In order to let everyone know this bad old man, Yu Ji's name is engraved on the wooden sign.

Everyone is unclear, so why kill an old man?

And it has a certain prestige among the people.

The people of Dongyang City have always been quite bold, some people couldn't help but stepped forward and asked the sergeant, "What crime did this old Taoist commit?"

"Hey, don't you know? This person has evil intentions, and even used the name of Xian Xiangrui to curse Dongyanghou's family!"

Those who had some sympathy at first changed their positions immediately.

A stone flew over and hit Yu Ji on the head. Yu Ji, whose mouth was covered, couldn't even wail.

Blood dripping.

"Smash this monster to death!"

One pass ten, ten pass one hundred, everyone knows that the old man cursed Dongyanghou, and they are very angry.

Dongyanghou is the patron saint of Yangzhou. Without Dongyanghou, where would Yangzhou come from?

The reason why Yangzhou can develop steadily is because of Dongyang Hou, the Dinghai Shenzhen.

Now, someone actually cursed him?

Later, the more rumors became more outrageous.

What kind of old man used to see a doctor to harm the girl of Huanghua, innocent.

And the ten girls of the old daoist night...

In the end, amidst the anger of the crowd, Yu Ji's head fell to the ground.

People are still angry.

Liu Ke kills people as soon as he kills, and he never engages in punishment. From this point of view, it is Zhou Buyi's handwriting.

This guy is well informed.

But for this matter, Liu Ke still called Zhou Buyu and reprimanded him.

"Sir, I'm doing this for you!" Zhou Buyi argued.

"You still have the face to say it? Can you do things like mobilizing people's hearts at will?" Liu Ke said.

No matter what era, common people are easy to be used.Liu Ke has tried to avoid it as much as possible, but he still can't stop it.

For example, under the banner of "you" good.

Of course, Liu Ke's prestige can suppress everything in Yangzhou, but it is also easy to be used by those who want to, so we have to guard against it.

Zhou Buyi made a mistake and reminded Liu Ke.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The bloody disaster Yu Ji predicted turned out to be a real bloody disaster.

In short, he was dead and paid the price with his life.

This incident did not cause much disturbance in Yangzhou, after all, the people trusted the government more.

Moreover, after the real gold and silver were found in Yuji's house, all dirty water was poured on Cao Cao.

Because only Cao Cao has this motive.

Cao Cao was very unconvinced!

After all, Cao Cao wanted to kill Mi Heng very much, but because of his reputation, he still couldn't do it.

Liu Ke was different and directly killed the provocative Yu Ji.

Cao Cao envied Liu Ke's unrestrained style very much, but he always had to pay a price for being unrestrained.

After all, Yu Ji is still very famous.

"The Marquis of Dongyang is the first to act first. The case has been finalized. Let's talk about it. How should we fight back?" Cao Cao said.

In short, Liu Ke just couldn't make it easier.

"My lord, this subordinate thinks that we can unite with the princes and attack the Marquis of Dongyang." Sima Lang said, he didn't feel sorry for the [-] gold at all.

"Uniting the princes is indeed feasible, but we can't just unite the princes every time something happens?" Cao Cao said.

In order to deal with Dongyanghou, everyone should unite.

But some trivial matters need to be united. Doesn't it prove that Cao Cao is incompetent?

"My lord is right." Sima Lang said, showing admiration.

"Since we can't unite with the princes, we can't be the first bird." Xi Zhicai said.

This is the prudent approach.

Now Liu Ke has set his sights on Cao Cao's army. If he is stimulated again at this time, something will happen.

"Then if we don't do anything, wouldn't it be a waste of a great opportunity?" Sima Lang said.

"Of course, just accuse Dongyang Hou of killing innocent people indiscriminately." Xi Zhicai said.

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