Population has restricted Liu Bei's development.

Among them, Gongsun Zan was the most proud. He just mentioned that there was another Gongsundu in Liaodong, which dealt a blow to Dongyanghou's prestige.

Now that Marquis Dongyang has had a bad time with Gongsun Du, Gongsun Zan is not to mention how happy he is.

However, a few days after they were happy, Yangzhou's violent reaction shocked everyone.

Yangzhou even shouted the slogan of crusade against Gongsundu!

One of the sentences is to kill chickens to scare monkeys!

Who is the chicken and who is the monkey?

Dongyanghou is so arrogant and domineering!

Send troops if you don't agree with each other, who will dare to play with you in the future?

"The Marquis of Dongyang is humiliating himself, and this prime minister will watch, how will he end up after defeating Liaodong!" Cao Cao said viciously.

After venting, Cao Cao was very afraid, and at the same time, very panicked.

Even Cao Cao is like this, let alone the princes of the world?

"No, our plan must be implemented as soon as possible." Cao Cao said.

Every move of Yangzhou has been able to affect the general trend of the world.

Therefore, when Liu Ke decided to attack Liaodong, there were still voices of opposition from within.

Cheng Yu, who hadn't bubbled up for a long time, said lightly:

"Dongyanghou, aren't you afraid that the princes of the world will unite again?"

Indeed, it was too obvious for Liu Ke to kill chickens and monkeys this time, and he wanted to beat Liaodong so that the princes could learn from it.

However, sometimes the beating is too intense, which will cause a rebound.

The reunion of the princes will definitely shake the earth, and millions of troops will fight.

"They will unite sooner or later, as long as we are ready." Liu Ke said.

"Dongyanghou means..." Cheng Yu was in doubt.

"Expansion is never something that can be achieved overnight. If Gongsundu is flattened, there will be no obstacles to the lord's claim. If the people return their hearts, why worry about the world?" Guo Jia replied for Liu Ke.

"Then we must win the battle." Cheng Yu said.

"To be honest, I don't plan to stay in Liaodong for a long time. As long as I win the battle of strategic deterrence, that's enough." Liu Ke said.

For Liu Ke, Liaodong is still just an enclave, and it is too difficult to manage it.

Liu Ke also has another purpose, which is to seize the war horses of Liaodong and supplement them.

The last big looting was several years ago.There is only one small horse farm in Yangzhou, and due to geographical reasons, it is impossible to breed strong war horses.

War horses can only be replenished through trade.

Now that Youzhou is in the hands of Gongsun Zan, Liu Ke can't afford to have more horses. As for the war horses in Liangzhou, transportation is too difficult and there are many accidents.

Bingzhou is still a mess.

That being the case, it is better to go to Liaodong.

This time, in addition to dispatching the navy, Yangzhou also had [-] cavalry, and the cavalry was the most powerful force.

Liaodong cannot fight without cavalry.There are too many troops, it is difficult to transport, and funding is also a problem, so [-] cavalry is just right.

The navy is responsible for building a camp and sticking to it as a bridgehead.The cavalry is responsible for dispatching around, looking for wealth and war opportunities.

Since this battle is dominated by cavalry, the generals who will fight are tentatively determined to be Lu Bu, Tai Shici, Zhao Yun, and Zhang He, while Dian Wei and Xu Chu are responsible for personal protection of Liu Ke.

In order to fight for the chance to play, Liu Ke spent a lot of time convincing this and that.

"The army is fighting, how could it be possible without me?"

Everyone was speechless.

Liu Ke glanced at Dian Wei, Dian Wei stood up and said in a buzzing voice, "Don't worry, we will definitely protect the lord and prevent him from putting himself in danger."

"Me too!" Xu Chu said.

"Don't worry, our lineup is so luxurious, how could we fail?" Liu Ke said.

The three of them chatted a lot, but no one interrupted.

Finally Lu Su gave in and said, "My lord, have a good journey!"

Therefore, the army set off by boat to Liaodong. Due to limited transportation capacity, it could only be transported in batches.

However, the news of Liu Ke's conquest of Liaodong still made Gongsundu at a loss.

Isn't that just expelling the messenger?As for?

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

When it comes to Gongsundu, we have to mention his heroic deeds.

Gongsun Du was an official promoted by Dong Zhuo and was appointed as the prefect of Liaodong at the beginning.

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