"It's nothing, it's just that the lord wants to promote a proposition." Guo Jia said.

This is the same as saying nothing!

"At this time, you are still hiding it, and your workload may increase by [-]% tomorrow." Lu Su said leisurely.

Another threat!

Lu Su is a veteran, responsible for the distribution of work, and faintly became the head of the cabinet.

How dare Guo Jia offend him...

"This proposition is related to the princes and the common people."

"Feng Xiao, I have nothing to threaten you, so don't worry." Xun You said calmly.

"Me too." Jia Xu nodded cooperatively.

Is today a disaster day?

Guo Jia had a bitter face, but fortunately Liu Ke spoke up and indirectly helped Guo Jia out of the siege.

"Everyone, this time you are called here for one thing only," Liu Kelang said in a loud voice.

Everyone listened attentively, for fear of missing a word.

Liu Ke ordered people to unfold two pairs of characters, which read "Xing, the people suffer" and "Death, the people suffer" respectively.

"Tell me about your understanding." Liu Ke said.

Wang Can was the first to stand up and said, "My lord, this is how I understand it. No matter whether a dynasty prospers or collapses, it is the common people who suffer."

"Well said!" Liu Ke applauded.

"Why is the dynasty prosperous, but the people are still suffering?" Liu Ji asked puzzled.

As emerging officials who came out of the imperial examination, they are more active and open-minded, so they dare to ask and answer.

Liu Ke really wanted to answer that, for the common people, the past history was just a reversal of "the era when they wanted to be slaves but couldn't" and "the era when they were temporarily stable slaves".

But this idea is too avant-garde.

"Is the former Qin Qiang?" Liu Ke only asked one sentence, and Liu Ji understood.

The Qin Dynasty unified the six countries, drove the Xiongnu in the north, and seized Baiyue in the south. As a result, the people lived in ruins.

"We in Yangzhou came from the difficult Yellow Turban Rebellion, so we cherish our current life even more. However, the war is still going on. For the sake of all people in the world, I decided to recommend a proposition!" Liu Ke said.

Everyone held their breath, but the protagonist actually shouted the slogan for all the people in the world!

Yangzhou has this confidence, and they feel honored to be a part of it.

Now Yangzhou does not only refer to one place, but refers to the Yangzhou regime established by Liu Ke, including the four states.It's just that Yangzhou is the richest and most powerful, and it is Liu Ke's base, so it is called by this name.

"The people are the people, the war is the war, and the princes are the princes!" Liu Ke shouted with emotion.

In the main hall, everyone shouted and couldn't stop.

In the shouting, they understood the meaning of this sentence, which meant that princes and wars must not affect the common people!

This is definitely a daunting task.

How could the princes submit obediently?

However, with Liu Ke here, whoever is not good will be eliminated!

Who would dare to disobey the rules that Liu Ke made himself?

Today, Liu Ke has an army of [-]. Even if he is an enemy of all the princes, he has a [-]% chance of winning, not to mention a sure chance of winning.

Coupled with the support of the people, which prince would dare to jump out?

Zhou Buyi also mixed in the crowd, muttering to himself: From now on, if the teacher wants to hit anyone, can't he hit anyone?

Which of the current princes is clean...

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

That's the goal!

Liu Ke is in a good mood. However, there are still many problems to be dealt with. First of all, how to let the princes participate in the autumn hunting?

This is definitely not an easy thing to do.

Cao Cao used the name of Xiandi to win everyone over, but the result was thankless.

"What can you do?" Liu Ke asked, it's time to brainstorm.

"My lord, how about following Sun Bofu's words and holding the autumn hunting in Yangzhou?" Lu Su said.

Liu Ke thought about it for a while, but soon gave up.Although Liu Ke has more face than Cao Cao, he can only summon half of the princes, which is far from the effect Liu Ke wants.

"The princes will also have concerns, and when they come to Yangzhou, we have to ensure their safety. If there is a mistake, wouldn't it be a shame?" Liu Ke said.

"My lord, this is a good thing. We can use this opportunity to coerce the princes to order the world!" Jia Xu said.

I don't know why, but Liu Ke is a bit repulsive. If he does what Jia Xu said, he might really have a chance to succeed.

"Wenhe, be serious, we are a force of justice. What's more, once this matter is exposed, it will be another bloody storm." Liu Ke said.

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