After the chaos in the Central Plains, Gongsun Du made great efforts to govern and made great achievements.

He conquered Goguryeo in the east, attacked Wuhuan in the west, and took the Liaodong Peninsula in the south.

When Liu Ke sent a mission there, Gongsun Du didn't think it was a problem. After all, we are so far away and the territory is not bordering, so there is no need to give anyone face.

So Gongsundu left the envoys of the Yangzhou Army in the air, wanting to seek more benefits.

Then, Cao Cao's envoy came and brought a reward from the court.

Although Gongsun Du claimed to be the king of Liaodong, he was not recognized by the court after all. After some bargaining, he won the title of Marquis of Liaodong.

On the other hand, in Yangzhou, Gongsundu expelled the Yangzhou envoy as soon as Cao Cao's envoy fooled him before he offered any conditions.

This is a very normal thing, but expulsion is not beheading, what kind of hatred?

However, Gongsun Du didn't know the game between the princes of the Central Plains, let alone Liu Ke's determination.

It's all right now, Yangzhou actually killed him directly?

Gongsundu was inexplicably surprised, brother, is it necessary?

"Master, I'm afraid there is a misunderstanding about this matter." Yang Yi said, he was one of Gongsun Du's few confidantes.

"I heard that Marquis Dongyang is just a brat, and as expected, he mobilized his troops because of a trivial matter, and Yangzhou soldiers and horses have already been dispatched. Tell me, why did you misunderstand the law?" Gongsun Kang said disdainfully.

Gongsun Kang is the son of Gongsun Du, who fought bravely and won the hearts of Liaodong.

"I'm afraid we were used by Cao Mengde!" Yang Yi said.

Gongsun Du lived in Liaodong for a long time, and he encountered either nomads or tribes. Some intrigues were rarely done.However, it doesn't mean he is an idiot, after Yang Yi reminded him, he immediately understood.

"Tell me, what should I do?"

Yang Yi looked happy and said: "My lord, we should send an envoy to clear up the misunderstanding."

Gongsun Du fell into deep thought.

"You fart! I have [-] cavalry from Liaodong, and most of them come from Yangzhou to give away their heads. Why are you afraid of him?" Gongsun Kang said excitedly.

"It's not about fear." Yang Yi continued, "Just don't be used as a gunman. What good will we gain from fighting Dongyanghou?"

Gongsun Du finally made up his mind and said, "Who can be the envoy?"

"Master Liu Yiliu!" Yang Yi recommended.

Liu Yi is also Gongsun Du's confidant. When Gongsun Du established himself as king, he asked them for their opinions. Both of them were ambitious people.

An envoy, does it need to send such a heavyweight person?

Gongsundu hesitated.

Liu Yi took a step forward and said, "My lord, my brother Liu Zong can go on an envoy."

"Yes." Gongsun Du made a final decision.

Gongsun Kang snorted coldly, expressing his dissatisfaction, but his father was on the sidelines, so it was difficult for him to get angry.

It was originally to discuss how to defend against the enemy, but now it has been changed to peace talks.

After coming out of the main hall, Gongsun Kang was unhappy, and just happened to meet Liu Yi and Liu Zong. Liu Yi seemed to be teaching Liu Zong what to pay attention to when he was on an envoy. When he talked about "modest attitude", Gongsun Kang broke out.

"Liu Zong, stop!" Gongsun Kang shouted.

Liu Zong was stunned for a moment, not knowing what happened, he cupped his hands and said, "Meet the young master!"

"After you go to Yangzhou, if you dare to humble yourself when you see Marquis Dongyang, you don't have to come back!" Gongsun Kang threatened.

"The young master means..." Liu Zong had already understood, but he needed a more definite answer.

Gongsun Kang did not disappoint him, and said: "Be more high-profile, showing the majesty of the King of Liaodong, just like treating those tribes."

"Yes!" Liu Zong said excitedly, those tribes were just targets to be slaughtered by others, if not for the protection of King Liaodong, they would have been wiped out by other forces long ago.

So no matter how rude they are treated, they will not resist.

Liu Zong has been there several times and enjoys this power very much.Originally, he did not agree with the arrangement of his clan brother, but now with the support of the young master, he can use it with confidence.

Hearing this, Liu Yi sighed, what he taught was in vain.

Gongsun Kang gave Liu Yi a white look, and left without saying a word.

Only then did Liu Yi say: "The Marquis of Dongyang is extremely powerful, otherwise he wouldn't have sent troops to attack the door just because the lord expelled the envoy. The opportunity is given to you, so you can do it yourself."

"Thank you brother for your concern." Liu Zong said sincerely, and when he separated from Liu Yi, he forgot all the instructions.

The mere Marquis of Dongyang dares to be compared with the King of Liaodong, but he doesn't know what that means.

At this moment, Liu Ke's army has arrived in Donglai County, Qingzhou, which is located in Jiaodong Peninsula.

"Because of the need to transport horses, only about [-] troops can be transported at a time." Gan Ning said.

With [-] troops at a time, it needs to go back and forth five times, which is very troublesome.

After discussing this matter for three days, Liu Ke finally made a decision.

"Let the water army land first, and build a camp to guard it." Liu Ke said.

After the bridgehead was established, it was no easy task for Gongsun Du to break the camp guarded by the [-] sailors before letting the cavalry troops land.

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