So, Sun Ce was the second to answer the call.

Liu Bei, Zhang Xiu, and Yuan Shu from the Yuzhou Tripod also expressed their intention to go to Xuchang.

Liu Ke even said that although he could not guarantee everyone's safety, he could guarantee revenge for everyone.

It's all said and done, if you don't participate, you won't give Liu Ke face.

Gongsun Zan and Yuan Shao let go of their prejudices and said they would participate in the autumn hunting.

Only Liu Zhang is sitting on pins and needles, will he go or not?

Yizhou has been isolated from the world for a long time, and Liu Zhang can't think about it.However, when he thought of being revenged by Dongyang Hou, Liu Zhang immediately became energetic.

Go, must go!

It's good to pretend.

Some minor princes also responded one after another, such as Zhang Yan and Zhang Lu.

The princes' response documents were sent to Cao Cao like snowflakes, and he was filled with emotion in an instant.When he summoned him, the princes tried every means to evade him, either because he was sick, or his relatives were sick, or he was too busy to leave.

However, when the Marquis of Dongyang gave an order, everyone obeyed!

Which of these princes came for Cao Cao?

Sadly, none.

Dongyanghou's appeal is terrifying.

"However, I still have a chance!" Cao Cao said firmly.

Xuchang is his territory, and this is his only advantage.

No, there is another Xiandi, which must be used well.

Yuan Shu was still worried that Liu Ke led too few troops, but suddenly the envoy from Yangzhou arrived.

Want to borrow?

Yuan Shu didn't even need to think about it, and agreed directly.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Yuan Shu was the closest force to Xuchang, but he was not the first to go there. The first guest to arrive in Xuchang was Liu Ke.

Because he led too many troops, Cao Cao did not arrange soldiers and horses to enter Xuchang, but set up camp outside the city, and sent Xun Yu to invite Liu Ke into the city to reminisce about the past.

"Dongyanghou, my lord, I haven't seen you for a long time, and I miss you very much, can I go to the city to talk?" Xun Yu said respectfully.

Because of Xun You's relationship, Liu Ke has always treated Xun You with courtesy.

"Since it's Qiushou, how can you hide in the city?" Liu Ke asked back.

What Liu Ke denied was not Xun Yu, but Cao Cao.

"The Marquis of Dongyang means..." Xun Yu was puzzled.

"Xuchang is just a small county town. It would be bad to disturb the people. We set up camp outside the city and set up a meeting platform." Liu Ke said.

"The Marquis of Dongyang is really deliberate." Xun Yu admired. Cao Cao originally planned to put the troops outside the city, and everyone would gather in the city.

In this way, I will not talk about my hands and feet, and I will look stingy!

Liu Ke is different. The activities are all carried out outside, and the princes are entertained without losing etiquette.

It's a shame that no one in the huge Cao Ying came up with it.

Xun Yu quickly told Cao Cao this idea, and Cao Cao suddenly woke up.

"It's because I didn't think carefully." Cao Cao sighed.

Between the two, the compulsion is different.

So, Cao Cao rushed out to meet Liu Ke.

"Brother Meng Dexian, how are you doing recently?" Liu Ke asked warmly, never mentioning the mess in the past.

How could Cao Cao be making fun of things that Liu Ke didn't even mention?

"Thank you Dongyang Hou for your concern, your body is very strong," Cao Cao said.

Liu Ke punched Cao Cao in the chest, and the latter suddenly took three steps back, not breathing well, and coughed a few times.

If he didn't know Liu Ke's character, Xiahou Dun, who was in charge of the guard, would have rushed up.

Cao Cao suffered a dark loss and was depressed.

"Brother Meng Dexian, your body is getting worse every day!" Liu Ke said.

In order to deal with government affairs, Cao Cao has exhausted his mind, can he not be physically weak?

Liu Ke has a smart mind and the help of the cabinet, Cao Cao is different.

"The Marquis of Dongyang is still like a tiger!" Cao Cao sighed.

"Remember to rest more when you have nothing to do, otherwise what should you do if you are exhausted?" Liu Ke said.

"Marquis Dongyang was joking." Cao Cao laughed, but he secretly remembered the words "too exhausted" in his heart.

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