A few years have passed, Dongyang Hou is still so young, but Cao Cao has already felt powerless.

This point is very bad and must be changed!

In order to deal with government affairs, Cao Cao almost became a saint, never resting, and never being ashamed with women.

Suddenly, a scout from Cao Cao's army came to report and whispered in Cao Cao's ear.

After Cao Cao heard this, his face turned pale with fright, and it took him a few breaths to calm down.

"Marquis Dongyang, what do you mean?" Cao Cao asked.

"What do you mean?" Liu Ke asked confused.

"My scouts reported that there are [-] troops on the border of Runan." Cao Cao couldn't help raising his voice.

This is an army of [-]. Wherever they go, they tremble.

"It's just a mere [-] army, but I have a full [-] army, which is nothing to worry about." Liu Ke said calmly.

Cao Cao's complexion suddenly changed.

"Dongyanghou, we agreed that you can only lead an army of [-] this time."

"That's right, didn't the [-] troops come to Xuchang?" Liu Ke said, "There are a lot of thieves in Runan recently, and Yuan Gonglu invited [-] Yangzhou troops to enter Runan for exercises. Brother Meng De doesn't need to care at all."

This is an army of [-], can you not care?

Cao Cao knew that it was meaningless to go on, after all, Liu Ke had already made up his mind.

It's just that his dream of controlling the audience is about to be shattered.

Is it possible that I have to increase my troops too?However, it is impossible to have more than Yangzhou.

Cao Cao found that he had suffered another boring loss. With this [-] army by his side, Dongyang Hou was the real protagonist!

As for Liu Ke making trouble?Cao Cao shook his head, he would not believe it.

Cao Cao decided to go all out and said, "Marquis Dongyang, the matter is very important, why don't we each take a step back."

"How to retreat?" Liu Ke asked curiously.

"The [-] Yangzhou troops retreated from the border, and the two of us will host this event!" Cao Cao said.

"Brother Meng Dexian, are you living in a dream? My prestige lies here. If I don't nod, can you manage?" Liu Ke said.

Cao Cao was speechless for a while!

"Marquis of Dongyang, do you really want to make a mess? In that case, please forgive me for not accompanying me." Cao Cao threatened, the worst would be to walk away. If he doesn't come, how could Emperor Xian come?

Without Emperor Xian, is it still Qiushou?

Liu Ke was sent to the army, but he didn't panic at all.

"Brother Meng Dexian, don't be so irritable. I just want to ensure everyone's safety." Liu Ke said, feeling that he couldn't be understood and hated iron for being weak.

"I can guarantee it too!" Cao Cao said.

"But do you believe me or not!" Liu Ke said.


Cao Cao had nothing to say, and left in despair, after all, he didn't dare to tear his face.

At the same time, princes from all walks of life arrived in Xuchang one after another, and the elite soldiers and generals from the entire Central Plains gathered in Xuchang.

It can be described as a grand event in the world!

As the initiator, Cao Cao must have a lot of face.

However, the princes are all rebellious.The two mountains of Cao Cao and Liu Ke are here. There must be a sequence of visits, right?

Among the great princes, Yuan Shao, Gongsun Zan, and Liu Zhang all chose to visit Liu Ke first.

Surprisingly, Sun Ce visited Cao Cao first.

This is a very bad signal, and Sun Ce and Cao Cao are getting closer.

However, Liu Ke still had an absolute advantage. Cao Cao was very depressed. This honor should belong to him alone, but Liu Ke took away most of it abruptly.

Today, the little Xuchang has gathered [-] troops, and colorful flags are flying everywhere.

Liu Ke's goal has been achieved a small step.

"Cao Mengde, everyone is here, when will Your Majesty be invited out?" Yuan Shao said impatiently.

Originally, Cao Cao and Yuan Shao worked under He Jin's account and had a good relationship, but after a series of conflicts of interest, the two have drifted apart.

"Hmph, Le Se, who has no reputation, what qualifications do you have to meet His Majesty?" Gongsun Zan snorted coldly.

This is an insinuation that Yuan Shao did not give him the promised half of Jizhou, and also suddenly withdrew from the anti-Yangzhou alliance, causing the alliance to collapse across the board.

"What about you? Killing the clan of the Han family and conspiring to seize Youzhou, is it a good bird?" Yuan Shao confronted.

This refers to Gongsun Zan killing Liu Yu.

Want to become a great prince, who didn't do some dirty things in private?

As soon as Liu Ke wanted to stop the quarrel between the two, Cao Cao, the host, spoke up.

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