remaining [-] people, it is estimated that some of them were taken away by the Yangzhou army, and the rest of them ran around like headless flies. The ending must be the same.

Even if Dongyang Hou doesn't make a move, the Japanese will play themselves off.

What Li Ru has to do is very simple, that is to surprise Kong Rong's hometown Beihai.

Now he has managed to deceive the sky.

"General, we can't wait any longer." Li Ru said.

Himyue's face was gloomy. After all, his army was assembled from various small countries. Of course there were disobedient people, but he didn't expect that there would be so many.

[-] people lost all of a sudden?

At the beginning, Nan Shengmi defended them, maybe he got lost, but now even he doesn't speak.

"General, if we don't act anymore, once the Marquis of Dongyang reacts, we will be unable to do anything." Li Ru said.

Fujiwara translated the sentence.

Himeyue finally made up his mind, mumbled, meaning the army was leaving.

So the Japanese attacked Beihai like locusts.

Beihai is the territory of Kong Rong, and it is also the ZTE ruled by Qingzhou.There are more or less escapees in other counties, and only Beihai is the best preserved.

Beihai has almost half of the population of Qingzhou gathered, but because the Japanese are not familiar with the terrain, they did not get involved in Beihai.

And Li Ru crossed the sea with the truth.

This made Beihai's defense force very weak. What's more, the [-] officers and soldiers who were defeated in the previous battle were the defenders of Beihai.

In addition, Li Ru took advantage of Kong Rong's kindness to continuously invade the surrounding counties, Kong Rong softened his heart for a while, and sent out the defenders he dispatched back.

All kinds of reasons came together, and the entire Beihai garrison was no more than [-] people.

This is an embarrassing number.

Therefore, the Japanese invaded Beihai County in a destructive manner, burning, killing and looting, lawless.

When Kong Rong got the news, he was instantly frightened.

Why did the Japanese come here?How could the Japanese be in Beihai?

"Isn't Marquis Dongyang in Qingzhou? Why didn't he expel the Japanese?" Kong Rong said in a panic.

Wang Zifa was too embarrassed to speak. As a local snake, he didn't even know where the Japanese were. How would you ask Dongyang Hou to find them?

Although Qingzhou is not big, it is not small either.It has only been a few days since the Marquis of Dongyang entered Qingzhou!

Kong Rong has always been a military idiot, but he didn't expect...to be so stupid.

"My lord, how can the matter of marching and setting up the formation be so simple?" Wang Zifa said tactfully.

Kong Rong also calmed down, realized something was wrong, and said, "Send someone to inform Dongyang Hou!"

"The envoy has already set off." Wang Zifa said, if he waited for Kong Rong's order, the day lily might be cold.

"Now the Japanese are coming in menacingly, is there a way to defend against the enemy?" Kong Rong asked.

"My lord, shrink your troops, save the county, and wait for reinforcements," the prince said.

"But what about the people outside the city?" Kong Rong asked anxiously.

There are also many villages outside the county seat. I can't imagine how many people will die once the Japanese invade the village.

Those are unarmed villagers!

Wang Zifa was taken aback. My lord wouldn't be too hotheaded to send troops to attack, would he?

Now Beihai County's Ju County has only [-] troops. If you go out to fight [-] Japanese, isn't it courting death?

"My lord, absolutely don't go to battle! The people outside the city will naturally run away when they hear the news," the prince said.

"But..." Kong Rong clutched his chest, unable to speak out from the heartache.

"My lord, take a good rest, and leave the next task of holding on to us." Wang Zifa said.

Kong Rong nodded.

Wang Xiu is already calling for strong men. By then, there will be [-] defenders in Ju County, which will almost guard [-] Japanese.

It's just that it's hard to say whether the rest of the counties can be held.

Wang Zifa was worried. It would take about seven days for the Marquis of Dongyang to get the news and then send troops.

Therefore, as long as you stick to it for seven days, Beihai will be safe, and the Japanese will have nothing to hide.

Thinking about it this way, Wang Zifa felt much more relaxed.

It's just that he has always had a question in his mind, why did the Japanese suddenly attack Beihai with a purpose?

"Report! The Japanese are besieging the city!" A scout rushed forward.

Wang Zifa was startled and hurried to the city wall.

Sure enough, there was a lot of darkness below, all Japanese people!

Wang Zifa roughly counted about [-] people, and the Japanese didn't attack other counties, but went straight to Ju County?

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