"If you don't believe me, how could the Marquis of Dongyang meet the old Taoist?" Yu Ji smiled.

"According to what you mean, that's really the case." Liu Ke suddenly realized.

"The old Taoist said that the Marquis of Dongyang had a bloody disaster, so he was not talking nonsense." Yu Ji said.

Immediately afterwards, Yu Ji began to brag about his evidence, for example, Liu Ke Yintang was black, and he had been killing for many years.

I don't know how many people died at Liu Ke's hands.

"So, the Marquis of Dongyang is haunted by evildoers, so he should accept Xiangrui and kill the evildoers." Yu Ji said.

"It makes sense, but who is the evildoer?" Liu Ke said with piercing eyes.

When Yu Ji saw it, he knew that he was self-defeating.

Dare to love this Dongyang Hou and regard him as a monster?

Absolutely not like this, Dongyanghou, listen to me!

Yu Ji broke out in a cold sweat, and explained: "Evildoers don't refer to people, but a kind of furtiveness."

"It is rumored that the blood of a Taoist is full of righteousness and can ward off evil spirits. The Taoist priest has practiced for nearly a hundred years, so it is better to leave the blood of his heart." Liu Ke said.

Yu Ji was taken aback. Although his medical skills were not very good, he was definitely knowledgeable.

Heart bleed?

How to get it, you tell me!

If it is directly to the heart, it will definitely be dead.

So Yu Ji quickly clarified: "Dongyang Hou is joking, the poor are just ordinary people."

"Okay, don't mess with those who are there. If you can't do it, just get together and break up. You've wasted too much of my time." Liu Ke said.

This is the eviction order.

However, Yu Ji's goal has not been achieved yet, how could he let it go, his tone could not help but be a little harsher, and said: "Dongyang Hou, don't say that you are not predicting!"

"What exactly do you want to say?" Liu Ke said in a deep voice.

Where is there such a direct question?

Look how broad-minded Cao Cao is!

Mi Heng scolded him bloody, but still didn't change his face.

Why can't Dongyang Hou die?

"Marquis of Dongyang, listen to the old Taoist's words, and only then can you avoid disasters." Yu Ji said.

"Come here, see off the guests." Liu Ke said.

Seeing that he was about to be carried out, Yu Ji said in a panic: "Marquis Dongyang, within seven days, you will lose your wife!"

Liu Ke smiled, the old Taoist priest can say anything in order to attract people's attention.

"Come on, take down Yu Ji, the demon!" Liu Ke ordered.

Yu Ji was directly picked up by two sergeants, and hurriedly said: "Dongyang Hou, the poor have a solution! There is a solution!"

"Then you do the math, when is your death date, if you do the math, I will let you go." Liu Ke said.

Yu Ji was silent, how does this count?

"Let me tell you, it's today." Liu Ke said firmly.

If Yu Ji just came to tease him, that's fine, but it's no harm to his family.

Do you really think it's okay to talk about it?


"Dongyang Marquis, spare me! Dongyang Marquis, spare me! The poor will never dare again!" Yu Ji begged for mercy.

"Drag it out directly, declare the canonical punishment, and behead it." Liu Ke said.

Yu Ji fainted from fright. Although he is old, he is in good health. He is sure to live for another ten years.

According to the current situation, I am afraid that today will not be able to pass.

"Marquis of Dongyang! I'm poor, but I have some prestige..."

"A dead person, why let him stay here?" Liu Ke said.

Yu Ji was dragged down just like that, struggling and howling constantly, but it was of no use.

"My lord, although Yu Ji is insignificant, but beheading him directly may not be good for your reputation." Wang Can said.

"Yu Ji's reputation comes from the people. What do you think I let the people study for? Isn't it just to get rid of ignorance?" Liu Ke said.

This kind of superstitious thinking cannot be promoted.

Wang Can knew that Liu Ke had made up his mind, so he didn't continue to speak, and it was enough to serve as a reminder.

Just like that, Yu Ji was tied up and paraded through the streets.

The charge is to deceive the public.

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