Lu Xun is two years younger than Zhuge Liang, and his academic performance is outstanding.

As for Zhou Buyi?

Liu Ke didn't count him in.

Now Zhou Buyi's technology tree is very extensive, and Liu Ke can't figure out the direction of his knowledge.

"The imperial examination is not that simple. How have you learned about arithmetic?" Liu Ke asked.

"Know a thing or two." Sun Quan said modestly.

It seems that under the leadership of Liu Ke, arithmetic has gradually been valued.

Otherwise, how could Sun Quan learn?

Obviously, as long as you read what you want, it will do.

"Before that, can I meet my sister-in-law?" Sun Quan begged.

Liu Ke did not refuse this small request.

Sun Shangxiang was arranged in a separate courtyard, which of course belonged to the Liu family.

In the beginning, there were hundreds of guards guarding it, but later only a few gatekeepers remained.

Because, Sun Shangxiang wanted to go out, no one could stop him.

A talent who can be stopped, how could Liu Ke let him do the guarding task?

It is better to turn a blind eye and close one eye than to make trouble every time.

"Miss! Miss! Master Sun Quan is here to pick you up!" A maid rushed in to report.

Sun Shangxiang patted the table and said, "Frizzled, how decent is it?!"

During her captivity, Sun Shangxiang saw the well-educated Yangzhou maid, and was very envious, so she also demanded the same from her own maid.

However, in order to practice martial arts, Sun Shangxiang chose only powerful maids... How could it be possible to change all of a sudden?

It's not that Jingzhou doesn't have obedient maids, but it's completely different from Yangzhou.

The maids here can actually recite the "Book of Songs"!

Not only can she read and write, but she can also speak in a set manner, just like a lady from a famous family.

After communicating with them a lot, Sun Shangxiang realized her "deficiencies", so she wanted to make up for them.

It is conceivable what a messy image this is.

However, Sun Shangxiang was very happy after learning that the second brother was here.

It didn't feel long at all.

Probably because Yangzhou is so much fun that I can't stop at all, and of course I can't feel the passage of time.

So as soon as Sun Quan came in, Sun Shangxiang greeted him, just looking at Sun Quan's immature face.

"Third sister, you have been wronged!" Sun Quan said with red eyes.

For a moment, Sun Shangxiang didn't know what to say, and she looked bewildered.

When Sun Quan saw it, he knew that his worries were in vain.

"Second brother, why are you here now?" Sun Shangxiang reluctantly asked.

You can't say you're playing crazy, can you?

Everyone wants face.

"It's hard to say, our Sun family can't afford [-] gold." Sun Quan said.

"It's okay for the eldest brother to be stupid, but why are you also stupid for the second brother?" Sun Shangxiang said, "If that scoundrel asks for [-] million gold, am I worth [-] million?"

Where is Dongyang Hou so easy to fool?

Sun Quan had already known the situation that day through the report and confirmed it from Sun Shangxiang's guards.

That was an attack!

It hit Dongyang Hou's big ship directly... It was luck that he didn't kill him directly.

How dare you ask to let someone go?

In order to prove her words, Sun Shangxiang went on to say, "At the beginning, it was said to be one million gold, but it was reduced to eight hundred thousand in the end?"

"You still have the face to say? Eight hundred thousand gold, is it a small amount?" Sun Quan was not a strict person, but he still couldn't help complaining when he got here.

"..." Sun Shangxiang was silent.

Well, it was me who wasted.

Sun Quan felt that his tone was serious, and he was afraid that Sun Shangxiang would be wronged, so he quickly said, "Don't worry, I will definitely rescue you back."

Sun Shangxiang is not happy anymore, why go back?

What can I do when I go back?

so boring.

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