A few days later, news came one after another.Gongsun Zan and Yuan Shao directly refused, and Liu Zhang said that Yizhou Road is not good, and let Cao Cao have fun.

Sun Ce was even more hurtful. He not only rejected Cao Cao's invitation, but also said to the emissary: ​​"If it is held in Yangzhou, I, Sun Bofu, will definitely support it."

Isn't this slapping Cao Cao in the face?

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

War has always had certain rules.

Under the influence of Liu Ke, the feudal lords gradually broke away from the level of the common people.

Simply put, war should not have a huge impact on people's lives.

This is the rule made by Liu Ke.

However, there are too many uncertain factors in war, so the city must be defended in war. There are not enough manpower to defend the city, so why not recruit people?

Even Liu Ke couldn't avoid such a situation.

Therefore, this road has a long way to go.

The current situation in the world is gradually evolving in the direction that Liu can expect.

During the Yellow Turban Rebellion, everyone fought and killed, who cares who you are?Slaughtering the city at worst, looting at the least, causing the people to live in dire straits.

Later, Dong Zhuo was tyrannical and immoral, and moved millions of people from Luoyang to Chang'an. Fortunately, Liu Ke stopped him, avoiding the loss of life.

The unruly Yellow Turban and Dong Zhuo were all shot to death by Liu Ke, and the rest are people who are determined to win the world.

At least most of the princes have such thoughts.

Which of Cao Cao, Sun Ce, Yuan Shao, and Gongsun Zan is not a great talent?They all understand the power of the common people, so there has been no vicious massacre since the struggle for hegemony.

The reason why Liu Ke thinks so much is because this autumn hunting has brought him inspiration.

Why not promote your own claims?

Liu Ke told Guo Jia what he thought, and Guo Jia's eyes lit up, and he said, "My lord, this is a great thing! The people have been suffering from wars for a long time, if my lord can make this happen, they will definitely win the support of the people! "

"It's just that war is not as simple as we thought." Liu Ke said.

Liu Ke has experienced countless battles, among which Dong Zhuo drove the people to attack the city. This kind of behavior is definitely the worst.

Needless to say about the Japanese, Liu Ke just punished the invaders, and did not attack the Yamatai Kingdom to give them face.

The main reason is that Yamatai is really too poor, and Liu Ke has no interest at all.

Liu Ke contributed a lot to the princes' restraint and killing.

While thinking, Liu Ke made up his mind.

"If I want to facilitate this, I must first obtain your support!" Liu Ke said.

So, Liu Ke gathered everyone and held a meeting.

The highest level meeting in Yangzhou!

In the past, there was a small meeting every three days, and a meeting every half a month, all of which were mainly dealing with government affairs.The convening of the Supreme Council is all for war.

Therefore, officials of all sizes in Dongyang City took action.

This news directly frightened Zhong Yao to the point of fainting. After waking up from the pinch, Zhong Yao desperately thought, what is Dongyang Hou going to do?


That would be horrible.

There is absolutely no small matter in Yangzhou's every move.

Zhong Yao looked for people everywhere, but found nothing.He wanted a side meeting, but was directly rejected.

This is a meeting in Yangzhou, what are you messing around with as an envoy?

Zhong Yao could only wait anxiously for the news.

In the main hall, Liu Ke changed his normal state and was unusually solemn.

Not to mention Zhong Yao, even the officials in Yangzhou are thinking that there will be a war, right?

Yangzhou has never been afraid of war. What they are curious about is which prince who has no eyesight has annoyed the lord.

Everyone was fidgeting, but Guo Jia, the insider, was extremely calm.

"Feng Xiao, I know my lord has summoned you before, tell me quickly, what is the reason?" Lu Su asked curiously.

"Secret, don't you guys know it later?" Guo Jia said quietly.

Sure enough, Guo Jia knew about it!

"Cough, Fengxiao, you are a senior, please support me a lot in the future!" Xu Shu coughed.

threaten!This is a threat!

Support your wool!

Guo Jia hated it very much. His own living habit of fishing for three days and drying the net for two days easily accumulated a lot of work, and Xu Shu helped to deal with a lot of it.

If you pretend to be an expert now, it will be difficult to work in the future.

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