But who is Liu?

How could he be afraid of a veteran.

In this way, Yu Ji met Liu Ke, and described the real dragon's affairs vividly and vividly, as if it was real.

Liu Ke just sat quietly, watching Yu Ji's performance.

This old man is very talented in acting, even though he is old, he is still full of energy.

"Daoist Yu finds auspiciousness, reward hardware!" Liu Ke said.

Yu Ji, who had a dry mouth, was drinking tea, and when he heard this, he almost choked to death.

"What did you say, Marquis Dongyang? The old man is too old to hear clearly."

Of course Liu Ke would not repeat it, and said, "Take the reward and leave."

Yu Ji had never seen such a direct talk to death, and quickly said: "Dongyang Hou, this is auspicious, the real dragon is alive, how can you measure it with hardware?"

"Don't want any hardware? Daoist Gao Yi!" Liu Ke said.

"This..." Yu Ji wanted to cry, but the hardware still needed to drop!

"Well, let's send the auspiciousness to His Majesty." Liu Ke said.

Nothing, how can I send it?

Wang Can was still thinking about the meaning of this sentence.

Seeing Wang Can's confused expression, Liu Ke said, "Daoist Yu is auspicious. Look at his mouth. Rui comes out of his mouth. If you want auspiciousness, just take it out of his mouth."

Wang Can suddenly realized.

Yu Ji was speechless.

Dongyanghou's wisdom was unexpected, and he didn't like Xiangrui, so he hit the steel plate.

Yu Ji was not discouraged, and said, "Thank you Dongyang Hou for your praise."

Dealing with shameless people can only be even more shameless.

"How about this, the old man will go to Chang'an, and I will pay for the travel expenses." Liu Ke said generously.

"The auspiciousness of Yangzhou should naturally return to Yangzhou. Besides, I am an old bone, and I am afraid that I will fall apart after walking such a long way." Yu Ji said.

"Let's put it together and send it to Chang'an together." Liu Ke said.

Yu Ji really doesn't want to talk anymore, it's really too difficult!

Dongyang Hou can't say a word of human words?

It's a pity that Liu Ke has seen through Yu Ji's malicious intentions.

So, how could Liu Ke be kind to him?

To deal with such an enemy, directly suppress it in terms of momentum.

Yu Ji is just one person, Liu Ke is behind him, but the land of four states!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After Yu Ji received the money, he couldn't live a peaceful life.

If the conversation goes on like this, it will only end hastily, and it is impossible to achieve the goal.

Therefore, Yu Ji planned to use his old profession to fool Liu Ke.

As a Taoist priest, it is natural to know divination.

In order to attract attention, Yu Ji said as soon as he opened his mouth: "Dongyang Marquis has suffered a bloody disaster recently. In order to calm the disaster, the old Taoist specially offered auspicious omens. Why are you so difficult?"

Liu Ke smiled and said, "Whose blood is it?"

In a word, it becomes a horror story.

Yu Ji was speechless.

After a long silence, Yu Jicai said, "Does Dongyang Hou believe in hexagrams?"

"I have a little bit of faith." Liu Ke said, but he didn't finish his words.

"Believe is to believe, not to believe is not to believe, please respect the Taoist doctrine, Dongyang Marquis." Yu Ji said.

Liu Ke promoted hundreds of schools of thought, and they all developed well in Yangzhou.

Of course, the premise is to eliminate the dross.

Therefore, Yu Ji's words have no deterrent effect on Liu Ke.

Is it awesome to move out of Taoism?

I don't even look at who I am, whether I can replace Taoism.

"Then tell me, should I believe it or not?" Liu Ke said.

"Of course the Marquis of Dongyang believes it!" Yu Ji swore.

"How to say?" Liu Ke asked curiously.

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