Liangzhou was originally quite desolate, Xi Zhicai stayed there for so long, his body was gradually overwhelmed, weak and sickly.

So, he simply returned to Chang'an to recuperate.

"Thank you, my lord, for your concern." Xi Zhicai said, after he stopped coughing, he regained his strength.

"Zhicai, between you and me, why are you being polite?" Cao Cao laughed.

Xi Zhicai rested for a while before saying: "My lord, you can reiterate Dongyanghou's claim and stabilize him. Then join Yuan Shao and put pressure on Dongyanghou."

Cao Cao thinks it makes sense. Now Dongyang Hou has 120 million troops, which is still acceptable, but once it reaches 200 million, it will definitely be a disaster.

With 200 million well-trained troops, even Yangzhou can't afford it!

what does this mean?

In order to support the army, the Marquis of Dongyang will expand endlessly.

At that time, Cao Cao and Yuan Shao will be the primary targets.

This is why Cao Cao felt that he had to act.

In fact, Yuan Shao was the one who was most frightened, because his strength was not as good as Cao Cao's, and he was likely to be the target of surgery.

Therefore, after Cao Cao's envoy arrived, Yuan Shao pretended to be reserved for a while, and immediately signed his name.

For them, it is a good thing.

It is absolutely impossible for the Marquis of Dongyang to expand his army. If he insists on doing so, he can only start the war in advance!

Liu Ke expanded his army, Cao Cao and Yuan Shao must also expand their army, but they can't afford so many troops, so they can only turn the table.

Yuan Shao now only wants to develop insignificantly and digest Youzhou. For him, this is the most important thing at present.

After the two sides reached an agreement, Cao Cao sent Zhong Yao, and Yuan Shao sent Tian Feng as envoys to Yangzhou together.

For the arrival of Cao Cao and Yuan Shao's envoys, Liu Ke had already prepared and received them warmly.

Zhong Yao was relatively timid, and kept looking at Tian Feng, wanting him to propose.But Tian Feng is also a human being, and he only cares about talking about the scene.

"Marquis of Dongyang, my lord Yuan Shao, is willing to accept your proposal. From now on, the lives of the common people will be guaranteed in battle," Tian Feng said.

Hearing this sentence, Zhong Yao's hands trembled a bit, mmp, he knew it would sell well, could it be that restricting the expansion of Dongyang Hou's army has become a matter for me alone?

"My lord Cao Cao is also willing."

Zhong Yao immediately made a supplement.

Because, I heard that Marquis Dongyang was not particularly friendly to the envoy.

"However, the premise is that Marquis Dongyang guarantees that his military strength will not exceed one million!" In Tian Feng's words, there was a murderous intent.

This is the so-called praise you first, then hammer you.

Zhong Yao hurriedly added, saying: "Marquis Dongyang, your crazy military expansion is contrary to your proposition! You are involving more people in the war."

Neither of them are fuel-efficient lamps.

"The problem is, the army in Yangzhou has reached 120 million, what do you say?" Liu Ke said.

Very simple, disarmament on the line.

When the words came to his lips, Zhong Yao couldn't say anything, he was afraid that if he said it, he would never return to Chang'an.

The same is true for Tian Feng, he knows that this is Liu Ke's bottom line.

The two looked at each other with a tacit understanding.

Zhong Yao coughed and said, "Can I ask the Marquis of Dongyang to maintain the current strength?"

"The attitude is good, the tone is good, but why should I listen to you?" Liu Ke said.

Zhong Yao and Tian Feng don't know what to say, haven't we already acknowledged your proposition?

Return the peach.

The good traditions of the nation were eaten by you?

To deal with Dongyang Hou, you shouldn't give benefits first!

Tian Feng was speechless for a moment.

"Dongyanghou, this is for the sake of the people of the world!" Zhong Yao said.

In short, for the sake of the people of the world, this burden is more useful no matter what time it is.

"There are too many foreign races, threatening Lelang County, I must increase troops to protect it." Liu Ke said.

Zhong Yao has never seen such a brazen person, protecting Lelang County?

If the information is correct, the foreign races on the peninsula were killed by Dongyang Hou.

Too many aliens?

This is more of a joke.

Today, Yangzhou's 120 million army is larger than the total population of a foreign country.

"Marquis Dongyang, Yangzhou does not need so many troops. As long as you promise not to expand the army, we can sign an armistice agreement and there will be no war within ten years." Zhong Yao said.

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