As soon as Liu Ke was happy, he rewarded [-] gold.

"It's better to listen to a thousand pieces of gold." Mi Heng finally took away a thousand pieces of gold.

For money, Mi Heng has always been indifferent, as long as he has something to eat and something to drink, he is very satisfied.

Too much money and don't know where to put it is just annoying.

Of course, this incident also reached Cao Cao's ears, and Cao Cao was stunned.

You Heng is so crazy, why did you suddenly become begging for mercy when you came to Dongyang Hou?

Cao Cao couldn't understand it.

In the end, he came to the conclusion that he had been calculated.

Being calculated for no reason, with Cao Cao's pride, how could he let it go.

Cao Cao thought about how to retaliate, but the opponent was Liu Ke, and some severe measures were useless.

Xi Zhicai suggested: "My lord, you might as well confer Dongyang Hou as king and see if he dares to take over."

"A great plan!" Cao Cao said.

If Liu accepts it, it means that he is ambitious and intends to go further.

This is the so-called flattery.

Therefore, Cao Cao directly found Yang Biao and asked him to go to Yangzhou to proclaim the decree.

Yang Biao ranks among the three princes, and he is highly respected, so it is very appropriate to let him go.

One is to show respect, and the other is to prevent Liu Ke from murderous intentions.

When Yang Biao received this task, he was taken aback, and the first thing he thought of was to shirk.

I'm just an idle fish!

Today, Yang Biao doesn't ask about anything in the court.

This is the basis of his longevity.

Neither Dong Zhuo nor Cao Cao wanted to kill Yang Biao, because he was better at being a man and knew what to say and what not to say.

It's not that Dong Cheng didn't contact Yang Biao before his death, but he was fooled by Yang Biao as if he was playing Tai Chi.

Now, they are going to Yangzhou to announce the decree?

Leave such a thankless job to others!

"Prime Minister, I'm not feeling well, please find another expert."

The current Yang Biao is very weak, it is quite like pretending to be sick,

However, this time Cao Cao did not intend to let him go.

"Yang Dezu and Mi Heng are close friends, right?"

In one sentence, Yang Biao's retreat was blocked.

Yang Biao cupped his hands, and the two knew each other well.

Therefore, Yang Biao led a huge mission and traveled thousands of miles to Yangzhou.

Liu Ke didn't go outside the city to greet them, but held a high-level banquet for them.

Yang Biao was not in a hurry to announce the decree, because he wanted to test Liu Ke's attitude.

"What is the purpose of the Taiwei's coming here this time?" Liu Ke asked, going straight to the point without dragging his feet.

Yang Biao was directly confused by the question, shouldn't the script be a few words of greeting first?

"It's not urgent, it's a happy event." Yang Biao said, and then changed the subject, talking about Liu's clan.

Although Liu Ke is Zongzheng, he hardly cares about specific matters.It is reasonable for Yang Biao to talk about these things as if he was reporting work.

Of course, Yang Biao is also a deep-fried dough stick, and he doesn't know how to say some irrelevant words.

He mentioned some of Xiandi's daily life.

Liu Ke is still more interested in this point.

Among them, Empress Fu gave birth to a son for Emperor Xian.

Empress Fu was born noble. She was the eighth grandson of Fu Zhan, the great Situ of the Western Han Dynasty.

"Tell Cao Cao, I have saved this child, and let him not use his brain." Liu Ke said.

This sentence almost broke Yang Biao's achievements.

When dealing with Dongyang Hou, you must be calm and relaxed!

But Yang Biao's words are not useless, at least Liu Ke's sense of him is a little better.

"Dongyanghou, to be honest, I came here this time to make you king!" Yang Biao cut to the point, took out the imperial decree, and read it aloud face to face.

To show respect, Liu Ke stood up and cupped his hands as a gesture.

The general meaning of the imperial decree is that Liu Ke has worked hard and made great achievements, enough to be crowned king.

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