"I refuse." Liu Ke said.

It's not a refusal that wants to say no, but a very straightforward one.

Yang Biao was not surprised at all, after all, no one would accept it.

With Liu Ke's current strength, is there any difference between the Marquis of Dongyang and the King of Dongyang?

There is no difference at all, and you will become a bird in the first place.

Moreover, Liu Ke's Dongyang Marquis was at least conferred by the first emperor, so what is this Dongyang King?

If Cao Cao were to be canonized, Liu Ke thought that it would be better to claim it.

"Dongyanghou, don't you think about it again?" Yang Biao asked again, of course to make excuses for the failure of the mission.

It's not that he didn't work hard enough, but Dongyanghou was really unwilling to accept it.

Liu Ke refused again.

"Taiwei Yang, where are you from, go back there." Liu Ke said, this is already an order to evict guests.

Yang Biao bid farewell after handing over.He didn't want to come out either, he was an old bone, but unfortunately he was born as a human being, so he was always worried.

For example, his son Yang Xiu, who is as defiant as Mi Heng, will cause disaster sooner or later.

You must teach him a lesson when you go back!

After watching Yang Biao leave, Liu Ke looked complicated. To him, Feng Wang was just a farce.

Why did Cao Cao do this?

Nothing more than for the disgusting people.

Even if Liu Ke refuses, I'm afraid it will be known to everyone.

Although the effect is worse, it still works after all.

"My lord, you are right to refuse." Guo Jia said, "With your bad taste, I almost think that you will accept it."

"If Cao Cao rewards you with [-] gold, I will accept it." Liu Ke said with a smile.

"My lord, you are the one with great wisdom and great ability." Guo Jia said.

After Yang Biao returned to Chang'an, Cao Cao did not blame him.As Liu Ke guessed, the news that Liu Ke became king was spread everywhere.

Although it was finally denied by Yangzhou, the fearsome words still caused some damage to Liu Ke's prestige.

In the eyes of some common people, of course they support Liu Ke's claim to be king.

Because they have received Liu Ke's benefits indirectly or directly, such as the outbreak of food production and life protection during wars.

However, in the eyes of people of insight, this is disrespectful!

Regardless of whether you are called king or named king, you must act with caution.

In the eyes of scholars, the world not only belongs to the princes, but also to them.After all, the rule of the princes is inseparable from them.

Cao Cao's plan was easily resolved by Liu Ke, and he felt very uncomfortable.

For example, the humiliation he suffered, Liu Ke's reputation loss, what is it?

The more I think about it, the more unbalanced I become.

Cao Cao decided that he couldn't let it go, so he retaliated again.

This time, he used the way to treat the person to treat the person.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Mi Heng is very famous, but in the Jianghuai area, there are many people who can rival him.

Among them, Yu Ji was included.

Yu Ji was a well-known alchemist in the Eastern Han Dynasty. He was proficient in medicine and Taoism when he was young.During the time of Emperor Shun, Yu Ji often went to Wu and Kuaiji to build houses there and make talisman water for the local people to treat diseases.

It's a fight with Zhang Jiao.

However, due to the rapid development of the medical center in Yangzhou, this led to Yu Ji's "unemployment".The existence of the academy made Yu Ji even more infamous.

Everyone knows that Fu Shui is a fool!

Of course Yu Ji harbored resentment, but there was nothing he could do. Yangzhou was Liu Ke's territory, and he had to follow the rules.

Otherwise, whether they can protect themselves has become a problem.

The executor of Cao Cao's revenge this time is Yu Ji.

As Cao Cao's envoy, Sima Lang visited Yu Ji.

"What is Sima Boda doing?" Yu Ji asked.

Yu Ji is one of the representative figures of Huang Lao Dao at that time, and he still has knowledge in his stomach.He is also very concerned about current affairs, so after Sima Lang reported to his house, Yu Ji had an impression.

"Old Master Yu Ji, the prime minister needs you to do one thing." Sima Lang said.

Yu Ji rolled his eyes, he was old, but not stupid.

Can it be a trivial matter to help Cao Cao?

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