Who would have thought that Mi Heng turned out to be a bomb!

The scene was silent.

Cao Cao didn't know how to end it!


Mi Heng's rudeness made many people dissatisfied.

Xiahou Dun asked, "My lord, why didn't you just kill him? What do you do with such a person?"

"You Heng has a false reputation, if you kill him, people will say that the prime minister is not tolerant." Cao Cao said.

Mi Heng wandered around Yangzhou for so many years, and he lived a good life. If he came to Chang'an and was killed, what would people think of Cao Cao and Liu Ke?

Liu Ke's heart must be wider than Cao Cao's!

Cao Cao didn't want to do this, but he couldn't let Mi Heng go, and said: "I heard that you are good at playing drums. You can contribute a song to the history of drums."

Of course Mi Heng knew Cao Cao's careful thinking, and was about to refuse, but Xiahou Dun swept over him indifferently.

It seems that if this drum is not played, there will be no good end.

Cao Cao waved his hand and began to review the drum music of the drum historians.

When you pass by the drum history, you have to take off your original clothes and change into the special clothing of the drum history.It was Mi Heng's turn to play, and he was playing the drum music of "Yuyang".

Cao Cao saw that this was wrong, he was trying to humiliate Mi Heng, not to make Mi Heng famous, so he winked at the drummer.

The chief drum official scolded You Heng: "Why don't you change your clothes, you new Gu Shi, and dare to come in hastily?"

Mi Heng knew that this test would be impossible to pass, so he quickly said: "Good."

So Mi Heng took off the clothes that were close to him first, and then took off the rest of the clothes, stood there naked, and slowly took the special clothes for drum history and put them on. ashamed.

This kind of unrestrained style is just a piece of cake for Mi Heng.

"Mi Heng is rude!" Cao Cao said, as if he had caught Mi Heng's handle.

Even naked in public!

But Mi Heng yelled, saying: "This is just to show your innocence. Mr. Cao has dirty eyes and doesn't know the wise and foolish; his mouth is dirty and he doesn't read poetry; his ears are dirty and he doesn't accept loyal words."

Cao Cao sighed: "I wanted to humiliate You Heng, but I didn't expect to be humiliated by Mi Heng."

Xiahou Dun refused to accept it, and asked Cao Cao to kill Mi Heng again.

"You bastard Mi Heng, the prime minister killing him is like killing birds and mice. Even if the Marquis of Dongyang is not killed, the prime minister can do it." Cao Cao said.

So, Mi Heng was able to get away and left in despair. Cao Cao's subordinates sat upright, and no one saw him off.

Even Yang Xiu didn't come out to avoid suspicion.

Mi Heng looked up to the sky and sighed, "Mr. Cao's subordinates are all dead."

This sentence was heard by the guards and passed to Cao Cao.

What else can Cao Cao do other than get angry?

Disgraceful to grandma's house.

Mi Heng felt that poverty in Chang'an was boring, so he left directly.

It's better to stay in Yangzhou!

All of them are talents, they speak nicely, and they really like staying in Yangzhou.

Of course, someone once asked Ni Heng, is there no one in the world worthy of his admiration?

Mi Heng replied: "Kong Wenju, the eldest son, and Yang Dezu, the younger son. The rest are mediocre and not worth mentioning."

They were talking about Kong Rong and Yang Xiu.

He always teases his friends like this, let alone other crooked people he doesn't know?

Therefore, it is not a lie to say that you have suffered from madness.

Probably only people like Liu Ke can make Mi Heng unable to find any faults.

Liu Ke is an old acquaintance of Mi Heng, and they have known each other before they made a fortune.

At that time, Liu Ke was still selling sorghum wine.

No matter what, Ni Heng still respects Liu Ke very much.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After Mi Heng returned to Yangzhou, he told Kong Rong about the matter.

Kong Rong thought it was interesting, and joked, "Why don't you ask Dongyang Hou for a drink?"

It means that since the announcement of the list, people have known that the hostility between Cao Cao and Liu Ke is inevitable.

Now, Mi Heng has made Cao Cao feel uncomfortable, maybe Liu Ke will pay part of his "salary".

Mi Heng found it interesting and immediately visited Liu Ke.

In fact, what Mi Heng did, Liu Ke had already been informed by a secret report.

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