Lelang County is a remote place. After Chen Deng went there, he couldn't come back for a few years.

However, this is indeed a place that sharpens people. If Chen Deng survives, he will definitely stand out.

"Yuanlong, Lelang County and Daifang County will be handed over to you." Liu Ke said.

"Don't worry, my lord. You've already cleaned up your surroundings. Who dares to be dishonest? Now that you're going to Lelang County, you must concentrate on developing people's livelihood." Chen Deng said.

"No, if it's not my race, its heart must be different. If you don't show enough strength, the alien race will soon turn ruthless. Therefore, defense must not be left behind." Liu Ke warned.

"Subordinates understand!" Chen Deng cupped his hands.

Liu Ke also explained some things, such as how to deal with foreigners.

Chen Deng listened very carefully. After all, there are some things that really need to be learned.

An hour passed in a flash.

"If you have anything, you can inform Ding Feng. As a deterrent force connecting Lelang County and Yangzhou, he can help you a lot." Liu Ke said.

"My subordinates will remember." Chen Deng said.

Liu Ke didn't delay any longer, and waved his hand to signal Chen Deng to leave.

"Bon Voyage."

"Thanks to the auspicious words of the Lord."

Liu Ke returned home all the way, met his wife and children, and visited Liu Youyi before going to the official residence to handle official business.

"These are the backlog of documents." Lu Su said.

"Alright, inform the Tiance Mansion and the cabinet members that we are going to have a meeting tonight." Liu Ke said.

"Yes." Lu Su didn't ask any further questions, and he knew immediately that he had to discuss how to deal with Cao Cao.

The Tiance Mansion manages the foreign conquest corps, and the cabinet is an important organization that assists Liu Ke. The two are almost the highest-ranking departments in Yangzhou except Liu Ke.

Liu Ke glanced at the mountain of documents, and began to concentrate on processing them at lightning speed.

Due to the economic development of Yangzhou, the problems gradually increased.

If there are more problems, it will naturally be supervised, so Liu Ke needs to deal with more and more things.

Of course, some trivial matters, Lu Su and others have already dealt with them.

In the evening, Liu Ke finished handling the government affairs, ordered his servants to prepare dinner, and held a banquet while discussing matters.

Civil officials included Guo Jia, Jia Xu, Lu Su, Xun You, Xu Shu, etc. Military officers included Zhao Yun, Lu Bu, Dian Wei, Xu Chu, Tai Shici, Huang Zhong, Zhang Liao, etc.

"Congratulations to the lord on his return from victory!" Everyone said in unison.

"I have a heart." Liu Ke raised his glass and drank it down.

Everyone drinks together.

Originally, Liu Ke's big break into the peninsula was worth mobilizing people, but Liu Ke refused all kinds of bells and whistles to greet him, keeping everything simple.

Therefore, the subordinates can only congratulate Liu Ke through gatherings.

In this regard, Liu Ke did not refuse.

Cai Yong wrote a special book about this, which has been recorded in the annals of history.

Liu Ke didn't talk nonsense, and went directly to the topic, saying:

"In order to deal with Cao Cao, I thought of two options."

Everyone sat upright and listened attentively.

"First, continue to promote the concept of people for people and war for war. Gongsun Du has succumbed, and no one in the world has opposed it."

"My lord is wise! Leave this matter to me, and I will definitely handle it properly," Xu Shu said.

For this kind of behavior of taking the initiative to take the task, Liu Ke is very appreciative, much better than Guo Jia.

Xu Shu is a student of Cai Yong and Sima Hui. Using the strength of these two people, he will definitely be able to achieve astonishing publicity effects.

"Okay, Yuan Zhi, I'll leave this matter to you," Liu Ke said.

Xu Shu handed over to take over, publicizing this matter can strengthen Liu Ke's prestige, which is a top priority for Yangzhou.

"Secondly, Yangzhou's military strength is no longer enough, so I decided to expand the army." Liu Ke said.

As soon as this sentence was said, Lu Su had a headache.Now Yangzhou has more than [-] troops. If this is not enough, what are the other princes?

However, on second thought, the coalition forces of Cao Cao and Yuan Shao had already reached the level of Yangzhou.

At least in numbers.

"I have no objection, but the number of troops must not exceed 150 million. This is the limit of Yangzhou." Lu Su said.

The corner of Guo Jia's mouth twitched: Lu Zijing, I'm afraid you don't know what kind of concept is 150 million, to double the army at once?The lord hasn't been this crazy for a long time.

The same is true of Liu Ke, explaining: "Don't worry, Zijing, this time the army will be expanded to 120 million."

Lu Su nodded and did not express any other opinions.

In order to deal with the crisis brought by the princes, Yangzhou must maintain a sufficient military advantage, otherwise, if the enemy comes to Yangzhou, it will definitely suffer heavy losses.

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