"Is the prime minister willing to listen?" Feng Ji said neither humble nor overbearing.

"I heard that Yuan Benchu ​​has a lot of talents under his tent. Tian Feng, Shenpei, Guo Tu, etc. are all great talents, and you, Feng Yuantu, are the best among them. Then, let me see the prime minister today!" Cao Cao said.

"The prime minister is too much!" Feng Ji said modestly, "Is the prime minister still worrying about plotting Liangzhou?"

"Hmph! Asking the question knowingly." Cao Cao said, "Do you have any ingenious plan to take Liangzhou without bloodshed?"

Speaking of this, Cao Cao still showed a glimmer of expectation.

"No, Prime Minister Cao has many advisers, so I'm not as good as that." Feng Ji denied.

Although Cao Cao was disappointed, he took it for granted. If Feng Ji solved this problem simply, wouldn't it appear that Cao Cao's army was incompetent?

"What do you want to say? Don't play tricks, the Prime Minister has no time to talk nonsense with you."

Feng Ji cupped his hands and said, "Prime Minister Cao, your eyes have been on Liangzhou for too long!"

Cao Cao woke up suddenly, his mind kept turning.

"Why don't you seek to seize Bingzhou?" Feng Ji said.

Now there is no order in Bingzhou, and the biggest prince is Zhang Yan.

If Cao Cao makes a move, there is a high chance of winning, provided that Yuan Shao does not intervene!

"Thank you for the reminder!" Cao Cao laughed.

Laughing slyly.

Feng Ji had expected this to happen a long time ago, so he kept a hand and said, "Prime Minister Cao, if you want to eat alone, it would be too much. Will the Marquis of Dongyang sit back and watch your expansion? Maybe you just won Bingzhou, and Yanzhou will be lost. gone."

Cao Cao restrained his smile and seemed to be thinking about gains and losses.

Feng Ji's words are very reasonable... Cao Cao can't refute.

"Tell me, what does Yuan Benchu ​​mean?"

"Yuan Cao formed an alliance, and Prime Minister Cao sent troops to defeat Gongsun Zan and take Youzhou for my lord. By then, Bingzhou will be in your pocket." Feng Ji said.

Because Gongsun Zan and Zhang Yan were in an alliance, Yuan Shao also hated Zhang Yan very much and had to be wary of him.

Cao Cao took Bingzhou and Yuan Shao took Youzhou, which is in the interests of both!

"Yuan Benchu ​​did not keep his word!"

For this argument, Feng Ji had already prepared, and said: "Prime Minister Cao, think about it, after my lord takes Youzhou, only the Marquis of Dongyang will be left as an enemy. If he doesn't help you at that time, who else can he help?"

Cao Cao was moved!If such a situation is really achieved, it will be very beneficial to him.

If Yuan Shao is sincere, the two alliances will occupy the land of the five states, and together they will have a million troops.

Really million troops!

With Dongyang Hou, there will be a battle.

If he can capture Liangzhou again, he will be on an equal footing with the Marquis of Dongyang, just around the corner!

This is Yuan Shao's opportunity, and it is also Cao Cao's opportunity.

"Is that all?" Cao Cao didn't believe Yuan Shao would be so generous.

First, Yuan Shao is the main force to fight Gongsun Zan.

Second, Yuan Shao is also the main force to resist Yangzhou?

"I also ask Prime Minister Cao to use his thunderous power to help our lord defeat Gongsun Zan!" Feng Ji said.

Cao Cao sent [-] troops to help, and [-] to help, but seeing what Feng Ji meant, at least [-] troops?

Feng Ji saw Cao Cao's hesitation, and continued, "Once Marquis Dongyang reacts, he will definitely support Gongsun Zan! At that time, both sides will suffer, and Marquis Dongyang will only be cheaper."

"Let me think about it." Cao Cao couldn't make a decision for a moment.

Sending [-] troops will directly empty out Cao Cao's army. If there is an accident, there is no way back.

"Prime Minister, seek wealth and wealth!" Yang Xiu said from the side.

Yes, there are risks in everything you do.

Cao Cao laughed at himself, a little worried about gains and losses.

"Okay, this matter has been settled by the Prime Minister, I hope Yuan Benchu ​​will not forget his original intention!"

Yang Xiu couldn't help muttering in his heart: The prime minister will definitely agree in the end, so he has to be hypocritical!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Cao Cao agreed to send troops!

Fengji finally completed his mission and returned to Jizhou to return to his mission.

Cao Cao is also a ruthless person, and directly mobilized [-] troops. Such a large-scale mobilization of troops cannot be concealed from those who are interested.

For example, Ma Teng, now Ma Teng is isolated and helpless, if Cao Cao sends troops to Xiliang, then he will definitely become a victim, so he is always in fear.

However, he was surprised to find that Cao Cao did not restrict his freedom.

When the army moved to Jizhou, everyone was shocked!

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