Yuan Shao has been waiting for a long time.

"Meng De, you're still here!" Yuan Shao was very excited. Even though he had many conflicts with Cao Cao, Cao Cao sent [-] troops at once to help him attack Gongsun Zan. Yuan Shao admired this fact.

Although it is for profit.

"At first, you and I were brothers, and we haven't fought side by side for a long time," Cao Cao said.

"Yes." Yuan Shao sighed inwardly, but at the same time, he was also surging.

Cao Cao sent [-] troops, plus Jizhou's [-] troops, a total of [-]. Gongsun Zan's entire territory is only [-] horses, how can he resist?

Yuan Shao has already seen the dawn of victory!

"Soldiers are precious, and before the Marquis of Dongyang reacts, we should come up with a perfect strategy!" Cao Cao said.

"Meng De, please tell me!" Yuan Shao said modestly.

In this way, the two conspired for a long time and discussed a perfect plan!

Xun You has always been the intelligence department that controls Yangzhou. On the day Cao Cao's army was dispatched, the savior Ma reported it.

However, this matter was not up to Xun You to decide, so he immediately sailed to Liaodong.

Now Liaodong is showing a strange scene. As an invader, Liu Ke is welcomed by the people wherever he goes, and he exchanges grain for countless supplies.

Gan Ning's big ship has been busy, but the capacity is still insufficient.

Ginseng medicinal materials plus cattle, sheep and livestock, it is conservatively estimated that they have already earned [-] million gold.

These things that are worthless in Liaodong are priceless when they are transported to Yangzhou.

What makes Liu Ke feel pity is that after traveling so long, he didn't harvest many war horses, only about [-] horses.

Gongsun Du's control over the horses is very strict.

At this time, Gongsundu's reinforcements were about to enter Liaodong.

Liu Ke was discussing with everyone where to ambush the [-] troops.

"My lord, there are [-] enemies, all of whom are cavalry. If we fight hard, the outcome will be hard to tell." Zhao Yun said.

Zhao Yun has always been a prudent man, and his words carry weight.

This is a hundred thousand cavalry!

Liu Ke is not yet confident enough to use cavalry to defeat two. If heavy cavalry breaks the formation, it will be another story.

It's a pity that this time, Liu Ke didn't bring heavy cavalry. Heavy cavalry is difficult to transport, inconvenient to move, and easy to be caught by the enemy.

"If we let the enemy join us, we can only avoid the edge temporarily and continue to send reinforcements from Yangzhou." Tai Shici said.

When the two armies converged, Gongsundu would have [-] cavalry. Liu Ke couldn't bear such a huge force.

If [-] can still win miserably, then [-] is absolutely impossible.

If reinforcements are dispatched from Yangzhou, Yangzhou will fall into the quagmire of Liaodong.

The best solution is to stand your ground.

Once Goguryeo discovers that Lelang County is empty of troops, they will definitely send troops to seize it. At that time, Gongsun Du will not be able to look at each other from head to tail, and it is only a matter of time before he reveals his flaws.

While Liu Ke was thinking about other plans, Xun You arrived.

"Meet the lord!"

Liu Ke could tell from Xun You's hasty tone that there was something urgent!

"Gongda, is there something wrong in Yangzhou?"

"My lord, everything is fine in Yangzhou," Xun You said.

"Then what wind brought you here?" Dian Wei asked.

The arrival of Xun You made everyone a little nervous, but now they finally breathed a sigh of relief, as long as the base camp is fine.

"Cao Mengde was unwilling to be lonely, and sent [-] troops to join Yuan Benchu, and I am afraid that he will attack Youzhou!" Xun You said.

Didn't they send troops to Liangzhou?

Liu Ke was extremely surprised.

It hasn't been a day or two since Cao Cao plotted against Liangzhou, but now he put aside his goal and went to help Yuan Shao?

Everyone present did not believe that Cao Cao would be so kind!

Liu Ke arranged some secret arrangements in Liangzhou, kept an eye on them at all times, and secretly supported Ma Chao with a large amount of supplies, just to give him more confidence when facing Cao Cao.

Now Cao Cao did not attack Liangzhou, but helped Yuan Shao attack Youzhou, which disrupted Liu Ke's plan at once.

"When I set off, Cao Cao's army had already dispatched, and they should have arrived in Jizhou by now," Xun You said.

"What's Gongda's opinion on this matter?" Liu Ke asked.

"My lord, although Gongsun Zan is at odds with us, he can contain Yuan Shao for us, so I think we should send troops to help Gongsun Zan!" Xun You said.

Send troops directly?

Liu Ke fell into deep thought.

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