Because Yangzhou's wealth is beyond the imagination of the states, once a looting incident occurs, the consequences will be disastrous.

Yangzhou's prosperity is due to Liu Ke's support and stability.Among them, the latter is more important. If it is a problem for the common people to eat and drink, how can they concentrate on production?

The population dropped sharply at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty because of the threat of the Yellow Turban Thieves.They don't do production, and they rob the people in charge of production, which leads to disorder in the world.

Fortunately, the Yellow Turban was destroyed, and Liu Ke increased the production of grain, and the population of the Central Plains was maintained and continued to grow.

The population base is large, which is also the confidence of the princes to expand their army wildly.

After deliberation, everyone came up with the following military expansion plan.

First, the garrison.The garrison is responsible for the local defense and farming.

The garrison also needs to farm.

There are [-] defenders in Jiaozhou, [-] defenders in Yangzhou, [-] defenders in Xuzhou, [-] defenders in Qingzhou, and [-] defenders in Lelang County and Daifang County.

In other words, the number of defenders has reached [-], and there is basically no change, except that the defense of Jiaozhou and Yangzhou has been strengthened.

The main battle corps is the focus of Liu Ke's army expansion.

Tiger Guards, 10 people, commander Zhao Yun.

Regardless of Zhao Yun's willingness or not, Liu Ke still expanded the Tiger Guard Army. This is the greatest trust Liu Ke can give.

"Thank you, my lord, for cultivating!" Zhao Yun knew that Liu Ke had made up his mind, so he didn't continue to object.

The Yangzhou cavalry has 10 troops, and the commander is Tai Shici, including 2 heavy cavalry, and the commander is Zhang He.

The number of heavy cavalry could not keep up with the development, so Liu Ke expanded accordingly.

Chishui Army, 5 people, commander Gan Ning.

Bohai Fleet, 3 people, the commander is Ding Feng.

The Bohai Fleet transferred some backbones from the Chishui Army to form a new army.This is purely naval and not responsible for inland rivers.

For the remaining places, Liu Ke will directly expand the Dongyang Army directly under him. He has always been the head coach of this army.

The sudden cavalry battalion has 5 people, and the commander is Lu Bu.

The Shesheng Battalion has 5 people, and the commander is Huang Zhong.

The guard battalion has 5 people, and the commander is Dian Wei.

In the camp, 2 people, the commander is Gao Shun.

Chongbu Battalion, 5 people, led by Xu Chu.

Dongyang No. 5 Battalion (mixed battalion, mixed with various arms), [-] people, and the commander is Zhang Liao.

Dongyang Second Battalion (mixed battalion, mixed with various arms), 5 people, and the commander is Tibetan Ba.

Among them, the establishment of the Chongbu Battalion was based on the advancement of forging technology, and Liu Ke directly handed it over to Xu Chu.

After a month of conscription screening, Liu Ke completed the expansion of Yangzhou's army.

The number of troops reached a terrifying 120 million, which caused panic among the princes.

Not only that, Liu Ke also shouted a slogan, that is, Yangzhou will increase its troops to 200 million!

This is very scary.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Liu Ke's blatant military expansion would not have been a problem in the past.

But as soon as Cao Cao restored Yanzhou's defense, Liu Ke expanded his army on the back.

Among other things, what does this represent?

Cao Cao had to think carefully, he was very courageous, but it was impossible for him to be an enemy of Liu right now.

If possible, Cao Cao is willing to delay until after capturing Liangzhou.If that time really comes, Cao Cao will really have no worries.

However, this is just a dream.

Liu Ke will not let Cao Cao succeed, and will not allow him more time to prepare.

This military expansion is the best proof.

Although military expansion does not mean war, after all, military expansion still requires training.

Therefore, for Cao Cao, there is at least half a year of stability.

However, half a year is really too fast for the princes, and it is fleeting.

What can you do in half a year?

Digestion and state are not enough.

It is not Cao Cao's style to rush into battle, so he seems a little anxious now.

"My lord, this matter is simple!" Xi Zhicai said, and after finishing speaking, he coughed twice.

"Zhicai, be careful!" Cao Cao hurriedly said.

Originally, Xi Zhicai was investigating in Liangzhou, and the preparations were almost done, but Cao Cao suddenly discovered that Bingzhou was easier to seize, so half of the preparations for Liangzhou were spent.

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